21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 91 - Book 4 Chapter 3-4 Expedition to North For Unification: White Tiger

Chapter 91: Book 4 Chapter 3-4 Expedition to North For Unification: White Tiger

October 29, 2020, 15:30.

Beig Xiangbao Mountain, 78 km northwest of Dandong, China.

Sgt. First Class Oh Kyung-taek had the look of a demon from hell on his face when he returned from the tank company commanders’ meeting.

“Were you slammed by the company commander, sir?”

“It’s none of your business!”

“They’re being too mean to our tank commander, who is one of the most distinguished military commanders, don’t y’all agree?”

“You’re right. Don’t they even care that our unit destroyed eight tanks and seven armored vehicles under his command?”

Staff Sergeant Kim Young-joo and Corporal Yeom Hoon-ki blabbered on, trying their best to cheer up SFC Oh Kyung-taek and make him feel better.

“Cut it. Today at 5:00 p.m., there will be a battle between the Chinese 3rd Armored Division, which is designated as Target A, and our brigade headquarters and all battalions under the brigade. Get ready to move. We’ll also join the brigade headquarters.”

With a distracted mind, SFC Oh Kyung-taek announced what was discussed at the tank commanders meeting before walking away and entering his tank. Watching him, SSG Kim Young-joo and CPL Yeom Hoon-ki exchanged glances, shrugged, and began dismantling portable camouflage netting in preparation for the movement.

It was just as they were ready to make the move that the movement order was delivered through the battalion communications network.


Thirty-eight White Tiger tanks and various armored vehicles began to maneuver slowly along the Rd. S203, leaving a cloud of dirt in their wake.

“The field maneuvers of armored troops never cease to amaze me. Aren’t they wonderful?” SFC Oh Kyung-taek exclaimed, admiring the sight of the tank battalions moving in order. He was in such an upbeat mood that nobody would have guessed he had been on the verge of a breakdown just a short while ago.

“Are you feeling a little better, sir?”

“Did you expect me to keep feeling sh*tty? Where there are bad times, there are good times too.”

“Then you’re not going to give us unreasonable orders, are you?”

“Don’t ask! I don’t know!”

While the man of many moods, SFC Oh Kyung-taek, exchanged lame jokes with SSG Kim Young-ju, the 26th Tank Battalion slowly began to speed up as it moved along the Rd. S203. When it reached a point about 55 kilometers from the brigade headquarters, an aerial danger alert and a battalion commander’s voice blared from the battalion’s communications network.

– This is the battalion commander. Twelve fighter jets are currently approaching at a speed of Mach 1 from 120 kilometers northeast. The battalion is ordered to shift to Air Defense Mode.”

At the battalion commander’s urgent command, the 26th Tank Battalion shifted to the air defense formation while still on the move. The K-30 “Biho” (Flying Tiger) A2 and K-SMA-1 Chunma (Flying Horse) A2—both in charge of anti-aircraft defense—assumed an interception posture while beaming radar toward the northeast skies. SFC Oh Kyung-tae, leader of the No. 712 tank of the 7th Company, closed the hatch and went inside the tank. While checking the anti-aircraft interception monitor, he grabbed the control sticks of the quadruple (2×2) Black Dragon missiles that were installed on each side of the foretop and held his index finger on the launch button.

The fighter jets that were approaching by making a flyover along the valley were identified as the J-30 stealth fighters. The J-30 stealth fighter was comparable to the U.S. F-35 fighter. 150 stealth fighters of this latest model were said to have been fielded in late 2019 as integrated fighters. As a result, the stealth jets were not detected by the 25th Tank Battalions’ anti-aircraft radar. Instead, they were detected by the Apollo 3 reconnaissance satellite, which immediately notified the battalion headquarters through a data link.

Crew: Three.

