If you don't take it, you will be sick~~~~

When all the enemies left, Saber stood silently in the courtyard alone, and Irisviel couldn't help but feel that the scene was a little familiar - this lonely back was the same as when she was fighting on the warehouse street yesterday.

But today, on her face, she could not find a trace of satisfaction in repelling a strong enemy.That thoughtful and melancholy expression made Irisviel feel uneasy.


"—When I finally called Rider, if he was willing to stop and listen to me, what would I say?"

I don't know who this question is asking. Saber turned around and showed a wry smile, perhaps self-deprecating.

"I remembered - 'King Arthur doesn't understand the mood of others'. A knight who left me once said so."


"That might be the idea of ​​a certain knight among the Knights of the Round Table."

Irisviel shook her head and said to Saber:

"Saber, you are the ideal king, and your Noble Phantasm proves it."

"Indeed, I want to make myself the king of ideals. In order not to make mistakes, I never care about personal relationships and never reveal my heart."

Abandoning self in order to fulfill the duties of a king.

This is a far cry from the conquering king with supreme desire.

"As long as the war can be won and the policy is correct, then I will be a perfect king. Therefore, I never want anyone's understanding. Even if I am seen as arrogant, I think that is the attitude that a king should have.

But I—— can I stand up like Rider and brag about my beliefs?Can I follow my own principles like an archer?Or as cool as aboxer?Or, like the judge, close friends and family... I don't know..."

At this moment, Irisviel finally understood why Saber hesitated.

King Arthur finally got a tragic end of betrayal and separation.Because he failed to gain the love of his subjects like Iskandar, his reputation as a knight king was tarnished.

"—Saber, even if fate is unavoidable, it is not said that it is a given."

After a moment of silence, Irisviel suddenly said.

"How to say?"

"The future is not determined. Fortune, chance, plus many unexpected events, can finally determine the shape of fate.

Therefore, it is not because you are the King of Knights that you are doomed. Therefore, you must fight for the Holy Grail. "

"...Yeah, you're right."

Once, the king's magician had warned her that if the sword of fate was drawn, she would inevitably die.

But even so, she did not hesitate.

Although conscious, she didn't really realize what that meant.Even though she couldn't believe in hope, she believed that her wish was right.

Therefore, when she saw the results of the prophecy with her own eyes, she could not accept this fact.

There is only prayer, only grief.

She wondered if this was a mistake.

The path I pursued should have a more consistent ending—

This thought turned her into a Heroic Spirit, leading her to Fuyuki's Holy Grail.

"Thank you Irisviel, I almost lost the most precious thing."

Saber nodded, her eyes were still as clear and serene as before, sparkling with confidence.

"My merits and demerits as a king, and I will not get the answer if I ask the past. Now it is time to ask the Holy Grail. That's why I am here."

"Right, that is it."

Irisviel sighed in relief.The haughty king of knights was not at all suited to that introspective melancholy expression.Follow her own beliefs and move forward, this is what she should be like.That sword of light also restrained her constant victory.

Upcoming battles and battlefield summaries

Well, let me tell you, we are a sophomore in high school. Today's exams are really important. We can only do the most basic updates in the past two weeks, that is, one update on Saturday and Sunday, and two updates from Monday to Friday, but It will not be broken. I believe our promise. It is impossible to enter the palace, but the number of recent words may be a bit small. For the rest of the time when we do not update, we will also send a character picture every day. I hope everyone will support us and give Let's have some encouragement!thank you all!

————————— XXXXX’s dividing line 1.0 ————————————————————————

The next day, Matou Mansion.

The early morning sun shines on the horizon and everything is so peaceful... If you ignore these two guys in the living room...

In the hall of Matou's mansion, two figures are entangled together. Although it sounds very H, the reality is often unsatisfactory...

There are wine bowls all over the ground, the incomparably strong smell of wine diffuses in the air, and the hangover and Yakumo Wei and Xingxiong Yongyi on the ground.

I have to talk about this after I got back from last night's King's Banquet...

"Awei, I'm so boring lately... Although I have met friends who can drink, but there is no fight or anything, so boring..."

Xingxiong Yongyi pouted her small mouth, and said to Yayunwei with a face full of grievances.

"Relax~~~ I'll have fun soon~~~"

Ya Yunwei walked out of the gap and came to Xingxiong Yongyi, holding a wine barrel.

"I didn't drink well today! Let's continue?"

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