Irisviel sighed helplessly and nodded at each other's answers.

"—No way. Then next, I'll have to ask your own heart."

The soft white palm covered Kiritsugu's eyes——

Then, the world went dark.

Two boats are floating on the sea.

There were [-] people on one ship, [-] people on the other, a total of [-] crew members and passengers, and Emiya Kiritsugu.Suppose these five hundred and one people are the last remaining human beings in this world.

Then Kiritsugu only needs to play a scene based on the following propositions and roles.

"Both ships have a fatal hole in the bottom at the same time, and Kiritsugu is the only one with ship repair skills. When one ship is repaired, the other ship will sink. So, which ship will you choose to repair?"

"...Of course it's the boat with three hundred people."

"What would you do when you made a decision and two hundred people on another boat detained you and asked to 'fix this boat first'?"


Before he could answer, a machine gun appeared in Kiritsugu's hand.

The gun suddenly fired bullets like an automatic machine.Kiritsugu could only stare blankly at everything in front of him.

A bullet penetrated four people, and in an instant, all two hundred people were shot dead.

"—Correct. This is Emiya Kiritsugu."

Kiritsugu watched the ship carrying Shishan gradually sink into the sea without moving.Every corpse on the deck seemed to be someone he knew.

"Then, the remaining [-] people abandoned the damaged ships and continued their voyage on two new ships. This time there were two hundred people in one boat and one hundred people in the other. However, a large hole appeared in the bottom of the two ships at the same time. "


"You were pulled by a hundred people in a small boat and asked to repair the boat first. What would you do?"


A dazzling flash of light flashed before his eyes, and with the explosion of the bomb, a hundred people turned into silt in the sea.This is what Emiya Kiritsugu does.Like his usual style, he carried out the killing.


"That's not right...impossible!"

where is correct.

Two hundred people survived, and three hundred were sacrificed for it—this time the pointer of the scale was reversed.

"No, your calculations are correct. You did sacrifice the minority to save the majority. Well, next question."

Ignoring Kiritsugu's protest, the game's owner continued.

One hundred and twenty and eighty were placed on the scales.Kiritsugu tortured and killed [-] people.

Eighty and forty were next. The "Magic Killer" mourned forty people, and every face of them was one they knew, the faces of those who had been killed by their own hands.

Sixty and twenty—

Twenty-five and fifteen - the choice continues.The sacrifice continues.The mountains of corpses piled higher and higher.

" that what you want me to see?"

Disgusted by this low-level game, Kiritsugu asked the thing that called himself the "Consciousness of the Holy Grail".

"Yes, this is your truth, the answer from Emiya Kiritsugu's heart, that is, the wish that the Holy Grail must fulfill as a wish machine."


Kiritsugu screamed while looking at his hands that were stained red.

"This is not my wish! I wish there was another way... So I have to rely on 'miracles'..."

"A method you don't know can't be included in your desire. If you want to save the world, you can only do it with a method you already know."

"What a joke! This...what kind of miracle!?"

"It's a miracle. What you've hoped for, and which you can't achieve personally, will be achieved on a scale that's beyond the reach of human beings. What's not a miracle?"

The remaining five were all the most important to Kiritsugu.But he still had to make a choice, whether to save two or three.

He screamed in despair and pulled the trigger, hitting Emiya Juxian in the face.Natalia Kaminsky's brains also splattered all at once.

"You want to... come to this world and do such a thing to all mankind... Is this the realization of my ideals?"

"Exactly. Your wish is most suitable for the form of the Holy Grail. Emiya Kiritsugu, you are simply too suitable for the title of 'all the evil in the world'."

There are three remaining, whether to save one or two.Kiritsugu grasped the handle of the sword with trembling hands.

Tears have dried up.With a ghost-like stare, Kiritsugu tore Kuu Maiya's body apart.Repeat, repeat swinging the dagger.

In this way, there are only two people left in the world.

No more weighing on the balance.Equivalent value without calculation.This is the last hope in exchange for four hundred and ninety-eight human lives.

Kiritsugu finally breathed a sigh of relief after finishing all this, as if he had become a walking corpse, surrounded by the warmth of the stove.

In the nostalgic, calm and warm room, the "wife" and "daughter" are smiling.

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