21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 551 - Season 2 Book 22 Battle of Life or Death - 2-9 The 2nd Round

Chapter 551 Season 2 Book 22 Battle of Life or Death – 2-9 The 2nd Round

January 23rd, 2024, 09:50

B2 Bunker, Digital Information Center for JCS’s intelligence department, Yongsan District, Seoul, Southern Territory

Two hours have passed since they attempted to connect internally with the Hubble 2 telescope satellite. It took time, but they ended up successfully connecting to the intricate inner network of the sophisticated telescope satellite.

But they ran into an unexpected problem. Namgoong-won and the agents of the intelligence center had planned to infiltrate NASA’s network right after connecting to the satellite, but they found out that Hubble 2 was not connected to NASA’s servers in real-time.

That meant a long-range wireless connection could only be made from NASA’s side.

“We worked hard for two hours for nothing!” Namgoong-won muttered as he rested his head on the chair’s headrest. His attempt to access NASA’s network via long-range wireless communication had failed. Other agents of the center muttered in frustration as well.

The bigger problem was that they didn’t know when exactly NASA would make the next connection. They just had to wait, and that didn’t help their mood.

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Then, Namgoong-won snapped his fingers and called the deputy director of the center with a wide grin. “Colonel Kim Tae-seok! Rather than simply waiting, we can nudge NASA to access the satellite.”

“What do you mean?” Colonel Kim Tae-seok, frowning at the unexpected obstacle, asked with a voice full of anticipation.

“If the satellite malfunctions, NASA will notice it right away and access it to figure out the problem.”

“They would.”

“Then we can simply mess with the satellite a bit. For example, we can tweak its orbit so it falls to Earth.”

“Mr. Namgoong-won, that’s a great idea! But can we modify its orbit?”

“Of course, that satellite is as good as ours.”

“All right, let’s modify the orbit as Mr. Namgoong-won suggested.”

A while later, Namgoong-won and a few soldiers from the aviation-space force began the operation to skew Hubble 2’s orbit just a


Hubble 2, orbiting in outer space 610 kilometers away from Earth’s atmosphere at a stable speed of 7.9 kilometers per second, began to fall toward Earth when its orbit was slightly skewed and the balance between the centrifugal force and the gravitational pull was disturbed.

Now they only have to await NASA’s reaction. Suspense filled the monitoring room of the intelligence center. They were concerned that if NASA did not respond quickly enough, the satellite would fall to the ground.

But the worry was unwarranted. Within a minute of the orbital manipulation, NASA accessed Hubble 2 and immediately proceeded to correct its orbit.

“NASA has accessed the satellite!” One of the employees of the intelligence center noticed it and shouted. With his fingers dancing frantically on the keyboard, Namgoong-won infiltrated NASA’s servers, accessing the satellite through the wide-range wireless communication network.

Now they only have to fight time itself. They didn’t know when NASA would disconnect from the satellite. That’s why the soldiers from the aviation-space force kept causing minor problems. It was to ensure NASA maintained its connection to the satellite.




January 23rd, 10:00, 2024 (22nd, 21:00 EST) The West Wing, The White House, Washington D.C., United States of America

President Trump, who had just been briefed by the Pentagon about the situation on the Pacific coast of Japan, looked grim.

For three years, the United States researched the weaponry used by Korea, devised countermeasures, and deployed them. Despite their endeavors, the Pacific Fleet was sustaining heavy damage. He was especially shocked by the report that one of their aircraft carriers had sunk.

It was a great mistake by the Pacific Fleet to lose eight Zumwalt-class destroyers in the early phase of the battle.

“Mr. President, I ask for your permission to deploy the tactical-grade weapon.” After much deliberation, Duke Williams, the minister of defense, opened his mouth.

“I agree. If we tarry, we may risk losing the entire Pacific Fleet.”

Fabian Jones, the defense advisor, supported the minister’s take. But President Trump was being sensible when it came to the use of the tactical-grade weapon.

Three years ago, when they deployed one of such weapons, continental America attacked in retaliation. If they used such weaponry, Korea could use them in retaliation as well. It would give them an excuse to shell the continental United States mercilessly. That was why President Trump was reluctant to grant such permission.

“I am aware of what you are worried about. But things now are different from three years ago. We now have a much more advanced missile defense system. We will not be shelled helplessly like in the past,” added Duke Williams, the minister of Defense, reading the president’s concerns.

“He’s right. We have poured two trillion dollars over three years to prepare for this precise moment.”

The Pentagon, NASA, and private military companies have advanced their missile defense systems further to establish the Super Missile Defense system. The public funds poured into the project almost jeopardized the stability of the country’s economy.

The previous missile defense system targeted communist countries like Russia, China, and North Korea before reunification. The newly developed SMD was almost entirely dedicated to countering the various offensive weaponry of Korea.

The Minister of Defense and the defense advisor asked for permission, but President Trump was still feeling hesitant.

The intercom rang. It was from the secretary’s office.

“An urgent message from the Pentagon.”

“Patch them through.”

The chairman of the JCS, Austin Berry, appeared on the screen as soon as he was connected. His countenance looked deeply worried.

“What is it?

