21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 77 - Book 3 Chapter 6-8 The Sun Rising From the West: The Way to Unification

Chapter 77: Book 3 Chapter 6-8 The Sun Rising From the West: The Way to Unification

June 20, 2020, 10:00

Guest reception house at the Blue House, Jeongro-ku, Seoul.

For three days, Party Secretary Kim Young-chul had visited numerous locations while accompanied by government officials. The last thing on his schedule was to go to the Blue House to have a one-on-one meeting with President Suh Hyun-woo.

A moment later, Party Secretary Kim Young-chul arrived at the Blue House, and President Suh Hyun-woo, who was already waiting with a bright smile, stretched out his hand for a handshake.

“Welcome. I am Suh Hyun-woo.”

“Nice to meet you. I am Kim Young-chul, head of the United Front. I am honored to meet South Korea’s president.”

“It’s nothing. Please take a seat.”

After politely greeting the South Korean president, Party Secretary Kim Young-chul took a seat. After the refreshments and some warm tea were served, they began to converse with each other.

“How were the three days you spent here in Korea?”

“Our South Korean comrades took great care of me, so my stay was very comfortable. I’m grateful.”

“That’s a relief. We will treat you with great scenery and delicious cuisines when you next visit.”

“That’s something I regret. I heard South Korea has many beautiful places to visit and great food, but I only got to see government facilities.”

“Haha, I am sorry about that.”

When the tea began to cool down, Kim Young-chul looked determinedly at the president and said, “Mr. President, I have something I want to ask.”

The president immediately knew what Kim Young-chul’s question would be. He put down his teacup and straightened his posture before answering, “Yes, please ask.”

“I was already curious before coming down to South Korea, and after touring all these places, my curiosity has grown even greater. I would be grateful if you told me the intention behind showing me all these high tech, top-secret military facilities during my unofficial invite here.”

The president smiled, since he had already predicted that Party Secretary Kim Young-chul would ask this, and asked a question instead of answering. “I’m sure you must have been very curious. What do you think was the intention?”

Party Secretary Kim Young-chul, who had fixed his gaze on the president when he answered his question with another question, spoke in a slightly cold tone.

“I know this may sound offensive, but from my point of view, it seems like we are being threatened by South Korea. Since we can’t surpass its military level, we should listen to what it says.”

When the President saw that Party Secretary Kim Young-chul spoke in an honest manner, he smiled and said, “I see. However, that is a misunderstanding. Mr. Secretary, why would we begin to make threats in this time of peace? I will tell you the main details.”

The president hid his bright smile from before and changed his expression, becoming more serious. He leaned over the table and said, “I don’t have much time left as president now. Only a few more months. Despite this situation, I would like to finish my presidency by providing a cornerstone for the South and the North’s peaceful reunification. I don’t know who will be the president after the next election, but if the next one has a completely different stance toward North Korean policies, wouldn’t both nations be further apart than before?”

“Yes, you’re right.”

Party Secretary Kim Young-chul paid close attention to what President Suh Hyun-woo was saying.

“I would also like to tell you that all the equipment and facilities you saw during your three days here are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what Korea owns. I regret that I couldn’t show you more during your short time here.”

“Tip of the iceberg, is that true?”

“Why would I lie in a meeting like this? According to our experts, our military weaponry is more advanced than America’s by 100 years. Also, our industrial technology has surpassed theirs by at least 50 years.”

President Suh Hyun-woo paused to see Party Secretary Kim Young-chul’s reaction. He was silent, and he seemed to have many thoughts racing through his head.

Mr. Secretary, I am sure you are aware that unification between South and North is complex. It cannot be achieved through our two nation’s agreement alone, because the North and South are involved with other nations. Our neighboring nations are always interrupting our policies for their own gain, aren’t they? I can’t allow these neighboring nations to continue this behavior. Don’t you think so?”

“Of course. You are absolutely right, Mr. President.”

“Since you’ve seen Korea’s military and economic capabilities with your own two eyes, I would like for you to make a decision. Based on the fact that we have the power to prevent other nations from intervening in a peaceful unification between South and North Korea, would you like to walk this road together with us?”


“Don’t you want to make the nation whole again, under one government, and leave both country’s political ideologies behind? For 67 years, millions of families have been separated. Those that are still alive don’t have much time left. My last wish as president is to end this sad history of separation, and to unite the two countries into a happy, new nation.

Party Secretary Kim Young-chul’s heart was heavy after hearing what President Suh Hyun-woo said. What good were political ideologies that caused people to point guns at each other? The secretary couldn’t speak easily.

“Your heart for our people is large and deep, Mr. President. My heart swells up after hearing those words. I will do my best to have a peaceful reunification between our nations. I will deliver your will to comrade First Vice-Chairman Kim Yo-jung.” Party Secretary Kim Young-chul answered earnestly, with tears in his eyes.

President Suh Hyun-woo stood up from his seat and grasped Kim Young-chul’s hands. “Thank you, Mr. Secretary. I beg you, let’s all think about one thing. Our people.”

“No need to worry. I will give all I have.”

The secret one-on-one meeting between President Suh Hyun-woo and Party Secretary Kim Young-chul lasted for three hours, and it became the first step toward a peaceful unification between South and North Korea. Kim Young-chul delivered President Suh Hyun-woo’s honest wish to First Vice-Chairman Kim Yo-jung in a one-on-one meeting when he returned back North.

