
“…Hmm… this should be enough.”

Leonardo said, looking at the luggage he had packed.

[It really doesn’t matter. I only have 3 clothes as a top and bottom.]

Leo’s luggage was so modest that it even looked desolate. It was just dry food, three sets of top and bottom, chain and leather armor, and a few pennies.

<At this time, I’m just a wandering mercenary. It only gets cumbersome when you have a lot of luggage.>

[However, I don’t have much money.]

“I bought meat as a nutritional supplement, and some madman made it all vomit. Food expenses were high.”

What was his name… Was he a wise man? Were you an eunuch? I’m confused because it ends with the same word ‘ja’. Oh, it’s the same person anyway.

[Because if you eat it in a hurry, you will get sick. He cared for me with a deep heart.]

Without a single saliva on his lips, he laughed out loud as he uttered sophistry.

“You don’t want to receive that kind of feeling, so fold it up and shove it into your chest.”

[Is that what you mean to the master?]

“Then are you going to show the intestines to the disciple?”

In the midst of warm, venomous words coming and going, my luggage was completely packed. Leo looked at the door, carrying the bag to his body.


“What’s going on? Leonardo Boy? I’ve been hearing voices since before.”

“it’s nothing! I will leave right away!”

As if the self-talk had been getting longer, Chris called Leo as if puzzled. Ignoring the sage’s nonsense, Leo walked out of the inn with his luggage.

“Forgive me for being late.”

“It’s okay. I was just worried about what was going on because I talked a lot by myself.”

“it’s okay. Because he has a very talkative personality… hahahaha…”

As much as possible, the existence of the sage was to be hidden. I would write down the circumstances in which it would be beneficial to speak, and I had to consider the possibility of attacking the wise man or the wise man.

<Among them, you must never find out about Chris.>


The wise man will know why. The only reason is that it is so far-fetched and pure that it cannot be grasped intuitively.

<That person secretly admires that kind of thing.>

Chris Reinhardt, for her 30s, was a pitiful human who longed for the unknown power that had long since passed, such as “Black Flame Dragon, Magic Eye, and the Curse of the Right Arm”.

<Because there is also a hinterland.>

The setting behind him as a soul and a companion, I had heard of such a story when I went on a mission with her in a previous life.

<But what if that person is a wise man? So what will happen?>

[This wise man’s fans are increasing by one more. uhh…]

Unable to grasp the weight of the situation, the wise man answered lightly because he was not light.

<If it’s okay for a fan who sings like that, like breathing, I’ll tell you.>

Leo gave strength to his neck without hesitation.


[sorry. I won’t say that again.]

Again, there is nothing more than fear in the change of attitude.

Especially if it stimulates a natural and rational rejection.

“What’s going on?”

Actually, I had no intention of revealing the sage. The reason I called her was elsewhere.

“Where did the escort driver go?”

“You mean Jehad, the ‘ex’ escort?”

It certainly looked like it had been cut.

“…yes, you are now a ‘former’ knight.”

“…I should apologize for Jehard. sorry.”

Leo’s words stopped at the sudden apology. It was because he did not know the context of the apology that came out.

“I heard the insult he did to Arya. He drew his sword with his authoritative and insulting attitude.”

Then I saw something like that.

It was so insignificant that I forgot about it for a long time.

“it’s okay. After all, that’s the reason I put a fight on Ariaspil too.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

In the midst of the conversation, Leo looked around in a strange way.

“What’s going on?”

“But I can’t see Ariaspil. Where did you go?”

Ariaspil, who should be at the center of this conversation, was not around.

“Aria is sleeping in the inn now. It must have been that he had exhausted his stamina to deal with the two guys, Balrog and Jehard.”

No matter how talented Ariaspil is, there will be physical limitations right now. If it were an ordinary person, I would have been exhausted and ill as soon as I faced Balrog.

“First of all, I didn’t wake up in the sense of getting a good rest. Sleeping at that age is also a discipline.”

“That is correct.”

“And at the same time there are other reasons.”

Chris’ eyes grew serious. It was a different weight than the pretentiousness or form of the eyes.

“…can I ask what the reason is?”

“I wanted to say good luck to Arya.”


Asking Ariaspil, it was a request that went in a slightly different direction than when I first met Chris.

“That Anne and Arya are geniuses of all ages, even though I have to say that they are blood and blood.”

