But now that he is on the scene, Yayunwei really participated in the Holy Grail War. He actually never thought about saving Saber, and he never thought about bringing Saber into the harem like other comprehensive novels. For Yayunwei, what he likes is liking, Even if everyone doesn't like it, it can't change Yayunwei's thoughts. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Even if everyone praises it, Yayunwei will only abandon it!

Saying goodbye to Gilgamesh, Yakumo Wei and Xingxiong Yuyi started their date again, enjoying all this without the interference of others. Isn't this happiness?

"Yesterday night, a vicious terrorist attack occurred in the XXX Hotel. The entire building collapsed. The property damage is incalculable. The casualties are being counted. It is estimated..."

Passing through the electrical street, a news caught the attention of Ya Yunwei. After understanding the content, Ya Yunwei shook his head lightly and said to Xingxiong Yongyi: "It seems that we missed a lot last night!"

According to the plot, Emiya Kiritsugu blew up the hotel last night, Kenneth should have been paralyzed, Saber should have met Caster's tentacle control, and had a fight, and Caster also recognized Saber as Joan of Arc , I have to say, Model Moon World likes Saber's face very much~~

"Oh? What happened?" Xingxiong Yongyi immediately became interested when he heard Ya Yunwei's words.

"It's nothing... It's just a bunch of people hurting each other, we just need to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and kill a few sluts by the way~~" Yakumo Wei said indifferently.

"Everything is up to you. After this war is over, we will be in Gensokyo..."

Before Xingxiong Yongyi could finish speaking, Ya Yunwei interrupted her at once, covered Xingxiong Yongyi's mouth with his hand and said, "Qiaodou sack! This is the second dimension! You will kill people if you set up flg like this! !!"

I have to say, it's better not to stand up for something like the two-dimensional flg...

Meanwhile, our lovely princess, Weber Xiaoshou, is having a huge dream————

The sound of waves rang out.

Perhaps it was almost dawn, and the faint light on the shore was enveloped in a soft mist.

The sand stretches to both sides, with no end in sight.The sea was shrouded in white fog, and the other side could not be seen.What is beyond the sea, is it land, is it a distant horizon, or is there nothing at all?

Except for the never-ending sound of the waves, there was silence all around.

There were no clouds in the sky, no wind on the ground, and from the shore, there were still a few blurred figures.

Going all the way east, throwing everything in the world far to the west - so, finally came to this silent coast.

So there must be nothing behind that fog.

The world has stopped moving forward.This is - the sea at the end of the world.

Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves.

That's something only those who come to the end of the world can appreciate, the melody of the distant sea waves...

Webber, who was lying on the table, suddenly felt a huge force on his shoulders. He raised his head while moaning, and he was looking at the big red-haired man, rider, the conqueror!

Reluctantly got up, Weber thought about the strategy of crusade against Caster.

All Masters are competing for Caster's head, and those who succeed will be rewarded with additional Command Spells... Be sure to succeed.For Webber, who commanded Iskandar as if he were riding a fierce horse, the compulsory authority of the Command Spell was a necessary guarantee.He would not give this golden opportunity to other Masters.

No matter what kind of Heroic Spirit the opponent is, Caster's class should be a Servant who is good at using magic tricks.To deal with such an opponent, the one who can directly rush forward and solve it with brute force must have a class like Saber.The Rider class other than the Three Knights class can only deal with it by tactics, because Iskandar's anti-magic ability is judged to be D rank... There is nothing to do except defense.

So the best strategy for dealing with Caster is to try to make him meet Saber, but then he won't get the precious additional Command Spell.Forming an alliance with Saber to attack Caster together would be the last resort.But if the Holy Grail War in the future is considered, then he must act before the others.

Daily life of conquering kings and queens

Today's fever has basically subsided, and I feel much better. I typed a manuscript of about 3000 words in one breath, and continued to insist on updating every day, asking for a reward, O(∩_∩)O Thank you!

————————————The dividing line of the king and princess —————————————————————

One day after the announcement from Fuyuki Church.Webber asked Rider to investigate and think about his strategy at home... But he didn't expect that he fell asleep, and that Servant would laugh at him for some reason.

No, it would be fine if it was just a laugh—recalling the snaps of his fingers that had made him suffer countless times, Weber subconsciously covered his forehead.That's so annoying, what if the skull is cracked.

(Sao Nian~~ Accept the king's training well~~~ Guhehe~~ Guhehe~~)

"Webber, here comes Mr. Alex."

"—Huh?" The voice interrupted his thoughts when he heard the sound, and Weber quickly got up and looked around. Now the suspicious objects in the house—fortunately, none.

who?he asked, a bad premonition flashing through his mind.


Before he could react, there was a rude and hearty laughter in the living room under the corridor.

"……and many more!"

Webber, whose face changed drastically, rushed out of the room and ran downstairs in a half-rolled attitude towards the dining room.

There were still those messy programs on the TV screen, and there were old people eating vegetables and drinking beer at the table.Nothing out of the ordinary except for a huge foreign object.

The Servant tucked himself into the rickety guest chair, greeted Webb with a raised hand, and drank the beer from the glass.

"Ah, it's really refreshing to drink."

Gulan, who persuaded him to drink with a bottle in his hand, seemed to be happy to meet a drinking friend from the bottom of his heart.

"When my Webb came back from England, I also expected him to be able to drink some alcohol, but he can't do it now, but I've been bored until now."

"Hahaha, he doesn't know the fun in it yet. I often tell him that in life, happiness is victory."

The old man and the conqueror were chatting and laughing.Watching this is clearly a prank scene.Weber was speechless.

Seeing this, Madam patted Webber on the shoulder with a puzzled face and said, "That's not good. Since there are guests coming, why didn't you let me know in advance? I didn't have time to prepare."


Seeing Weber's puzzled expression, Rider said without mind.

"No, no, ma'am, you don't have to bother. This kind of casual home cooking is the best delicacy."

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