21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 512 - Season 2 Book 20 Shadow of War-5-6 New China's Defeat

Chapter 512: Season 2 Book 20 Shadow of War-5-6 New China’s Defeat

“Wait! When they get a little bit closer, shoot. Wait! Wait!”

When the gap between them and the protesters narrowed, the operation manager, who was trying to give a firing order, ended up as a cold corpse on the road.

Unexpectedly, the protesters have launched a pre-emptive attack first.

The soldiers of the first battalion, who had been waiting in a horizontal formation in the middle of the road without any protective equipment, were helpless in the face of the gunshots. Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Around 200 front-line protesters opened fire at the same time, causing roughly 20 first battalion soldiers to collapse while screaming.

They were careless as they did not expect that the protesters had guns. Besides that, there were several people with considerable shooting skills among the protesters. They were agents of teams one, two, and three of the Special Operations Bureau led by Manager Na Min-won.

They were the ones who killed the soldiers from the first battalion, As, all of the gunshots fired by ordinary protesters were missed.

Under the leadership of Manager Na Min-won, who simply annihilated a small number of the first battalion, they continued to advance at a faster pace. And soon, they were 400 meters away from the vehicle assembly area guarded by the second battalion.

Meanwhile, the second battalion, which did not receive any messages from the first battalion and had no idea what was going on, was surprised by the number of the protesters who had suddenly appeared.

“Who are they?”

The second battalion commander, who had been looking through his night vision telescope because he was concerned about the continuous shots he had heard earlier, rubbed his eyes and checked once again.

“What kind of protests are they having at this hour? Are the gunshots because of them? But the president will be here in a little while…”

As a result, the second battalion commander ordered the heavy machine gunners who were deployed in various areas.

“Heavy machine gunners, be ready to shoot! A large number of protesters are confirmed ahead.”

The heavy machine guns that had been retrieved from the damaged armored vehicles were placed in various locations, and their operators were waiting for the protesters.

“Front! Start shooting when they reach the bus stop on the left. Do you get it?”

After double-checking the protesters’ location, the commander designated the bus stop as a firing location.

Although it was impossible to know for sure, it seemed that each of the protesters in the lead had guns in their hands.

“What? What’s wrong with them.”

Before he could finish his sentence, he fell to the floor as a bullet pierced his head, and dark red blood and white brain matter dripped out everywhere. It was a terrible moment.

“Battalion commander!”

A staff member ran toward the fallen battalion commander.

When the light gunfire rang out once again, the staff, who was trying to check on the battalion commander, rolled down while covering his head.

“There’s a sniper. Everyone, take cover!”

As someone shouted, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion flew to the other side of the gunfire and took cover. However, the protesters were approaching from the 3 o’clock direction, while the gunshots were fired from the direction of 12 o’clock. Therefore, they couldn’t be entirely covered.

The soldiers of the 2nd Battalion decided to take cover on the other side of the shooter’s direction because they believed that the sniper posed a greater threat than the protesters.

“Has the sniper’s location been confirmed?”

The officer who had warned the others of the sniper hid behind a flowerpot stand and asked the people around him.

“I couldn’t check.”

“Damn! Hey you! Run over there!”

He pointed at a soldier, who was lying close to the road. The soldier opened his eyes wide in disbelief and asked back.


“Run in that direction.”

“I don’t want to die.”

The soldier, who was lying on the floor, shook his head and appeared as if he was about to cry.

“You punk! If you run fast, you won’t die. Hurry up and run! If you disobey my order, you’ll be shot immediately. Do you want to die by my gun?”

The officer wanted to locate the sniper’s location using the soldier as bait.

“Deputy commander! Please.”

“If you don’t start running on the count of three, get ready to die by my hands. One! Two! Three!”

The soldier closed his eyes tightly, opened them, stood up, and began to run. As gunfire rang out once again, he crumbled forward as the bullet pierced his chest.

As soon as the officer stuck his head out to check the location of the sniper, a series of gunshots rang once again.

The sniper bullet penetrated through the middle of his eyebrows. As a result, his head was shattered to the point where it was difficult to recognize him.