That was something Leo knew better than anyone. Not only in the past and present, but even after more than 10 years in the future, no genius more than Ariaspil has emerged.

“That’s why he had no choice but to be lonely. Like the fate of the brilliant, I had to contemplate the loneliness of the noble wolf.”


Surely it might be. Being superior means that, in other words, you have to be different from most people.

“…but Aria has changed since I met you.”


“Even I didn’t know that he could express his feelings so much. Regardless of my ability to develop, that feeling is probably my biggest growth as a human being.”

Come to think of it, Ariaspil in his previous life always had no expression on his face. He looked at the world with only boredom, as if he had no interest in everything.

“So I want to ask you. Please don’t leave the lonely wolf alone.”

Although my fingers shrank a little, it was a meaningful conversation.

“All right. Even if it hadn’t been for her, I would have tried to be by her side.”

“Because you are also a lone wolf. There is nothing more pleasant than meeting someone like you and your classmate.”

At the last words, my fingers completely withered. Leo’s lips and tongue twitched at the brutal auditory torture.

“…but there is one thing I want to correct.”

“what? Did I say anything wrong?”

The dagger of the horse is already loaded.

“Wolves are pack animals. Most creatures like dogs are herds. So the lone wolf…”

Chris responded with a deep smile to that fact.

“Hey, you just didn’t know that because you have limited knowledge. i saw The appearance of a wolf walking alone…”

“Ah, that’s a wolf that got kicked out of the pack.”


But the reality was still a gutter.

“The lone wolf is mostly of two kinds. A young wolf who came out to form a pack, and an old wolf who was expelled from the pack because he grew old.”

Her eyebrows tremble violently as if they were vibrating. Maybe it was just the eyebrows, and even the solemn expression on his face was greatly distorted.

“That…that…! I was talking about a young wolf! okay!! Young Wolf!!”

“But if a young wolf is lonely, it is a failed wolf. I couldn’t form a group because I didn’t have the strength, and I couldn’t even get in.”

As we always say, the reality is a gutter.


Chris didn’t say anything again. Because she was a noble lion, a lone wolf, and always had an ideal of him.

‘A noble lion…but… not as much as a wolf… as a lone wolf…!!’

But there is no such thing in nature.

[You seem to be anxious because you couldn’t shred your childish heart.]

<Isn’t that person too old to have a childish mind?>

[Cute guy.]

<The Mother Nature is always cruel.>

what great nature is this


While one woman was in deep loss due to the destruction of her conscience, another girl was approaching with a bright smile.


Behind him was Ariasviel.

Perhaps the fatigue was completely relieved by rest, and she was proud of her beautiful appearance.

Life flowed through the clear walls, and her long white straight hair was asleep in a glossy finish.

The skin looked as smooth and moist as pure white snow.

[The bird is prettier than the bird he hasn’t seen. Did you wear makeup?]

<I don’t know how to do that. She’s a natural beauty. natural beauty.>

Ariaspil showed no interest in beautiful makeup or clothes. Rather, she was interested in a good sword or good blocking armor.

Nevertheless, she received the title of a beauty who tilts the country only with her appearance.

<In my opinion, it is because of talent rather than appearance, but the country is thriving.>

[Curse, praise, or do one thing. It’s hard to say.]

I had no intention of praising or cursing. it was just that

“Sorry, I’m late. I woke up late…”

“it’s okay. It’s no longer strange to go through something like that and wake up early.”

As she said goodbye to Leo, she looked at her aunt who was pondering deep pain.

“Even a lion… no, a wolf… is… just as much as a wolf…”

The ideal that he had longed for had collapsed, and the rest of his mind was also falling apart.

“… Auntie, why are you like that, Chris?”

It could be condensed into this sentence.

“You are becoming an adult.”


The road to Reinhardt’s home was long if it was long, and long if it was long. I had to ride horses all day to the city, after which I had to pay to use the warp gate.

“Let me pay for the warp gate.”

“Are you okay though? I know it won’t be easy…”

“Okay. Reinhardt is not weak enough to be shaken by that amount.”

[It seems that he is very weak to destroying the heart.]

<That’s limited to Chris.>

Thinking like that, Leonardo looked at Chris and said.

“We’re going to make more than that amount.”

“Don’t expect it.”

Leo’s party went on board the warp gate as it was.

That’s where I went through the gate

“Welcome to Reinhardt’s home. boy.”

