In the exam week, three subjects have been completed, and there is one more waiting for us...

Although the students in the art department have few exams, they are indeed very difficult...

Now I have completely fallen into the endless cycle of review, and, how should I put it, most of the questions are to express their own views, so...

so hard! ! ! ! ! ! !

—————————————————Here is the dividing line that suddenly found that I was already poor and didn’t know where the money was spent—————————————————

"You are Class B, right?"

Pushing open the door and stepping onto the podium, Feng Jian Youxiang is also like a proud queen who surrounds all beings.

"Lord Goddess!!!"


All kinds of howls were recalled in the class. After all, Feng Jian Youxiang's beauty is not something ordinary people can have.

"Quiet!!! First of all, I declare two points. First, I am married. Second, I am your sub-class. My name is Kazejian Youxiang."

The short answer and violence shattered the beautiful dream of Class B, and Feng Jian Youxiang also said coldly.

"Do you know why you are Class B?"

It seems that the big 400 brother is questioning the younger brother who has made a mistake. The metaphor of Su Rian is very image-destroying, but it is exactly the most appropriate!

"Because you are weak, your overall score is not as good as Class A. Although there are many powerful people here, this is an indisputable fact!!!"

"So, before the so-called sports festival comes, I will train you well, so that you can truly become an existence beyond Class A, so now..."

Glancing at Bradkin beside him, Feng Jian Youxiang also directly opened the door again.

"Come with me to declare war on Class A!!! By the way, the sub-class of Class A is my husband."


"Declaration of war!!!!"

"Get to Class A!!!!"

Originally, as a student of Class B who was aiming to become a hero and was admitted by strength, being assigned to Class B had a sense of anger in his heart. Now, after Feng Jian Youxiang, this can not be called a lead, but can be called a lead. A little way to add fuel to the fire, then an outbreak is inevitable...


Class B's declaration of war can be described as a small episode, but it cannot be ignored. After all, it is Kazami Youxiang who is training the students of Class B, so Yayunwei can say that as long as these students don't quit, they will definitely be much stronger!What?you say die?Please, seeing the fragrance in the wind is really hard to die...

Afterwards, when all the class A students were dressed in their training uniforms, everyone came to the playground under the leadership of the head teacher Aizawa Shota and the deputy class Yakumo Wei.

"The next thing you're going to face is the Personality Mastery Test."

"Personality Mastery Test!!!???" x20.

However, for the so-called [Personality Control Test] that came suddenly, all the students were dumbfounded.

"What about the entrance ceremony? What about the on-campus introduction?"

"If you want to be a hero, you don't have time to participate in such leisurely activities."

With his back to the students, Aizawa Shota also said gloomily.And Yakumo Wei, who was standing aside, shook his head helplessly. Although he said that all the students were motivated to become heroes, they were still students.

"In the future, we will take everyone to a good gathering when there is time, but let's finish the test first."

"'s a pity, but if it's Yakumo-sensei, then it's also very exciting!"

Ashido Sanna has a pinkish-purple complexion, and has insect-like antennae on his head. His whole person also has some opposite-sex styles. As for his personality, it is [acid] in the data.

As the most cheerful girl, Ashido Sanna naturally has something to say.

"The biggest selling point of Xiongying High School (bbcj) is freedom, and this also applies to teachers. You should have done it in your junior high school, right? All kinds of physical fitness tests are prohibited, but personality is prohibited. This is the most supportive of personality. For a hero, it is a very useless restraint, so..."

Saying that, Shota Aizawa threw the softball in his hand to Katsuki Bakugou.

"How many meters did you get in junior high school?"

"Sixty-seven meters."

Very neat and tidy, Bao Hao Shengji also answered his own results.

"Then, use your personality again, as long as you don't step out of this throwing circle, you can do anything."

And Bakugou Shengji's performance did not disappoint Aizawa too much. At 705.2 meters, in front of the blasting air wave blessing and bursting momentum, softball was completely vulnerable.


"Looks like a lot of fun!"

"You can use your personality at will, it's not a hero class!!!"

All the students present expressed such emotion, while on the side, Yakumo Wei had a kind smile on his face.

"Oh? Do you have this kind of mentality? If so, how can you guys beat You Xiang's class? Are you trying to make us lose?"

In response to the reactions of many students, Yakumo Wei was completely panicked. After all, if he lost to Kazami Youka, his fate could be imagined... Being pressed down...

As for Yakumo, who was originally a young gentleman, but now is suddenly dark and kind, all the students also feel chills down their spines...

"Is this how you guys are going to face the Hero Division for three years? If that's the case, then I'll expel the student with the lowest comprehensive score~~~~"

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