* * *

June 28, 2020, 14:00

Korea’s West Sea aerial territory

A month had passed since the two Korean coast guards died in the line of duty, and all illegal Chinese fishing ships were gone. However, because of this incident, Korea and China deported both of their ambassadors and other embassy staff from their nations, and the relationship between the two nations turned cold to the point of a break in diplomatic ties. During this time, China was busy flying Su-35 fighter jets, which they had acquired from Russia. They flew the jets near South Korea’s aerial territory, and two were already beginning their armed demonstrations and reconnaissance moves.

When China did this, Korea sent out F-35A jets to retaliate, and once again the two Su-35 Su Hoi fighter jets were conducting reconnaissance missions near Korea’s borders. Today, the response from Korea’s air force was different. It wasn’t the F-35A Lightning II jets that were deployed but rather two F-21P Phoenix fighter jets from the 38th Fighter Wing.

The newly established 38th Fighter Wing consisted of twenty-four K-21P Phoenix fighter jets and twenty-four F/A-25P Black Phoenix jets, and Korea was the first to have them stationed in the field.

-Blackmoon 1, West point two Su-35 spotted, distance 70 confirm.

-Blackmoon 3, Copy that.

Flight leader of the Black moon, Major Choi Young-ho, and his wingman, Captain Oh Gil-sung, flew off from the Gunsan base, and then, using the Afterburners, they approached the Su-35 jets at a remarkable speed of Mach 8.5. After takeoff, they had closed the distance to 70 km by flying a distance of 150 km in exactly 52 seconds.

-Blackmoon 1, raise altitude and have two Rattlesnakes standby.

-Blackmoon 3, confirmed DAT.

At the flight leader’s order, Blackmoon 3 raised its altitude by 25 km. When it completed aiming its radar toward the enemy plane, it went into standby, the mid-ranged Rattlesnake missiles ready to launch.

-Blackmoon 3, Rattlesnake stand by.

-Blackmoon 1, contact Blackmoon 3, stand by with Rattlesnake

As if to start an extremely close battle with the Su-35 jets, the Blackmoon 1 jet kept its speed and flew past. When it reached the viewing distance of 40 km, the Blackmoon 1 Phoenix jet vanished. It had used its TCS (Transparent Cloaking System), a feature that was absent in the training jets.

The two Su-35 jets making armed protests in Korea’s skies thought it was suspicious that Korea’s air force wasn’t retaliating. They used their Chinese KJ-2000 (KungJing-2000) radar, but they couldn’t detect any planes. At that moment, something they couldn’t see flew like lightning between them, and when abnormal airflow entered the aircraft, alarms rang from the Su-35 jets’ dashboards, and the monitors flickered. Then, a radio communication from the Korean air force came in.

-This is Blackmoon 1 from the Korean Airforce’s 35th Fighter Wing. You have invaded Korea’s air space by 2 km. We will not allow further entry. Return immediately.

The pilots of the Su-35 jets were bewildered for a moment and stared at their radars. They checked the screen again of the Zhuk-27 pulse doppler radar, Russia’s best radar, but nothing was detected. While this was happening, something bent the space between the Su-35 jets, and the outline of it slowly appeared.

It was Major Choi Young-ho’s Blackmoon 1 KF-21P Phoenix fighter jet. Major Choi Young-ho had disabled the TCS (Transparent Cloaking System), revealing his plane while he flied between the two Su-35 jets. He sent out another message.

-This is your final warning. Turn around, or we’ll open fire.

The Chinese pilots couldn’t believe the sudden appearance of the strange aircraft. They performed a barrel roll maneuver befitting of a top-class jet, then headed back to China. Major Choi Young-ho watched the Chinese jets fly away into the distance.

-Blackmoon 1, contact stage two. Enemy planes returning.

-Stage confirmed. Return after an enemy distance of 50.

-Blackmoon 1, copy that!

The day Korea’s 6.5 jet was revealed to China, the Chinese air force was in an uproar. This was due to the wild claims made by the Su-35 pilots. The Chinese air force punished the two Su-35 pilots for giving false information. In truth, the air force couldn’t believe them even if they wanted to.

What they described was something China’s current scientific technology was incapable of, and that would destroy China’s arrogant view of itself in relation to Korea. This is why the few pilots were punished.

* * *

June 30, 2020, 15:00

OSCAR Bunker, Daegu-si (Undersea Defense Satellite Poseidon 2 Mission Control)

Poseidon 2’s mission control was observing the 033, Romeo class SSK-315 submarine belonging to the North Sea fleet’s 2nd Submarine Division. The submarine had invaded Korean waters five hours ago.

“Location at exclusive economic waters N 36′ 22′ E 124′ 28′ 180 degrees and moving at 25 knots, 59 km into our seas.”

Commander Lee Eun-soo clicked his tongue at the operator’s report. “They’re crossing into our seas with that old junk made in the 1960s?”

The second in command stared at the center screen and agreed. “Yeah. If we strike, our torpedoes would go to waste.”

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“Well, we have no choice. The Navy’s command center told us to strike if they cross as little as a centimeter over our border. Is there anything else detected on our radar?”

“Yes, the 120 Chinese fishing ships and one submarine are all that are being detected.”

“Report on the position of the enemy sub every minute.”

“Yes, sir!”

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