
"Get another one. Yun Xin shouted happily.

The girl held a pottery plate in both hands, and a pleasing smile bloomed on her face.

She had a lot of fun today, and the pressure of coming to the wilderness has now been completely released.

"I'll take it to dry. Yun Xin held the pottery plate and trotted out.

She has made three pottery, two clay cups, and now a pottery plate.

"Check the dried pottery for cracks. Chu Feng raised his head and ordered.

"Okay. Yun Xin replied crisply.

"It's been a long time since I saw Yun Xin so childish. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth curved into a good-looking arc.

I suddenly found that making pottery today was a very correct thing, and in the first two days of coming to the wilderness, the girl had nightmares in the middle of the night, which made him a little worried about the girl's mental state.

After a while, Yun Xin ran in and said with a smile: "Chu Feng, the pottery is fine." "

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, then carefully rubbed the mud strips and made the pottery again.

"It seems that the clay is okay. Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

His small tank is already half complete, about thirty centimeters in height.

Now he slows down the height of the superimposed clay, and has to wait for the lower layer to be a little harder, and then start stacking the clay in 507, so as not to cause the cylinder to skew.

After all, he has too few professional tools here, so he can only do it roughly, omitting some steps.

"Chu Feng, can the pottery be burned today?" asked Yun Xin curiously.

It's no wonder that the girl is so anxious, making pottery for the first time in her life, of course, she wants to get the finished product faster.

"It should be possible. Chu Feng nodded after thinking.

It was morning time, about ten or eleven o'clock, and it was still a long time before the evening.

"Well, if we can burn the pottery today, we will eat in a clay bowl." "

Yun Xin tilted his head in anticipation, and then asked with his eyes open: "Chu Feng, I still have to make two more pottery bowls, is it okay?"

She was afraid that Chu Feng had other plans, lest there be insufficient clay.

"There's a lot of clay, so use it to your heart's content." "

Chu Feng shook his head funny and said softly, "You can do whatever you want." "

"Great. "

Yun Xin cheered, and said with his fingers: "I need two clay bowls for eating, one clay kettle, and then make a clay plate to put vegetables..."

(BBFJ) "Well, you don't have to make it all at once, you can add it slowly later." Chu Feng hurriedly interrupted the girl's plan.

According to the girl's plan, the entire shelter was replaced with pottery, which could not be done overnight.

"Hee-hee... I'm planning for the future. Yun Xinxian smiled and lowered his head, seriously making the pottery bowl.

"It's totally fine in the future, anyway, there is a lot of clay." Chu Feng said softly.

"That's right. "

Yun Xin suddenly raised his head and asked seriously, "When we leave in the future, can we take these pottery with us?"

I made it myself, and I kept it as a souvenir when I returned to the city, and some of it could also be given to the children in the orphanage.

"This... It should be possible. "

Chu Feng hesitated and said to the camera: "It is estimated that this little request, the program team should agree." "

"Poof... Chu Feng, you are really bad. Yun Xin was amused, and it was clear that he was informing the program team.

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands helplessly.

Chatting idly, the two were making pottery, and it was already an hour later when Chu Feng's small water tank was completed.

A small pottery tank 60 centimeters high and 20 centimeters wide is completed, and it looks like a household plastic bucket.

"It's so big, it's much bigger than a wooden barrel, and you can take a bath when it's full." Yun Xin tilted her head and commented.

"I'll take it out to dry first, and by the way, I'll make a clay in a cellar." Chu Feng carefully held the small water tank, afraid that the force would cause the water tank to crack.

"I'll go with me. Yun Xin stood up and hugged the pottery that resembled a teapot.

This teapot looks very strange, the girl has been doing it for more than half an hour, and she has been refining just now.

"Let's go. Chu Feng lightly moved his hands and feet, maintaining the strength of the pottery water tank on his hand.

The sun was shining outside the shelter, the stones were scalding, and the moist clay didn't take long to dry.

"Just put it here. Chu Feng found a flat stone, squatted down to blow clean the sand, and then put the small water tank away.

"Chu Feng, how do you make a cellar?"

Yun Xin put the teapot next to the small water tank and asked softly, "Is it a big stove that burns wood like an orphanage?"

"Part of the principle is similar. Chu Feng thought about the amount of knowledge in his mind, scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and quickly found the right place.

He walked over, and near the edge of the camp, there were relatively few stones.

"Bring me the sapper shovel. Chu Feng said to the girl.

"Okay. Yun Xin trotted back to the wooden shed.

Chu Feng cleared the surrounding stones, cleared a flat place, took the sapper shovel brought by the girl, and began to dig the hole.

"What am I going to do now?" asked Yun Xin, crouching beside her.

"You go and fill it with water, make this mud into a paste, and use it to pile up the walls of the cellar later." Chu Feng said softly.

"Uh-huh. Yun Xin trotted away again.

"It should be almost. Chu Feng looked at the kind of stove used for traditional fire.

His stove was dug out of earthen pits, the bottom hole could be used to stuff firewood, and the upper pit I hole was used for pottery.

"The water is coming. Yun Xin came over with two bamboo tubes and poured water into the mud.

"Not so wet. Chu Feng shook his head, squatted down and picked up the mud.

He was going to modify the stove and get out the walls of the cellar so that the temperature could rise to the temperature of the fired pottery.

The mud was made into arm-thick strips and stacked on the edge of the pit like pottery, and after making a circle, Chu Feng found a few small wooden sticks to put on the pit as support.

"Isn't this just the stove?" muttered Yun Xin, turning his head to see the sweat on Chu Feng's face, and ran away after thinking.

"This is not a stove..." Chu Feng was about to explain, when he turned his head and saw the girl's figure running away.

He spread his hands, then piled mud on the stick, and then poked many holes the size of his index finger in the mud, where the flames could soar.

All that remains is to let the sun bask and make the soil harder, so that the mud can be superimposed on it to make the cellar wall, so as not to put the pottery in and get wet with wet mud.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). The third change of the positive code, seek automatic subscription. "_

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