"Sakura, go out first, and I'll treat your uncle Kariya."

Out of the alternative protection for Little Lolita, the above conversations were blocked by Yakumo Wei, so Little Lolita was even more unheard of.

"Oh... Brother Awei, you must heal Uncle Kariya!"

"Okay! Don't worry!" As he said that, he stroked Sakura's head

Xiao Ying jumped off the chuang and left the bedroom, while Yakumo Wei told Matou Kariya to lie down and started the transfer of the curse.

"Curse deprivation! The realm of curse and blessing! Blessing blessing!!"

As the voice fell, a black shadow flew out of the Judge's Scythe and shot into Matou Kariya's body (so evil...)

Matou Kariya's body began to turn white, and the worms wiggling in the body became smaller and smaller until it disappeared. Matou Kariya's body also began to shrink slightly, and xiong also bounced two Very fengman's European style......

Congratulations to Matou Kariya for changing her career to Matou Kariyako!Congrats to Coca-Cola! ! ! ! !

Rider's intervention and Berserker's exit

So what... I read the comments today... how do I say... I really didn't watch a punch, it's just some clips and general meanings given to us by the cp, we're just a metaphor... and we don't have The meaning of black teacher or demeaning teacher, after all, the setting of each animation is different... I just put forward that scene as a metaphor. If you don't like it, we will try to avoid these metaphors in the future... Also, about For those who didn't show up with the characters we set, we basically copied the fight scenes from the original work. After all, we have to maintain one update a day or something, and the academic pressure is still too great. We won't find some objective reasons here. If it's wrong, it's wrong. , We admit that, if everyone thinks that you don't like it, we can change it, or even overthrow it and rewrite it. After all, we are newcomers, and our writing skills are not very deep. The idea is like the entanglement of Gensokyo. We are going to open a special episode and focus on writing about Gensokyo. I don’t know what everyone thinks?If you have any comments or suggestions, leave us a comment, we will read it every day, um, that's all, the following text!

————————————I am the dividing line of the text ————————————


Yakumo Wei shuts down Matou Kariya Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!It is the door of Matou Kariyako's room. Matou Kariyako needs to rest now, and also needs some time to accept the current situation.

"Brother Awei! How is Uncle Kariya?!" Sakura looked anxiously at Yakumo, trying to get some answers from him.

"Uh...that, Xiao Ying, you accept Lily! Bah! I mean you can accept Aunt Kariya?" Yakumo Wei thought for a while, and asked with some pain.

"Aunt Kariya?" Sakura said suspiciously, holding her chin in one hand, with a foul cuteness.

"Yes, Auntie Kariya..." Yakumo Weike answered firmly.

"What the hell is going on? Brother Awei?" Xiao Ying sounded more and more confused when she noticed that Yakumo Wei asked.

So Yakumo Wei told Sakura about the transfer of the curse and Matou Kariyako.

"In other words, the current Uncle Matou Kariya is no longer Uncle Matou Kariya, but Aunt Matou Kariya?" After listening to Yakumo Wei's explanation, Sakura summarized the outcome of the matter.

"In general... yes..." Yakumo affirmed.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Uncle Kariya oh no, it's Aunt Kariya's health that can get better, it doesn't matter! I know that brother Awei is the strongest!" Xiaoxiong, Jiaaoao said.

————————The following is the dividing line of the candid shooting of the shooting pills ————————————


Lightning did not fall from the sky, but traversed from the ground.No—that thing that looked like lightning was a chariot full of thunder and lightning galloping.

Lancer jumped over quickly, avoiding the chariot in time.But Berserker, with all his attention on Saber, didn't even have time to look back at what happened.

Following Rider's cry, the two divine bulls first kicked the black knight to the ground with their four front hooves, and then ruthlessly roulined the black knight with their four hind hooves.There was a tumbling purple thunderbolt on the hoof of the cow, and just one kick was a very heavy blow. Berserker was stomped on by the divine bull eight times, and the injuries he suffered must have been fatal. After Rider's chariot whizzed past, Berserker didn't even have the strength to stand, and rolled on his back in black armor.

Rider was sitting on the chariot that stopped suddenly, looking down at the battered enemy, with a smile on his high-spirited face.

"—Oh? What's the matter with you, a guy with a backbone, you don't take into account the feelings of this king and aboxer when you do something to others privately?!"

Berserker still wasn't out of breath.He twitched feebly.Getting up slowly.The black knight who was trampled by the divine cow finally bent over and climbed out from the track of the chariot. Rider saw his move. Berserker was finally lucky enough to avoid the decisive max attack from the wheel.

Rider's Noble Phantasm flew past Saber's eyes.Witnessing the overwhelming destructive power of the Noble Phantasm, Saber was speechless.

"Shenwei Wheel"... Its power is obviously not in fighting people.It's about fighting the army.Even the gallop just now, Rider obviously considered carefully.If Rider wanted to wipe out all of them in one fell swoop, Lancer and Saber would become the ghosts under the hooves and wheels.

Berserker, who was lying on the ground, stretched his feet weakly and tried to stand up, but because of the heavy blow, he seemed to realize that he could not fight anymore.As soon as he calmly stopped moving, the outline began to blur, dissipating like a mist.Eliminate the entity, restore the spirit, and flee.

"In this case, the only option is to ask the black guy to exit first."

Rider on the chariot looked at the sky as if nothing had happened, with his chubby neck bent, shouting.

"Master of Lancer. Although I don't know where you peeked, you insulted the war between knights with despicable means... You don't deserve to be a magician's opponent."

Speaking of arriving here, the burly Servant used an extremely ferocious smile to intimidate the invisible opponent.

"Let Lancer step back. If you're still here to humiliate yourself, I'll help Saber. Together with the aboxer, you're going to crush your Servant and that dark guy, how about that?"


The anger of the invisible magician enveloped the entire battlefield.But he didn't delay.

"—Retreat Lancer. This is the end of tonight's battle."

Lancer, who heard the order, let out a long sigh of relief and put down the gun in his hand.

"Thank you very much. King of Conquest"

Hearing the whispers of the beautiful gunslinger, Rider smiled in satisfaction.

"The beauty of the battlefield is these people who deserve to be admired."

Lancer once again thanked Rider with his eyes.Immediately afterwards, he also nodded to Saber.

There is no need to express in words.They confirmed their vows to each other. Saber also nodded to Lancer.

The duel takes place at another time—

After Lancer confirmed this.Spiritualization disappeared.

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