“The Gerald R. Ford was just hit. It has sustained heavy damage.” As the president’s face hardened, the Minister of Defense asked hurriedly, “Is the Ford hit too?”

“Yes, it evaded sinking, but the deck was decimated. The aircraft are obliterated, and the carrier has just been excluded from active duty.”

“Isn’t Admiral Scott on the Ford?”

“Yes, he is. He sustained a light injury and was transferred to the Thomas S. Gates.”

“Good. But how could we lose two carriers?”

“We have no excuse.” Austin Berry lowered his head, downtrodden.

The war was just about wrapped up if they lost two carriers, the central pillars of the Pacific Fleet.

“Mr. Williams! I grant you permission to use the tactical weaponry.” In the grim ambiance, President Trump’s calm voice sounded.

President Trump’s hesitation seemed to have evaporated at the news of the Ford’s ordeal.

“Thank you, Mr. President!”

“Report thoroughly as to which weapons are used.”

“Yes, sir.”

Minister Duke Williams lowered his head and responded. Then he addressed the chairman on the screen right away. “Mr. Berry! You heard the president. Confer on which tactical weapons to use and report right away. And don’t ever let loose that Korean cruiser that got our carrier. They have to go down, no matter what it takes.”

“Yes, sir.”

The United States chose to play the risky card known as ‘tactical weaponry,’ which has the potential to rekindle the flames of World War III. The war against Korea that began with Japan’s declaration of independence was spreading its flames over the waters between the countries, testing their fates.

January 23rd, 10:05

Sohn Byung-hee (CG-1103), 215 kilometers off the eastern shore of Katsuura, Chiba, Japan

The Sohn Byung-hee (CG-1103), after decimating the Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) and sinking two Arleigh-Burke-class destroyers into the depths of the waters, retreated immediately following Commander Seo Gil-su’s orders.

But along with the X-35 metal bullets that rained down on them, the F-35C Lightning II and F-35B Lightning II fighter jets from the Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) and the escorting vessels chased them down in close proximity, risking being gunned down. They were fully armed with all the remaining missiles on the ships.

The Char Ri-seok (CG-1104)’s water-to-air long-range missiles, GTAS-300s, were all depleted. Now they only had 22 GTAS-150s, which had a range of 200 kilometers. They were far too few for the enemy fighter jets that numbered 84. The Sohn Byung-hee (CG-1103), aware of the situation, activated its automatic defense system.

“Target 48, intercepted! Target 49, intercepted! Target 50, missed!”

“Enemy fighter, 169 kilometers from us!”

“All enemy jets have been targeted. Automatic intercepting system activated.”

The AI supercomputer prioritized the targets that posed the most risks first. Then it selected the most appropriate weapons and dealt with them.

The two kinds of anti-air missiles soared into the sky, leaving trails of white smoke. Then they turned another direction and flew southeast. The targets of these missiles were the F-35B and F-35C Lightning II fighter jets that were chasing the ships like a swarm of wasps.

The targeted jets, after launching their missiles, went into evasive maneuvers immediately to evade the countless interception projectiles coming their way from the ships.

One of the F-35Bs that had just entered an evasive maneuver couldn’t evade one of the GTAS-300s and was disintegrated in mid-air, sending shrapnel and debris shooting in all directions and then falling into the azure sea below.

Such a scene repeated itself in various places. Many fighter jets that were overextended to sink the Sohn Byung-hee (CG-1103) exploded in the air. Only 31 of the 84 survived and returned to their forces. The rest were shot down, and their debris fell into the sea. Thus, the Pacific Fleet’s air forces were reduced to 35 percent of what they were. It was a tremendous loss for the once magnificent fleet of the most powerful country in the world.

On the other hand, the Sohn Byung-hee (CG-1103) had sustained heavy damage too. Before they were shot down, the numerous AGM-158S SRASM air-to-sea missiles launched from the fighter jets numbered 158.

The Char Ri-seok (CG-1104) had used up all of its anti-air missiles. The Sohn Byung-hee (CG-1103) only had 22 GTAS-300s and 31 GTAS-150s remaining. It was not sufficient at all. If it were ordinary combat, the anti-air missiles would have been the first line of interception, then the CIWS, which was composed of Shield-M2 short-range missiles and 22-millimeter bullets, would have taken care of the rest. But they had no Shield-M2 left and the bullets were all being used to intercept the X-35 metal bullets from the enemy. “New targets acquired. 158 in total! Initiating interception beginning with the first target. Commander! We have insufficient anti-air missiles.”

It was a grim report. On the tactical screen, it displayed 15 GTAS-300 and 31 GTAS-150 remaining. Commander Seo Gil-su finally opened his mouth, which had been firmly closed so far.

“Tactical officer!”

“Yes, sir!”

“After firing the anti-air missiles, we will switch to manual defense system from the automatic defense system.”

“Yes, sir.”

“What is the current SSS output?”

“25 percent.”

“As soon as the interception report comes up, we will activate the SSS.”

“Yes, sir.”

When they did not have enough anti-air missiles, they had to fall back to their last resort, the SSS. Commander Seo Gil-su’s gaze was fixated upon the tactical screen where the report would be displayed. When it did, the Sohn Byung-hee (CG-1103) used up all its remaining output to activate the magnetic shield around its hull and over its deck.

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