21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 527 - Season 2 Book 21 Shadow of War 2 -3-7 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 527: Season 2 Book 21 Shadow of War 2 -3-7 The Eve of the Storm

Park Gi-oong, swearing briefly, carefully adjusted the shield glasses’ view to check the monitors the CIA agents were watching.

He could see the hotel where his teammate was staying, the hospital where Manager Lee Ja-sung was hospitalized after the surgery, and the movements of assistant Manager Yang Jung-suk’s team by looking at the scene on the screen.

In other words, the CIA kept an eye on both teams. Thankfully, there was nothing of second vice minister Kim Myung-hwan and his bodyguards being watched.

He pondered for a long time after seeing this.

“What should I do? Should I face all of them by myself?”

He reasoned that if he waited until all of the agents had gathered here, he could catch them all at once.

“Yeah, we can’t miss even one guy.”

At that moment, there was a glimmer of suspicion in his eyes.

Then he noticed a two-meter-long sniper rifle being disassembled on the table. He could tell it wasn’t a standard sniper rifle at first glance.

“What is this?”

He tried to check the rifle information through his shield glasses to clarify his doubts, but there was no matching rifle information on the control X-K02 terminal’s screen.

“I see, that’s the thing that was used to shoot Manager Lee.”

When his thoughts reached this point, he decided to take an overall look.

After 10 minutes

He started fiddling with his control X-K02 terminal as he wanted to send the information that he had collected so far to the other teams.

– Team leader, are you okay?

– Team leader, shall we join you?

A call came to him through the communication device.

– I’m fine. And wait in your current location. We are all being watched by CIA agents. Just act as natural as possible.

– Yes, I see.

– Yes, team leader.

– Chief Kang!

– Yes, team leader?

– When will Team Two arrive?

– I contacted them an hour ago, and they said they would arrive here after 30 minutes.

– Then tell them not to come to the original location, but to come here instead. I’ll send the coordinates to you.

– Yes, I will inform them.

– Assistant Manager Yang!

– Yes, team leader?

– I think that at least three agents are keeping an eye on you. According to the angle of the surveillance camera, they appear to be stationed at 12 o’clock, 9 o’clock, and 6 o’clock.

Team leader Park Gi-oong analyzed the surveillance camera footage and informed assistant Manager Yang Jung- suk’s team about the angles of the surveillance cameras that the CIA agents are watching from.

– Yes, I’ll check.

– You can handle them quietly, right?

– Yes, of course.

– Good! Then, as soon as team two arrives, we will proceed immediately. I’ll send you the location.

– Okay. Take care of yourself.

– Okay. Chief Kang, after contacting team two bring your equipment and come here as well. I`m going to wipe out the people who are watching from the hotel as well.

– Can’t I just take care of them here?

– No! If you make a fuss now, they’ll all be dispatched to the hotel.

– Oh, okay.

– What should we do?

Assistant Manager Oh Suk-jin from the main team, who was listening to the communications, asked.

– The main team should protect Manager Lee. I think there should be three or four people over there. And since it’s a hospital, a gunfight would only worsen the problem, so just stay inside the room and watch carefully.

– Okay.

Team leader Park Gi-oong gave orders to his subordinates through the communication device as fast as possible before checking the battery through the control X-K02 terminal screen. The screen display showed 68%.

“68%… I think it’ll be enough.”

If Team Two reached on time as chief Kang Won-il said, the battery power would be sufficient.

“Then, should I just wait?”

After some time, something landed with a soft engine whir in the forest 500 meters away from the building where team leader Park Gi-oong was staying.

They were the Team Two led by team leader Youn Tae-jin. When the TCS mode was turned off, the CMV-100 Skybus appeared and as soon as the side door was opened, Team Leader Youn Tae-jin and his team members, armed with various equipment, got off one by one.

– Team Two is here to save Team Leader Park. Team Leader Park, come out!

After getting off, Team Leader Youn Tae-jin matched the communication frequency that he previously received from his control X-K02 terminal and called Team Leader Park Gi-oong.

– Are you kidding me?

– Your child’s friend is here, but your answer is lame. Haha.

– Be quiet. Come here.

– Okay, you punk. Wait a minute. We’ll be there in 3 minutes.

Team Leader Park Gi-oong, who confirmed that the second team arrived on time, gave his orders to the other two teams.

– Team Two has arrived, so let’s get started. Manager Yang, have you confirmed their location?

– Yes, Team Leader! There are three people, and the locations of all of them have been confirmed.

– Okay, main team?

– Yes, Team Leader! Don’t try to catch them and just pay attention on protecting the Manager.

– Okay.

– Chief Kang!

– Yes, team leader?

– Chief Kang, bring your equipment and lure them to come here.

– Okay.

– Okay. Then, get ready!

Team Leader Park Gi-oong came out from the underground parking lot to meet Team Two after the communications ended.

Several blue figures moving in the activated TCS mode from a distance were seen through his shield glasses.

“Hey! Team Leader Park! You came out!”

Team Leader Youn Tae-jin ran ahead and greeted him happily after deactivating the TCS mode.

“You did a good job.”

“How many are there?”

“About 10”.

“What? Only 10 people? Hey! Couldn`t you have just dealt with them yourself?”

“Do you want to try?”

“Haha, you’re so cranky.”

“Let’s go! I’m going to beat up the people who hurt Manager Lee.”


– Main team. Be on guard and Manager Yang start acting. Chief Kang, have you left the hotel?

– Yes, I see.

– I’m on my way in the car and the CIA guys are following me as well.

– Okay. We’re moving off, too.

Following the communication, Team Leader Park Gi-oong, who had received the KS2 laser rifle from Team Two’s Assistant Manager Oh Hyuck-soo, checked the battery and motioned to move.