Movement type: Crawler type (using K-21A1 armored vehicle)

Weight: 23t

Maximum speed: 100 km

Flying range: 1,500 km

Engine: KPP-50 (Plasma Engine)

Engine output: 2,500hp

Radar: K-776A (Counter-battery Radar)

Type of detection: Mortar munitions, howitzer shell, multiple rocket launchers, aerial bombs

Detection range: 30 km wide/12 km altitude

Tracking range: 20 km distance/ 10 km altitude

Anti-aircraft effective range: 20 km

Interceptor armament 1: 12mm Laser six line Vulcan Beam 2

Interceptor armament 2: 60mm S-LAM-60 Quadruple (2X2)X1=4

Smoke grenade: Multi-zone wavelength smoke grenade 5×2=10

Crew: Three.

Movement type: Crawler type (using K-21A1 armored vehicle)

Weight: 26t

Maximum speed: 100 km

Range: 1,500 km

Engine: KPP-50 Prasma Engine

Engine output: 2,500hp

Radar: K-777

Type of detection: Aircraft, ground-to-ground missiles, cruise missiles.

Detection range: 50 km distance/30 km altitude

Tracking range: 45 km wide/ 25 km altitude

Anti-aircraft effective range: 2080 km

Interceptor weapon 1: S-LAM-100 Mine Six-line (3X2) x2=12

Auxiliary armament, 1: One 50mm Laser Six-line Vulcan Beam

Auxiliary armament, 2: One 12mm Laser Six-line Vulcan Beam

Missile highest speed: Mach 8

Smoke grenade: Multi-zone wavelength smoke grenade 5×2=10

“Ooolala! They must’ve thought we’d be vulnerable to anti-aircraft defense because we’re just a battalion-level unit!” SFC Oh Kyung-taek mumbled. He confirmed what he saw on the anti-aircraft defense radar monitor: red dots that were fast approaching, maneuvering along the mountain ridges, were clearly marked on the radar monitor. And then the battalion commander’s orders were issued through the battalion’s communications network.

-The company headquarters will allocate interception missions. Therefore, you shouldn’t use any more anti-aircraft missiles than necessary, and the intercept point is 20 kilometers in the west-west direction where the valley ends and the mountain ridge begins to rise. Over!”

Shortly after the battalion commander’s order was issued, a third fighter jet was captured on SFC Oh Kyung-taek’s anti-aircraft defense radar monitor. It was within the range of the intercept point that was allocated to him.

Then, about two minutes later, twelve J-30 stealth fighters rose one by one over the mountain ridge, opened internal armed hatches, and started firing air-to-ground missiles. At the same time, air defense missiles shot up from the main foretop launch tubes of the 26th Tank Battalion’s KSMA-1 Chunma A2 and K-3 Baekho (White Tiger) tanks and flew toward the J-30 stealth fighters, leaving blue-flamed traces behind.

Thirty-six CM-400AKG air-to-surface missiles fired from the J-30 stealth fighters and flew at a terrifying speed toward targets, while nine K-30 Biho A2’s 12mm Vulcan laser beams mercilessly fired out white rays of light toward the sky to intercept them.

The white rays of light flew while maintaining a 45 degree angle, and with a sharp launching sound, one after another air-to-surface missiles were intercepted and exploded in midair.



However, the air-to-surface missiles fired from the J-30 stealth fighters were too fast and too close, and there was no way the Korean forces could intercept them all. As a result, one of the air-to-surface missiles that had survived the interception struck the No. 812 tank that belonged to the 8th Company. The No. 812 tank instantly lost control, and there was the sound of a massive explosion as it became engulfed in red flames and spewed debris in all directions.

– Cannot confirm the survivors of the attacked No. 812 tank.

The urgent voice of the 8th Company Commander reverberated over the battalion’s communications network.


