Saber stretched out to the sword in the stone in front of her with trembling hands, and when she really held the sword in her hand, the gem of the sword in the stone suddenly dimmed!


Saber looked anxiously at the Sword in the Stone in her hand, but the Sword in the Stone had nothing to do with her, everything was telling her that you were just a clown...

"...Archer, why are you looking at me?"

"Ah, I'm just admiring your distressed expression."

Archer's smile was unexpectedly gentle, but also extremely frightening.

"I like the expression of a virgin with flowers scattered on the couch."


To Saber, this was an unforgivable fool.She smashed the glass to the ground without hesitation, her face filled with uncontrollable anger.

But it wasn't her anger that changed their faces in the next second.

After a while, Irisviel and Webber also noticed the strangeness in the surrounding air.Although he can't see it, he can feel a very strong killing intent on his skin.

A strange white object appeared in the moonlit atrium.One after another, pale faces appeared in the atrium like flowers blooming.The pallor was the color of cold, dry bones.

Skull mask with black robe.The empty atrium was gradually surrounded by this strange group.


It wasn't just Rider and Webb who knew they were alive. Saber and Irisviel also learned this from the conversation with Kiritsugu in the warehouse street.

Assassin wasn't just the one who was killed at the Tohsaka Mansion.The truth is that there are many Assassins involved in this Holy Grail War, but the number is abnormally large.They all wore masks and black robes, and they all had different physiques.There are giants, there are thin, there are short children, and there are women.

"...Is that what you did? Archer."

Archer shrugged innocently.

"Who knows, I don't have to figure out what those bastards think."

Since so many Assassins were mobilized, it was definitely not the order of Kotomine Kirei alone.Presumably this was the intention of his teacher Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Because Tokiomi had done the courtesy of a courtier to the King of Heroes, Archer also recognized him as the Master.Tokiomi's behavior made Archer even more dissatisfied with him.

Although this feast was initiated by Rider, it was Archer who provided the wine.What exactly did Tokiomi want to send a killer at such a banquet?This is equivalent to smearing the face of the King of Heroes, does he know?

"'s a mess."

Seeing the enemy approaching, Weber let out a sigh that was almost screaming.Incomprehensible, this completely exceeded the rules of the Holy Grail War.

"What's going on?! How come Assassins follow one after another... Isn't there only one Servant per class?!"

Seeing the embarrassment of their prey, the Assassins couldn't help laughing.

"—You're right, we are Servants with the whole as the individual, and the individual in it is just the shadow of the whole."

Neither Webb nor Alice Phil could understand.The Assassin that Kotomine Kirei summoned was actually such a peculiar existence.

"Old Man in the Mountains" - has inherited Hassan.Among the people with the terrible name of Sabah, only one person has the ability to change the body.

Unlike other Hassans, he did not make any modifications to his body.Perhaps it can be said that there is no need for this, because although his body is mediocre, his spirit can make the body change freely.

He can have excellent strategy, can speak foreign languages, can recognize poison, or can set traps.In short, he is an all-purpose assassin who can automatically switch abilities according to the needs of the mission.It is said that sometimes he can use strange powers and agility that his physical body could never have, and use long-forgotten illusions of martial arts.

He can disguise himself as any man, woman, or child.Stand beside you very naturally.Sometimes even able to change personality depending on the occasion, so that no one can uncover his true identity.

But no one knows the truth.Although Hassan has a single body, he has a different soul.

According to the knowledge at the time, there is no such thing as multiple personality disorder.In modern medicine, this is defined as a phenomenon of mental illness.To assassin Hassan.For Sabah, it is a mysterious "ability".He is able to use a variety of different knowledge and techniques through the cohabitants who live in his body, confuse the enemy through different means, weave a net of defense, and kill the target in a way that no one can expect.

And the Assassin summoned by Kotomine Kirei this time is the assassin known as "Variety".

Assassin's Truth and Furious Conqueror King

Exhausted!School starts tomorrow, but we haven't written any homework~~ I haven't written any~~ If we update tomorrow, it means we are still alive, if not, please burn some paper for me...

——————————————The dividing line of fate————————————————————

He is a Servant with one body and countless souls at the same time.Fundamentally, "they" were originally different souls, and because of the loss of the physical bondage, "they" could completely materialize into different appearances after appearing in the world.

Of course, the total amount of their spiritual power is only "one person", and their ability value when they act after splitting is definitely not comparable to the rest of the heroic spirits.But because of Assassin's exclusive skills, this group can be said to be invincible in scouting activities.

"Could it be that... we have been monitored by these guys until today?"

Irisviel murmured in pain, and Saber couldn't help shivering.Although the opponent is not strong enough.But they can get close, and there are so many people, even if she is the one with the strongest combat power among the Servants, this is a considerable threat.

And they, who had been following their targets like shadows, gave up the ability to cut off their breath at this moment.Watching them step forward without fear means...

"They're going to get serious."

Saber fell into an unexpected crisis, and could not help but grit her teeth.

A group of rabble who are dominated by numbers.Saber would never lose if attacked from the front, but only if Saber was the only one facing the enemy.

Now Saber had to protect Irisviel.No matter how weak Assassin is, it poses a considerable threat to humans.Even Einzbern's cyborg Irisviel can use first-class magic, but magic alone cannot stop Assassin.It's impossible for her to protect herself.

Therefore, if you want to fight while protecting your companions, the large number of enemies has become a very urgent problem.

How many Assassins can Saber stop with one strike? ——No, it’s not a question of how many people can be stopped.Even if one person is missed at this time, that person may cause major trauma to Irisviel.

Therefore, the question now is not "can it be stopped", but "can it be solved with one blow".And the number of Assassins surrounding them is despairingly large.

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