Then, the five agents activated the TCS mode at once and entered the underground parking lot.

– Let’s finish it quickly and have our dinner. I’m hungry.

Team Leader Youn Tae-jin took the lead and entered excitedly.

Ddu-ddu! Ddu-ddu!

In the inverted mode, the opponent wearing an object suspected of possessing a personal weapon was marked with a red figure.

– Two in the hallway, three in the left room, two in the right room!

Team leader Youn Tae-jin confirmed the location of the opponent agents and informed his mates through the communication.

– Simultaneous suppression. One, two, three!

Woosh! Woosh! Woosh! Woosh! Woosh! Woosh!

First, Team Leaders Youn Tae-jin and Park Gi-oong took care of the people in the hallway before splitting off into the two rooms.

The CIA agents in the room stopped walking at the sudden shooting and soon responded the gunfire.

Tang! Tattatang! Tattatang!

Team Leader Youn Tae-jin, who came into the room in the TCS mode, rolled sideways and was surprised by the shower of bullets on him.

– I guess they can see us. Everyone, be careful!

Team Leader Park Gi-oong, who entered the other room, also stepped back, surprised by the downpour of bullets in his exact direction.

At that moment, they realized that the CIA agents were wearing something like a VR drift. It seemed that the agents could detect them even though they were in TCS mode.

– Guys, don’t just trust the TCS mode and be careful!

Tatatang! Tatatang! Tatatatang!

Team leader Park Gi-oong, who was in communication, rolled forward. However, a bullet hit the wall near him.

Pad Pad Pad!

“Look at these kids!”

Due to the unexpected counterattack, Team Leader Park Gi-oong crawled to the end of the hallway and hid himself under the stairs. The TCS mode had become useless.


Something seemed to roll along the floor of the hallway, and with the sound of something separating, there was a huge explosion, with flames hitting Team Leader Park Gi-oong.


Due to the large explosion, Team Leader Park Gi-oong rolled down the stairs.

Pop, pop, pop!


Team leader Park Gi-oong curled up in pain as he rolled down the stairs. Then, through the hazy smoke, a person appeared and pointed his gun at Team Leader Park Gi-oong’s chest.

With the device worn by CIA agents on their faces, they seemed to be able to see the invisible foreign intelligence agents.

Team leader Park Gi-oong momentarily swung his right foot and tripped up the CIA agent who was about to pull the trigger. Then, he drew a small knife out from his waist and stabbed the CIA agent in the neck.


Black blood poured out from the agent`s neck like a waterfall. Team Leader Park Gi-oong, who was covered by blood, took off the VR goggles that the CIA agent was wearing on his face and replaced his shield goggles.

Even though the shapes were more blurry than the shield glass, he could clearly see when he looked at his arm.

‘Have the Americans made such progress? Since the U.S. Intelligence department has been suffering so much, they must have been preparing the countermeasures…’

In the midst of the fierce battles between the CIA agents, Team Leader Park Gi-oong and the other foreign intelligence agents from Team Two in such an old building, Assistant Manager Yang Jung-suk managed to conquer the CIA agents following him.

Assistant Manager Yang Jung-seok and his partner chief Youn Gil-soo lured the CIA agents to a deserted park, activated TCS mode, and then turned around to attack them from behind, making it easy to overpower them.

Meanwhile, the CIA agents at the hospital where Manager Lee Ja-sung was hospitalized withdrew after being informed that their hideout had been attacked. Perhaps the location was not far away, so they decided to defend their hideout.

In addition, Chief Kang Won-il, who was heading to the CIA hideout with various equipment, was attacked by the CIA agents who were chasing him. As a result, a gunfight took place in the middle of the road.

The CIA agents noticed that the enemy that they were chasing was heading to their hideout, so when they were informed that the hideout had been attacked, they started shooting at him.

With a turn of the steering wheel, Chief Kang Won-il was able to avoid the rain of bullets and save himself from certain death. His extensive experience also allowed him to turn down a narrow alley after avoiding the bullets.

– Team leader! They’ve noticed me. I’ll just end it here.

– Can you do it?

– They are only two, isn`t easy as eating rice cake?

– All right. Be careful!

– Yes, sir!

About 10 minutes later, the endless gunfire stopped. The smell of smoke and gunpowder wafted throughout the old building.

Team Leaders Park Gi-oong and Youn Tae-jin, who thought the mission would be simple but instead had to suffer, giggled like crazy after lighting each other’s cigarettes.

“Hey! I think it’s time to quit.”

Team leader Youn Tae-jin lamented about his condition as he took a long drag of the cigarette. Team leader Park Gi-oong responded by touching the bruises on his body.

“Let’s quit our job and open a chicken restaurant! We’re going to get a headache!”

“Chicken restaurant? Don`t! It’s never tasted like this before. Is it galbi? Tongdak? Didn’t you watch the movie?”

“Oh! That movie?”

At that moment, Assistant Manager Oh Hyuck-soo approached them and said, “Team leader! There is one still alive. What should we do with him?”

Team leader Youn Tae-jin waved his hand annoyedly and said, “Just leave him alone! Let’s only pack the things that we need! The police will be arriving soon.”

“Yes, I see.”

“What happened to the other places?” Team Leader Youn Tae-jin, the smoker, asked as he threw the butt out of the window.

“When we were still in the middle of this, it was already over there.”

“Manager Kang too?”


“Your kids are fast.”

“Let’s go if you’re done.”


After gathering the necessary materials, Team Leaders Park Gi-oong and Youn Tae-jin, who had dealt with even the CIA agents who rushed from the hospital to support the hideout, rushed out of the old building..

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