Explosions were heard from many other places, and each explosion sent columns of dirt into the air. The air defense missiles fired from the KSMA-1 Chunma A2 and K-3 Baekho tanks also intercepted six J-30 stealth fighters, which then disintegrated in midair. But six remaining stealth fighters continued to engage in the shootout with a relative advantage, because they flew to the other side of the mountain ridge and remained hidden from view. Then, three J-30 stealth fighter jets loaded with QQ17-1 cluster bombs suddenly gained altitude, and by the time they flew near the 26th Tank Battalion, they freely dropped eighteen QQ17-1 cluster bombs.

QQ17-1 was the name of a cluster bomb that was developed in 2018 by China with their own technology. Also known as “cluster munition,” each bomb contained 40 small explosive bombs called “sub-munitions.”

– Biho! Intercept the bombs that are being dropped from the sky. Each company is ordered to start the emergency evasive maneuvers.

The Biho crew would have done just that on their own judgement, but at the moment of urgency, the battalion commander Kang Hyuk-jin ordered it through the battalion’s communications network at the top of his lungs. Built with Hydronium alloys, the tanks and armored vehicles were fully equipped to sustain attacks, even if the sub-munitions of the QQ17-1 cluster bombs exploded in midair and rained down on the 26th Tank Battalion. The problem of concern was damage to radars and various optical equipment mounted on the outside of tanks and armored vehicles, as this could translate into an immeasurable loss of combat power.

As if responding to the battalion commander’s urgent call, the 12mm Vulcan laser beams on both doors of the K-30 Biho A2 went up to their maximum angle and started firing off beams of light, while the six pulsing laser beams rotated at a tremendous speed. Several streams of light created a network of flames that shot upward from the ground toward the sky, but the bombs were so close that only 14 of the 18 were successfully intercepted. The other four cluster bombs exploded simultaneously at 500 meters above the ground, sending countless sub-munitions to rain down over the 26th Tank Battalion. As a result, each company spread out in all directions, raising the power level to the maximum, and tried to get away from where the sub-munitions were about to land. However, it was difficult to escape the attack because of the narrow terrain, which was less than a kilometer wide.


The sub-munitions started hitting the ground.


Bombs exploded simultaneously, sending thick columns of dirt everywhere, and the unfortunate tanks and armored vehicles hit by the sub-munitions were engulfed in black smoke. The transport trucks sustained the most damages, as they were dispatched to the 26th Tank Battalion while loaded with several rounds of bombs to supply ammunition to the tanks. Since these trucks weren’t protected with external modular armors like the Baekho tanks and Hyunmoo armored vehicles were, they either became engulfed in dark red flames when caught in the series of explosions from the bombs loaded in the vehicles, or the crew was injured when hit by just a single sub-munition. The series of explosions in the vast space, which was several times the size of a football field, was nothing short of hell.

-The 9th Company No. 923 tank sustained damage to their fire control system and are now incapable of firing.

-Headquarters company’s two Chunma and one Biho have been hit by the sub-munitions. Radar operation is not possible. Two transport trucks have been completely destroyed by the sub-munitions. Unable to confirm casualties.

-The 8th Company No. 814 tank sustained damage to the tank commander’s microscope.

The 26th Tank Battalion’s communications network was so filled with reports from the companies about the damages they sustained that it resembled a noisy neighborhood night-time market.

Then, three J-30 fighters that had been hiding behind the mountain ridge appeared in the twelve o’clock direction to launch a second round of air-to-surface missiles. Just as they tried to open internal armed hatches and launch air-to-ground missiles, they were hit in turn by three ultra-high-sound missiles, which flew in from the six o’clock direction, and exploded in mid-air, before crashing and erupting into red flames over the the mountain ridge.


The other three J-30 stealth fighters, which were returning to their base after dropping the cluster bombs, were hit by missiles that flew in out of nowhere.


Even before the battle had begun, the South Korean Air Force had picked Sunan Airport in Pyongyang as a temporary base and had moved the 8th Fighter Wing from Wonju to the airport just around the time of the battle. The mission was to bomb and secure air supremacy in areas around Liaoning Province in China. It was the four Heukjujak Fighters that belonged to the 8th Fighter Wing, and tjat made an emergency scramble from the Sunan Airport in Pyongyang at the request of the 7th Maneuver Corps, that intercepted those J-30 stealth fighters.

