21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 554 - Season 2 Book 22 Battle of Life or Death-3-2 The White Warfar

Chapter 554 Season 2 Book 22 Battle of Life or Death-3-2 The White Warfar

January 24, 2024, 15:00 (Russian time: 15:00)

11 kilometers southwest of the town of Baley, Zabaikalsky, Russia (temporary base of the 26th Tank Battalion of the 60th Armored Brigade, the 20th Armored Division)

The military personnel of the 26th Tank Battalion spent the whole morning shoveling snow. However, they enjoyed some sweet, sweet R & R time in the afternoon. Even during the downtime, though, some of the higher-ups of the battalion could be seen making suspicious movements. They seemed to be urgently gathering in the tent, serving as the battalion’s headquarters, to get briefed on the new order issued by the brass. As an enlisted soldier, Corporal Kim Il-soo couldn’t care much about what the higher-ups were doing just then. He was currently lying on a makeshift bed, lost to the warmth created by a small heater powered by a plasma battery. A trickle of drool oozed down his face as he imagined going out on a date with his girlfriend to watch a movie and drink caramel macchiato in some lovely cafe.

As he swam inside this pleasant imagination, something suddenly slammed into his forehead.


“Ouch! That hurts!”

“Wake up! It’s an emergency!” Sergeant First Class Kim Young-soo had returned to the barracks from the briefing, and before anyone noticed, he delivered a light blow to Kim Il-soo’s forehead, breaking up the latter’s stupid-grin-inducing daydream. He then moved on to packing his military gear. “Sir? What emergency is it?” “We got orders to move out. Where’s Staff Sergeant Yeom?”

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“Sir, he went to the battalion’s cafeteria to get some grub.” “Get his ass over here! We don’t have time for that! We’ll be moving out in one hour.”

“Argh, why the sudden order to move out?! We still have mountains of snow out there, sir.”

“Shut up and call Staff Sergeant Yeom already! And don’t forget to pack your stuff up!”

“Yes, sir!”

A short while later, Staff Sergeant Yeom Hoon-gi entered the barracks with an armful of grub. “Come on! Why did you call me?”

Kim Young-Soo sharply replied, “Why do you think?! We have orders to move out.”

“Urgh, dang it! So after that week shoveling snow disguised as a so-called week-long rest, it’s now this,” Yeom Hoon-gi grumbled unhappily while dumping the food on his bed.

“Son of a… I told you there’s no time! Hurry up and get ready!”

“Yes, yes! I got it, sir!”

“All of you, listen while you get ready! The division’s main force will commence with the assault at nine o’clock tomorrow morning, on the dot! Meanwhile, our battalion will join the division’s reconnaissance battalion and carry out recon operations. So the travel time will be exactly 16 hours and 20 minutes! Got it?”

“But sir, why are we doing recon as if we’re an armored recon unit?” Yeom Hoon-gi, shoving the food inside a huge rucksack, pouted and complained again.

Kim Il-soo butted in. “Isn’t it because of all the snow? Maybe the higher-ups want to strengthen the recon team’s combat power due to higher odds of ambush?”.

“Oh? Corporal Kim, your situational judgement has gotten faster after getting some experience under your belt, eh? You’re right. The division command thinks the snow has increased the odds of the Russian forces ambushing us. So they gave us the order to perform a thorough recon of the attack route we’ve previously established.”

“Heh… I’ll be a sergeant next month, so something like this is a cakewalk, sir. But, on the other hand, Sergeant First Class Yeom is… other than his higher rank, he’s still nowhere good enough.” Yeom Hoon-gi shot back, “Want me to kick your ass?!”

“Ah, ah! Wait, I’m just kidding! Wait, Sergeant Yeom!”

“Stop running your mouths and get a move on! The administrative quartermaster is threatening to wreck any platoon that takes its sweet ass time!”

“Argh, that quartermaster! He’s so damn inflexible! Honestly speaking, it was so much nicer when First Sergeant Oh Young-taek was our quartermaster, sir. Urgh, I’m already missing him. I still remember that huge grin on his face on his wedding day. Hahaha!” “Yeah, I can remember it, too. I wonder what he’s doing these days.” Sergeant First Class Kim Young-joo chuckled after Yeom Hoon-gi’s words triggered his memories.

One hour later…

<Ruuumble! Ruuuumble! Ruuuuuuuumble!>

The snow on the ground was shoveled away to reveal the layer of soil underneath. Except for two tanks sent to the brigade’s maintenance division, 44 C-3A1 White Tiger tanks and various other armored vehicles lined up in an organized column on this uncovered ground. Meanwhile, Spider-II recon drones and Eagle-I attack drones flew above them toward the battlefront.

“Battalion, move out! Over!”

The battalion commander finally gave his order. That signaled the tanks belonging to the 7th company, now acting as the spearhead of the 26th Tank Battalion, to lead the pack forward in an orderly fashion.