While everyone had their attention on the unidentified sniper, the protesters quickly crossed the bus stop and began shooting.

* * *

January 17, 2024, 05:25 (New China time: 04:25)

The rooftop of an apartment outside Langfang City, Hebei Province, New China

Several black shadows were carefully examining the ground on the roof of the 12th-floor apartment, which did not have any lights. They were agents of the Special Operations Division three, called Beehive three.

Their duties were reconnaissance and shooting.

Among them were two snipers who had identified the location of the 2nd Battalion. The two snipers were able to successfully shoot the New China soldiers who were seen in the 16-fold zoom scope.

“They’re so scared.”

Team leader Lee Jin-hoo, who was checking the forward movement with a VR-M perspective, smiled while raising one corner of his mouth.

While the two snipers were taking out the soldiers of the 2nd battalion, the protesters from the other side approached and engaged in a full-fledged gunfight. Confounded, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion either fled or shivered behind cover, despite their professional military training.

A heavy machine gunner bravely exposed his body and fired a series of shots, but he eventually collapsed after being shot by the sniper. When the rest of the gunners saw this, they appeared to be terrified and huddled in a corner.

As a result, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, who were unable to strike back at the two snipers, began fleeing or surrendering to the protesters within 30 minutes since the start of the battle.

* * *

January 17, 2024, 05:40 (New China time: 04:30)

Outside Langfang City, Hebei Province, New China (2 kilometers west end from the vehicle gathering place)

The temporary garrison in the central military district was engulfed in huge flames and continued to burn as the bombardment persisted. President Wang Jing-wi and his party stopped in the middle of the road when they heard the gunshots and explosions.

“What’s going on? I can’t walk anymore, so bring your car here right now!”

He issued orders to the General Staff commanders in his distinctive bitter tone but it was clear from his trembling voice and eyes that he was afraid.

“Mr. President, please wait a moment. We have sent a messenger to check the current situation in Langfang city.”

The Chief of Staff, Guo Jingfei, said.

“How the hell did it end up like this…”

President Wang Jing-wi looked at the temporary base, which was rife with large and small explosions and erupting massive flames.

The entire temporary residence was being swept away by the huge fire.

“Ha! I could’ve been roasted if I had been a little bit late.”

President Wang Jing-wi slumped down on the cold floor muttering to himself. While the 1,000 people waited in the middle of the road, the messenger officer sent by the General Staff to investigate the situation in Langfang returned with several subordinates.

“Gasp! Gasp! I’m back!”

Even though the temperature was below freezing, the sweat of those who ran for two kilometers without stopping was dripping down them like a waterfall, and white steam was slowly rising from their heads.

Despite the cold weather, President Wang Jing-wi sat down and took a deep breath as his legs began to buckle beneath him due to the rising tension.

“What happened?”

A general with the rank of commander-in-chief among the Chief of Staff asked urgently.

“Oh, my! Oh, my! There is currently a fierce battle around Langfang.”

With a rough breath, the messenger officer reported.

“Battle? Does that mean the Korean army has entered Langfang?”

“That’s not it. It’s not the Korean army, it’s the protesters who started the riot.”


The Chief of Staff, Guo Jingfei, and President Wang Jing-wi approached the messenger officer and questioned him.

“What kind of battle are we going to have with the protesters?”

“They’re not just protesters. Several of them appear to be armed with rifles.”

“What does that imply? How did the protesters get their hands on rifles?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know that…Anyway, it will be difficult to go to Langfang.”

“Haha! They are just protesters, no matter how many rifles they have; how will they be able to fight against our soldiers who have undergone military training? Have you met Major General Du Yu-ru?”

This time, Chief Executive Officer Kao Wei-kwang asked.

“Well, Major General Du Yu-ru was killed.”

“What? Why? How?”

“I was told that he was killed by a sniper.”

“Sniper? Are there snipers among the protesters?”

Everyone looked disappointed at the messenger officer’s words, and a serious atmosphere fell upon them.

“Well, it is not the time to be like this.”

