Early morning.

Chu Feng woke up, opened his eyes sleepily, heard birdsong outside, and immediately knew that the weather outside was quite good.

He wrinkled his nose, smelled the sourness, and looked down to see the girl's hair, which was still greasy.

"Why didn't you wash your hair yesterday?" muttered Chu Feng.

In places like String Moon Island, if you sweat and don't wash your hair, the smell is sour.

Yun Xin opened his eyes sharply, pursed his upper lip, his thumb and forefinger formed a pincer shape, and grabbed the soft flesh around Chu Feng's waist.

She woke up earlier than Chu Feng, and just wanted to be lazy to get out of bed, so she heard someone's muttering, and actually said that she hadn't washed her hair, because she thought there was something wrong with her hair.


Chu Feng gasped for a cold "five zero three" breath, and a mocking expression appeared on his face.

After getting the wooden table and stool yesterday, the two went to sleep, and the girl was also recovering from a serious illness, of course, she did not dare to wash her hair.

Yun Xin tilted her head, squinted at Chu Feng's face, and asked calmly, "Does my hair smell very strong?

"Uh... Not heavy, not obvious. Chu Feng shook his head knowingly.

"Really?" asked Yun Xin, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Really, truer than pearls. Chu Feng affirmed.

"Hmph!" Yun Xinjiao snorted, as for whether to believe it or not, it was the girl's own judgment.

She muttered to herself: Pearls now have a lot of fakes.

"It's time to get up. Chu Feng yawned.

The bickering in the morning made the two completely sober, and the two had such a little fun in the past.

"Hmm. Yun Xin's cheeks were red, and he quickly left Chu Feng's side.

Chu Feng got up with his hands propped up, and before he could sit up, his right foot was hugged by the girl.

He looked at the girl with a confused look and wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Feet, let me see how the soles of your feet are doing. Yun Xin grabbed his feet with both hands and lifted him up.

"Uh..." Chu Feng rolled his eyes, relaxed his legs and feet, and let the girl's soft hands grasp and lift up.

"Don't move. Yun Xin untied the cloth belt of the bow, revealing the dried prickly vegetable paste inside.

She gently removed the prickly vegetable paste with her fingers, revealing a shallow scar inside, as if it was about to heal.

"Huh, okay, so soon?" said Yun Xin in amazement.

"Okay?" Chu Feng looked confused.

"Well, that's just a little scar left. Yun Xin frowned and nodded, guessing in his heart: Could it be that the medicinal effect of this prickly vegetable is so strong?

"Okay, just fine. Chu Feng withdrew his feet, put on his storm pants and shoes and left the shelter.

He did not dare to let the girl observe any longer, lest he see something, and if ordinary people thought that the wound on the sole of his foot was to be healed, it would take less than three or five days.

"The weather was wonderful. Chu Feng looked at the blue sky, moved his body, and prepared to start today's work.

"Chu Feng, brush your teeth quickly. Yun Xin's crisp voice came.

Chu Feng replied, "Good." "

After the two brushed their teeth and drank water, they began to get busy separately, and the girl had to cook breakfast first.

Chu Feng began to plan the scale of the camp, as well as the place to build a new shelter, and the treatment of bamboo water pipes.

He chose a place and said, "Let's get the sink out first." "

Chu Feng took the sapper shovel and began to dig a pit more than a meter away from the water from the bamboo water pipe. He wanted to dig a water storage puddle for washing clothes and so on.


The sapper shovel clashed with the stones with a shrill sound, giving goosebumps to climb.

"There are so many stones. Chu Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and put aside the stone he had dug up.

Half an hour later, a shallow pit with a diameter of about one meter and five meters was dug, and the depth was about fifty centimeters.

"Lay some stones in so you don't let the water wash too muddy." Chu Feng pondered.

He picked some flat stones and carefully laid them on the bottom of the pit and on the perimeter to form a stone puddle.

"Then get a platform out and you can do laundry. Chu Feng scanned the circle and found a few flat stones and laid them next to the puddle.

Then he found a few sticks of wood, sharpened them with a wood knife and nailed them to the side of the puddle to make a cross shape.

"Then just take the bamboo pipe. Chu Feng found the remaining bamboo, connected it to the bamboo water pipe, and changed the water outlet into a stone puddle.

"Chu Feng!" Yun Xin suddenly spoke out from behind.

"Whew..." Chu Feng's body tensed for a moment, and then relaxed.

When people are serious about work, or when they are focused and relaxed, they are easily frightened by sudden foreign objects.

"Hee-hee... I'm scared. Yun Xin stuck out her tongue with a grin.

"Breakfast ready?" Chu Feng rolled his eyes.

"yes, it's cooked. Yun Xin nodded.

"Let's go, have breakfast. Chu Feng squatted down and washed his hands, and walked towards the wooden shed.

Yun Xin also ran to wash his hands first, before trotting to catch up with Chu Feng and enter the wooden shed together.

Now the two of them can wash their hands as much as they want, and they don't have to buckle the rope to save water.

"That's just decent. Chu Feng entered the wooden shed and saw the breakfast on the wooden table with both eyes.

There is a table and no table, but it is far away, every time you squat on the ground or sit on a stone, it feels like something is missing.

Now with tables and chairs, there is a stronger sense of ritual in life.

"Sit down. Yun Xin urged.

"Good 5.9. After Chu Feng sat down, he looked at the bamboo bowl in front of him, with chopsticks and spoons on the side.

He looked up at the girl, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Chu Feng, wait a minute, should I collect branches?" asked Yun Xin, drinking soup.

She still remembered what Chu Feng said yesterday about building a fence.

"You wash your clothes first, then collect more firewood, I'll use it later." Chu Feng said as he chewed the fish meat.

"Okay. Yun Xin replied obediently.

Chu Feng asked for a lot of firewood, and today he was going to try to burn the pottery, and a wooden barrel alone was no longer enough.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Positive code fourth change. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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