The military personnel who wasted a week shoveling snow instead of resting were all grinning away. They seemed to think that, no matter what, a battlefield of life and death was preferable to removing snow. That’s how much they hated doing that job.

Before long, the 26th Tank Battalion had formed a lengthy column. The two C-600A1 Bull tanks, the ‘Counter Obstacle Vehicle’ (COV) fitted with mine plows dispatched by the brigade, took the lead and plowed the waist-high snow aside to clear the path. Right after them, the White Tiger tanks following closely behind.

The Bull tanks didn’t come equipped with fearsome weapons, as their primary role as a COV was to eliminate various mines. However, they still boasted double the defensive capabilities of a White Tiger tank as they needed to take the lead. The Bull tanks also came with the new KPP-200 plasma motors, capable of producing massive horsepower to overcome any obstacle with ease.

“So long, Baley! D*mn it! I’m leaving before I even had the chance to experience young and pretty Russian girls!” Staff Sergeant Yeom Hoon-gi muttered while looking through the scope to take in the sight of Baley’s downtown one last time.

Sergeant First Class, Kim Young-joo, listening in, began teasing him as if his mischievous streak had been activated. “Oh, my dear Yeom, there’s no need to feel so disappointed, my boy! Which sane Russian girl would give you the time of day, anyway? You should consider yourself lucky that your daydream wasn’t shattered by the cruel reality, which would have resulted in a heartbreak!”

“Huh-huh! You don’t know what you’re talking about, sir. I’ll have you know that many girls were interested in me during my university days.”

“Stop making things up just because there’s no proof!”

“I’m being honest, though!”

“Honest or not, you’re unbelievable. Hahaha!”

“Hey, Corporal Kim! You better stop laughing!”

“I haven’t done anything, so why are you chewing me out, sir? I didn’t even laugh, you know!” “Stop lying! I could hear your laughter all the way here!”

“But sir! Why are you venting on me when it’s the tank commander hitting you with facts?”

“Yes, I agree, Corporal Kim. But, unfortunately, I didn’t hear you laughing, so it seems our Staff Sergeant is steadily losing his marbles lately!”

“Urgh! Please stop, commander!”

“Whoa, whoa! Okay, okay. I got. I’ll stop. Kekeke.”




January 24, 2024, 16:00

The National Emergency Situation Center’s underground bunker (NSC Conference venue) below the Blue House, Jongno-gu, Seoul Special City, Southern State

President Choo Un-hee, who had received the report on the result of the previous day’s naval battle against the United States Pacific Fleet, called for the National Security Council meeting that afternoon. All the high-ranking officials, including the prime minister, gathered at the conference venue and began an in-depth discussion on the overall situation.

“How are the Americans reacting?” asked President Choo, curious as to how the Americans would respond to the considerable loss suffered by their Pacific Fleet.

Minister Kang Kyung-hee replied, “Mdm. President, they haven’t openly announced anything so far. It’s likely they don’t want to reveal the details of their defeat despite attacking us first.”

“Mm, that sounds plausible. In that case, have they tried to bargain through diplomatic channels yet?”

“No, Mdm. President. Our diplomatic lines are still open, but nothing of note has come through.”

“I see. Then… Minister Kang, what is your opinion on America’s current thought process?”

“Ma’am, it’s impossible to figure out what the White House is planning exactly. According to the Foreign Affairs’ analysis, the Americans preemptively attacked our navy on the pretext of their allied nation, Japan’s proclamation of sovereignty. However, such a pretext was nothing more than sophistry, leading us to question their true motives.

“I trust that everyone here is aware of how the USSC is President Trump’s Achilles’ heel. Also, most American politicians are somehow related to the USSC, whether they are affiliated with the ruling party or not. But unfortunately, President Trump, with only one year left in office, tried to inversely exploit that very weakness, binding him to everyone, and waged war with Korea.

“Everyone, we should not complicate this. President Trump must be trying to liquidate Korea, which knows the USSC’s secret, before his term ends. As such, the Pacific Fleet is just the beginning. I believe the White House is either preparing or has already finished the preparations for an all-out offensive on our nation.”

That was an accurate analysis. The high-ranking officials attending nodded in agreement. “Excuse me, Minister Kang! If that’s true, how about exposing the secrets related to the USSC to the international community before a frontal war breaks out with the United States? That should prevent an unnecessary conflict with the Americans, don’t you think?” The minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs, Kim Soo-gyeom, threw that suggestion out there while making a face that asked, ‘What’s there to think about?’

“My thought on this is that… President Trump may be waiting for the truth to be exposed during his term in office when he still has enough power to withstand any fallout. In other words, he’s fearful of being exposed after his term ends. He won’t have any power to respond by then.”

“Mm… Now that I hear you, Minister Kang… that does sound plausible.”

Just then, the Minister of Next-generation Technology, Lim Tae-yeon, butted into the conversation. “Does that mean the United States is willing to risk the fate of their nation to wage a full-on war with Korea?”