Guo Jingfei, the Chief of Staff, was attempting to find an alternate way and immediately called the operation status chief.

“Lieutenant general!”

“Yes, Chief of Staff!”

“Please consult with your staff members and determine the shortest route to Gao Beidian Airport!”

“What? Are you saying the shortest distance is 50 kilometers?”

“There is no other way? Because there are armed protesters in Langfang. We might be lucky and be able to find a vehicle that we can use to drive us out of here. If we delay more, we will be caught by the Korean army! Hurry up.”

“Yes, I see.”

The Lieutenant General convened the staff of the Central Military District Headquarters at the same time as the chief of staff responded. He then spread out a large map on the floor and talked about the safest and shortest route to Gao Beidian Airport.

* * *

January 17, 2024, 05:40 (New China time: 04:30)

Outside Langfang City, Hebei Province, New China (Calling name: Beoltong Net Operation Area)

A CMV-101 trailer was floating on farmland one kilometer south of the road where President Wang Jing-wi and his party were gathered, with the TCS mode (transparent concealment system) activated.

The special operation team Beehive four were riding inside the trailer.

They had been keeping a close eye on President Wang Jing-wi since he emerged from the temporary residence. In addition, a weapon with lethal firepower was aimed at President Wang Jing-wi while they awaited orders from their home country.

For now, they were only monitoring the situation.

“I just want to crush him right away. Hahaha.”

Deputy Kang Man-ho laughed loudly while sitting in the chair of the Dragon Gun’s truck, which had six rows of artillery that emit invisible laser light.

Dragon Gun is a specially manufactured heavy machine at Olympus base, and it was a prototype 30-millimeter laser 6-row Vulcan to be armed with armored vehicles in the future.

Currently, two dragon guns were installed inside the CMV-101 trailer.

“Ah! Does Deputy Kang feel the same way? Haha, am itching to do it too.”

Chief Lee Sung-min, who was sitting in the chair of the other Dragon Gun’s truck, smiled broadly and responded.

“I don’t know why the above people are overthinking the situation. If we grab that pig by the collar right now, the war against New China will be over.”

“What a foolish bear! That’s why I called you a foolish bear.”

Deputy Oh Sung-hoon, his Special Operations Bureau colleague and one of his best friends when he was in the Special Forces, kicked and scolded him as if he was pathetic.

“Foolish bear? I’m going to smash you.”

“Hey! If the war would end simply by killing that pig, we would’ve done it already! The above don’t think so and that’s why they’ve kept him alive! Please use your brain a little bit. Foolish bear!”

“So, what’s that, punk!”

The two kept quarrelling, which indicated just how close they were.

“Why are you’ll being so noisy during the operation? Be quiet and stick to your mission!”

Team leader Kim Young-ho, who was watching the current situation through various monitors, turned his head slightly and glared at them. At that moment, Deputy Kang Man-ho asked him curiously.

“Do you know why, team leader?”


“The reason why we’re keeping that pig alive.”

The pig referred to by Deputy Kang Man-ho was the nickname of President Wang Jing-wi.

“I don’t exactly know why but maybe they are thinking of getting rid of New China through this war.”

“What? What do you mean by getting rid of it?”

“Hey! How did you get in here? It’s amazing. It’s amazing! It literally means that New China will be completely removed from the Earth!”

Once again, Deputy Oh Sung-hoon chuckled in a quarrelsome tone, causing Deputy Kang Man-ho to clench his fists and open his eyes wide.

“I didn’t ask you, rascal!”

“Everyone, be quiet and focus! I think it’s time to start!”

At that moment, communication came from Manager Na Min-won, who was leading the protesters.

“Beehive One is here! So far, everything is going according to plan. In ten minutes, I’ll be meeting the queen bee! Should an unusual situation occur, the three beehives communicate with one another immediately, and beehive four continue to wait and attack as soon as the order is issued. There isn’t a lot of time left. Let us give it our all until the end so that everything we’ve worked for so far doesn’t go to waste. Over!”

“Beehive three is here! Roger that! Over!”

“Beehive four is here! Roger that! Over!”

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