After some time, no more explosions were heard. In places where the 26th Tank Battalion had been, there was only blackish red smoke and the unpleasant smell of gunpowder.

-This is the low-kick squadron from the 8th Fighter Wing speaking. How’s the return situation? Over!

-This is the 26th Tank Battalion speaking. The support of the low-kick squadron saved us from heavy damage. Over!

-This is the low-kick squadron speaking. Sorry we came late. Over!

-This is the 26th Tank Battalion speaking. Don’t say that. You were a great help. Over!

-This is the low-kick squadron speaking. We are returning to the base under the belief that there is no longer any additional airborne risk. Over.

-This is the 26th Tank Battalion speaking. Roger that. Over.

After communicating with the low-kick squadron, battalion commander Kang Hyuk-jin opened the hatch of the armed command vehicle, climbed out, and looked up to the sky. Four black-colored fighter jets flew past the 26th Tank Battalion in a low-flying position at six o’clock, split into two (two to the right and two to the left), and performed a return maneuver.

“Unbelievable! Sending twelve latest-model fighter jets to beat up a tank battalion? The d*mn Chinese must have been really p*ssed off at us.” Lt. Col. Kang Hyuk-jin mumbled, let out a deep sigh, and looked around at the surrounding area from the top of the armored vehicle.

“Captain. The damage report by the company is in, sir,” the operations officer, Nah Sung-won, said, standing inside a Hyunmoo armed command vehicle.

“I see.”

Lt. Col. Kang Hyuk-jin briefly acknowledged him before going back inside the Hyunmoo armed command vehicle and looking at the monitor.

[The 26th Tank Battalion Damage Report]

– 7th Company: No damage.

– 8th squadron: No. 812 half destroyed. No. 814 and No. 822 sustained damage to the tank commander’s microscope. No. 851 sustained damage to the Biho radar. Five sustained minor injuries caused by impact, one seriously injured.

– 9th squadron: No. 923 sustained damage to the fire control unit. No. 955 sustained damage to the Chunma radar. Three suffered minor injuries from impact.

– Headquarters: No. 1003 Biho radar damaged. No. 1006 and No. 1007 sustained damage to the Chunma radar. Both ammunition-loaded vehicles were burned down. Four minor injuries, two serious injuries, and two fatalities.

Considering how they were attacked by twelve latest-model top-of-the-line fighter jets, the damage to the 26th Tank Battalion wasn’t that bad. But still, it was a painful blow for the 26th Tank Battalion because the unit was supposed to be in the vanguard in a war that just started. In particular, it was regrettable that two transport trucks loaded with ammunition were completely burnt down. Lt. Col. Kang Hyuk-jin was particularly devastated that the battle had left the first human casualties.

“Two fallen soldiers. The headquarters are the hardest hit.”

“It happened because one of the transport trucks was swept away by flames caused by the explosion of the bombs it was loaded with…” the operation chief elaborated, but he trailed off and didn’t finish.

“This is a war. What can you do after such an unexpected freak accident? First, retrieve and collect wounded and fallen soldiers and then join the brigade headquarters. Deliver orders to each squadron, and let the disabled tanks be towed away by tank recovery vehicles.”

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“Aye, sir.”

“And can you bring me the identification tags of the fallen soldiers right away?”

“Yes, sir. At your command, sir!”

Lt. Col. Kang Hyuk-jin had no choice but to speak to Captain Nah Sung-won, the operations officer, as if he were an emotionless, cold-blooded robot. As a battalion commander, he wasn’t supposed to show emotion in front of his subordinates. Lt. Col. Kang Hyuk-jin was probably the most heartbroken over the loss. He had firmly vowed that every soldier under his command would survive until the end of the war and that he would bring them all home safely. But his firm promise had already been shattered in this battle.

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