It was the mansion of the Reinhardt family.

‘It’s amazing to see here.’

There were countless surprises. First of all, starting with the size of the grand mansion, the warp gate that the small town barely installed existed on the private property, and the size of the garden was not strange even if it was a small forest.

[Reuben, did he make some money?]

<If even the warriors can’t make money, everyone won’t be able to live.>

[…that is.]

For some reason, the sage’s expression looked a little dark. Not a simple emotion, but a complex expression that is difficult to describe, a crowd gathered at the front door without even asking for it.

A loud noise rang out, and the servants gathered outside the mansion to form a line for the entrance.

[I want you to be the king completely.]

<That’s it. Ariaspil and Chris-sama.>

Two people who are direct descendants of the family appeared, and I didn’t know what kind of sparks would ignite if I didn’t treat them like this.

“It’s upsetting. Chris.”

“That’s right. aria. That’s why I didn’t say that I was coming here on purpose, but it must have been meaningless.”

The two of them don’t like the welcome ceremony, though.

“Are you here? miss.”

Alfred Sebastian, an old butler at the center, walked to Reinhardt’s two young girls.

“Long time no see. Alfred.”

“It won’t be long. Considering the last adventure I went on to find my ‘self’, it was a very short time…”

The shadow supporting Reinhardt kept the old gentleman’s mouth shut to hide his dark history.

“…sorry. miss. You made a mistake without knowing that the guest had arrived.”

“Don’t talk like that even if you don’t have guests. Alfred.”

Alfred looked at Leo with a solemn expression on his face. With that dignity and manners, Leo was able to recall Reinhardt’s class in an instant.

“Hello, my name is Alfred Sebastian, I am the butler of the Reinhardt family.”

The etiquette between knights and nobles is already known. But if you want to make a good impression on Alfred butler, you don’t have to end up like that.

“Hello, butler. My name is Leonardo, a wandering mercenary. I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you my last name.”

Leo looked at Alfred at the same time as he said goodbye. Although he was also quite concerned about polite manners, Alfred’s doubts were elsewhere.

“…how is it? Leonardo?”

“Because I am not the owner of the castle.”

The cold air, the salty gaze.

It was a moment when even Leo, who played a prank, became ashamed.

[…if you’re out of your mind, you shouldn’t have told me in advance. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t give you the wise man’s stone.]

“Bruloo hahahaha!!”

Then, suddenly, a loud noise was heard.

“Ahh!! Ah hee hee hee…! hee hee hee hee…!!”

There was neither an old butler nor an old gentleman.

There was only an old man who struggled with puns.

“sorry…! sorry…! Uh-huh…!”

“Why but?! Alfred!”

Alfred put his laughter to rest after a few deep breaths and coughing.

“Uh-huh, um… I’m sorry. I’m chutae…”

“it’s okay. But are there any oranges in the refreshments? I have been wanting to eat oranges for a long time.”

“Puak kak ha ha ha ha ha…!! ah!! Ah! hehehehe!!”

[what? Why is he there? Is there any disease that makes you laugh when you hear a jiral?]

<There is.>

Alfred Sebastian

He is Reinhardt’s longest-serving butler and the most prestigious butler.

In addition, he was a person who received respect from men and affection from women because of his dignified atmosphere, words, and manners.

Leo also admired and respected him both as a man and as a human being.

But one day,

‘what happened? Mr. Leo?’

‘Oh, well, I’m looking for some stuff. I lost the loot I got from fighting the Skeleton Knight.’

‘Is that so? Now that we have enough time, let’s try to find it together.’

‘ah! thank you I was about to hit the goal because of the Skeleton Knight.’

It wasn’t meant to be funny at all. Just because he was a mercenary, he had no respect for words, and he had no intention of being funny.


And Leo realized that humans couldn’t be perfect.

[…So, that inspiration makes a gag that even newborns listen to and laugh at?]

<I’m not laughing, I’m laughing because I like it. On the contrary, we have become very close since then.>

Since then, Alfred has been able to become a colleague who occasionally jokes, not just a business relationship.


[by the way…]


[Are you laughing too much? Don’t you die laughing?]

Hey, no matter how much you laugh, Alfred-san is only like that…


Alfred fell. with bubble bites.


Leonardo, age 13.

“Mr. Alfred!!”

13 minutes after coming to the family

“The butler!!”

faint the butler

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