“Allow me to explain that part,” said the Minister of National Defense, Kang Yi-sik. “Currently, several of America’s Stryker Brigade Combat Teams, previously part of NATO, have finished advancing to Russia’s Tolskaya Oblast. We’ve confirmed that they are getting ready to move south along with Russia’s Western Army.

“In other words, America will soon officially announce its military alliance with Russia and join the Russo-Korea war. This fact alone means that frontal warfare with the United States has already begun. But, honestly speaking, I’m quite stunned by the excellent analysis by Minister Kang. It’s truly impressive.”

For some reason, Minister Kang Yi-sik concluded his explanation by praising Minister Kang Kyung-hee. The latter smiled faintly and nodded as a sign of her gratitude.

President Choo also nodded. “Indeed. I fully agree that we shouldn’t let our guard down just because the United States Pacific Fleet has retreated to Saipan, and there hasn’t been any response from them yet. As such… Minister of National Defense?”

“Yes, Mdm. President!”

“Please declare the Level One Mobilization Order for the reserve forces that the National Defense Ministry has been holding back until now.”

After the start of the Russo-Korea War, the Korean government resorted to Level Two Mobilization Order only in the actual conflict zones. It relied on its pool of enlisted soldiers to fight the war in other places. As such, the first-year reservists, to their fifth-year counterparts, got to live normal lives.

When the National Defense Ministry officially issues the Level One Mobilization Order for the reserve forces, one million first- and second-year reservists will receive military equipment similar to enlisted soldiers. As a result, they will be immediately deployed to conflict zones. As for the two million third- to fifth-year reservists, they would be incorporated into the Homeland Reservist Division and stationed throughout various locations in the country.

Losing millions from the workforce could lead to economic problems, which is why the Level One Mobilization Order has been deferred until now. However, President Choo was left with no choice but to make this difficult decision to prepare for the frontal battle against the United States of America.




January 24, 2024, 16:50 (Russia time: 16:50)

3 kilometers northwest of Andino Poselira, Zabaikalsky, Russia. (Temporary location of the 26th Tank Battalion of the 60th Armored Brigade, the 20th Armored Division.)

The 26th Tank Battalion, marching forward on the snow-covered plains while relying on the digital map linked with the GPS data, found themselves needing to detour around a village named Andino Poselira. Recon drones were sent in ahead of time to search the surroundings, but they couldn’t find any suspicious activity, forcing the commander to issue an order to ignore the place and carry on.

In the east of Andino Poselira, 11 kilometers in a straight line, was the Onon river, running northwest, which was the endpoint for the Unda river as well. In other words, the snowy plains west of the Onon played home to the subordinate units of Russia’s Eastern and Central Army that tasted defeat in the Northwest Conflict zone. Having finished reorganizing and regrouping, they stationed themselves there and set up a defensive line to stop the river crossing operations of the enemy.

Notably, the river bank the 26th Tank Battalion was heading toward while creating the path for the rest was exactly the opposite of where the elite of Russia’s Eastern Army, the Red Armored Corps., was lying in wait. If the 20th Armored Brigade successfully crossed the river there after a deciding battle, then traveled south along the Onon river, other Russian forces setting up a defensive position would fall prey to a rear attack and fail the operation to protect the region, which was seen as the final defensive line. The strategic importance of this area was undeniable. As a result, the Red Armored Corps., the Eastern Army’s elite of the elite, was tasked with defending it.

Also, heeding President Putin’s demand, the General Staff Department issued a special order to the Red Armored Corps’ higher-ups—that they should ‘defend this area at the cost of your lives’. This meant that there was no room to retreat for these soldiers. Losing the battle meant this place would be their grave. As such, their desperate determination to win the upcoming engagement was noticeably different from that of other Russian troops.

That was the current situation. Perhaps sensing this, the crew of the 26th Tank Battalion were also slowly getting tenser and tenser as they kept shoving the snow aside and forging ahead toward the river crossing spot.

Even the crew of vehicle no.713—the tank commander, Sergeant First Class Kim Young-joo, the gunner, Staff Sergeant Yeom Hoon-gi, and the tank pilot, Corporal Kim Il-soo-stopped bantering and focused on operating their respective equipment while remaining vigilant of their surroundings.

“Holy cow! I can’t even tell where the river ends, and solid ground begins!” Yeom Hoon-gi shook his head after scanning the surroundings through his scope.

“Don’t ask me. The digital map at least tells us where the river is, so there’s that! Hey, Corporal Kim!”

“Yes, commander!”

“When crossing the river, refer to the digital map. Got it?”

“Yes, sir. Understood.”

When viewed from the sky, the entirety of the region of Zabaikalsky was covered in white. Whether they were villages, forests or rivers, everything was covered in snow, making it practically impossible to figure out what was what. The Spider-II drone flying in the air snapped a picture of the ground and sent it to the units below.

You could say that such a view was uncommon and quite spectacular in a certain sense. But it was also far too white and bleached, giving off an air of eeriness in the process.

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