What, I've been thinking about the plot of the next world today, my head is a bit messed up... Maybe just one chapter, please understand...


early morning

It has been a night since Caster was eliminated by Xingxiong Yongyi, and Yakumo recalled what happened last night without having some headaches. After all, too many things happened...

From turning over, he gently loosened Sakura's little hand that was holding her clothes tightly, and looking at Loli who was still sleeping, Yakumo Wei smiled uncomfortably.

He turned around and walked out of the room, came to the living room, and habitually used the gap to make a good cup of tea for himself.


A voice came into Yakumo's ears, and when he turned around, it turned out to be Matou Kariyako.

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Ya Yunwei said suspiciously.

"Last night... thank you..."

Matou Kariyako said embarrassedly.

"Oh, it's nothing, this kind of thing is nothing important, don't blame yourself."

Ya Yunwei said indifferently.

In fact, last night, in Matou Kariyako and Tohsaka Tokiomi's solo, like the plot, Matou Karyoko lost, although not as embarrassed as the original, but still in danger, in an emergency, Yakumo saved Matou Karyoko died, but this also let Tosaka Tokiomi know that the judge and Berserker were teaming up, which had a little impact on the layout of Yayunwei.

Actually, a lot happened last night. Assassin kidnapped Irisviel while Berserker was keeping Saber in check.

But because everyone thought Assassin was dead, Emiya Kiritsugu was very anxious about Irisviel's kidnapping. After all, he was one of the few people who knew Irisviel's true body!

And Yakumo Wei also went to the church to ask for the Command Spell, but because of the old godfather's various wrangling, (actually because Tosaka Tokiomi didn't want to hand it over to Yakumo Wei) Yakumo Wei was very unhappy, so he killed the priest. From the understanding of the plot, he took away the priest's arm full of master spells of all dynasties. Although he didn't know the formula for the transfer (I didn't pay attention to it when I was an otaku), but as a realm demon, Yayunwei, any small realm, can be transferred.

Sure enough, the bloodline of the realm demon is really powerful and perverted!

Although the Command Spell is not very useful to Yayunwei, it is not necessarily for other people!

Yakumo Wei handed all the Command Spells to Sakura Loli. Although some adjustments have been made to the Command Spells to make them more controllable, the magic power inside is still a little less, but it's not harmful~~~

Sakura Lolita is still very talented in giving magic power, so Sakura's current magic power control and magic power have made a big leap!

This is a good help for the next Holy Grail 5 battle!

In fact, Yakumo Wei wanted to completely solve the Holy Grail at first, but the system told him that the Holy Grail at this time was already a fixed "evil" container. If destroyed, it would only make the "evil" in the world unable to belong, and It will cause damage to the will of the world, so instead of destroying it, it is better to purify it and then use it. Now the Holy Grail has surpassed its capacity, because now the Holy Grail contains all the "evil" from the past to the present, but after this cleanup is completed, the future Holy Grail " "Evil" is nothing but the "evil" produced by human beings during the period between the two Holy Grail Wars. This "evil" will not affect the function of the Holy Grail itself, but will become the energy of the Holy Grail to realize the wishes of the victors!

This is the so-called perfect disposal and waste utilization~~~

The situation is now clear. Last night, Lancer was killed by Yakumo, and Kenneth and Sora were also dead (Kenneth was killed by Yakumo, and Sora was killed by Emiya Kiritsugu), because unscrupulous Way, Saber also has a bigger rift with Emiya Kiritsugu, everything is planned, a little change is not to be afraid of~~~

Berserker wants to keep Saber in check, the duel between Gilgamesh and the Conqueror is coming, and the Holy Grail War is about to end, but Yakumo always feels that something is missing... What is it? ~~~

Oh!correct!As the only traveler, how could it be possible without the Crystal Palace? !


Saber doesn't like it... The rest of the servants don't have girls anymore? ! ! ! !

What a failure...

Yayunwei thought to himself...

⑤①⑨②⑤②Zero Zero① (you know)

Saber's decision! (Memories)

What, I forgot the time with the readers.,,,Sorry and, here is the memory chapter. Ellie has not been captured by assassin... Recently, my head has been messed up, so forgive me~~~

———————————— agaurh’s dividing line ———————————————

The warm afternoon sun gently warms the outer walls of the warehouse, which gradually slopes towards the west.

But the air in the warehouse was still silent and cold.A few rays of sunlight streamed in through the small skylight, and the warehouse seemed to be bathed in a dusk-like twilight.

Saber sat on the ground against the wall, waiting for that moment to come.

In the magic circle beside her, Irisviel was still lying on her back with her arms folded on her chest.She is still asleep.Since bringing her here in the morning, Saber has been staring at her sleeping profile motionlessly.

Did the magic circle she and Irisviel draw together yesterday work as expected?

For Irisviel, who is an artificial human, it seems that resting in this magic circle is the only way to recuperate.In the past, ceremonies would take place at the same time, but as things stand, that seems like a very distant past.

It's been a really long night.

Caster, who got in the way of the battle in the middle of the battle, was finally defeated.

Afterwards, the showdown with Lancer ended in harrowing fashion.

Last night, the Holy Grail War made great progress, and the two Servants withdrew from the battle.No matter what the situation was, Saber fulfilled his most important responsibility.

Saying you're not tired is a lie.But now she's more worried about Irisviel's situation.

Remember to have signs since the morning.Irisviel calls that a functional flaw in the android.But Saber couldn't figure out what happened yesterday that caused her physical condition to suddenly deteriorate.Not because of an injury, or because she was exercising too much.If this happened to the Master who had formally signed a contract with Saber, then it was most likely due to Saber's exhaustion and the increase in the supply of magic power, which put a heavier burden on the Master.But if that's the case, it shouldn't be Irisviel who was the acting Master who fell, but Kiritsugu.

The soft sunlight came in through the skylight, and as noon passed, the sunlight gradually changed its angle.

Finally——Irisviel moved slightly, and the still air seemed to be rippling.

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