When night fell, Chu Feng and Yun Xin began to get busy after eating a warm meal.

The girl was knitting her shoes and decided to make a few pairs of shoes for Chu Feng, so she started knitting when she had time.

Chu Feng was making torches, waiting for the torches to be illuminated, and he could go to unseal the cellar and let the heat inside dissipate.

Click, click, click...

He was scraping wood powder with a wood knife, and he was very patient with a knife.

"Chu Feng, what are you doing with this?" asked Yun Xin without holding back his curiosity.

"This is one of the core fuels of the torch. Chu Feng said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Isn't there pine resin? Just dip some in a stick." Yun Xin said puzzled.

"No, use a stick to stain pine resin, it will burn out easily." This is too wasteful of pine resin. "

Chu Feng shook his head and explained, "Pine resin should be mixed and used, which is the most durable method. "

"I see. "

Yun Xin nodded in understanding, pointed to the 11 wood chip powder on the table, and said, "So, these wood chips should be mixed with pine resin?"

"Yes, after mixing in a certain proportion, stuffed into the bamboo tube, it is a good torch. Chu Feng nodded and said.

"Chu Feng, how did you come up with this?" said Yun Xin in surprise.

How could ordinary people think of such a method?

"I've seen the torch-making in the movie and then remodeled it. Chu Feng thought of the torches made of cloth and grease in the movie, and he just transformed it with something instead.

"You really can. Yun Xin gave a thumbs up with a smile.

"Prize after prize. Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and arched his hand.

Yun Xin rolled her eyes coquettishly, then stopped the work in her hand and watched Chu Feng make torches, which she wanted to learn, and she could make torches herself in the future.

Chu Feng took the thick bamboo tube, put the wood chip powder in, and then used the bamboo sheet to buckle a piece of pine resin into it, and then stirred it up with the bamboo sheet, so that the wood chips and the pine resin were mixed together.

He saw that the girl had the meaning of learning, so he explained the process: "The torches we made don't need to be very big, we don't need too big bamboo, so that we can save burning together." "

Chu Feng found a thumb-thick, one-meter-long bamboo, and after cutting off a section on the top, only an empty bamboo tube with a thumb length was left to stuff fuel.

"This bamboo joint must be punctured, otherwise the fire will cause an explosion if it burns here." Chu Feng used a wooden skewer to stab the joint.

When the bamboo joint encounters the burning of fire, there is a high probability of explosion, and if it explodes when holding the torch, the burning pine resin splashes on the person is in trouble.

"Oh, so it is. Yun Xinran nodded.

Chu Feng then stuffed a mixture of wood chips and pine resin into the bamboo with a wooden stick, and also stabbed it hard to compress it, so that the fire could burn a little slower.

He held the torch and said softly, "This completes a torch." "

Yun Xin took the torch and sighed: "How do I feel like a candle, not like a torch."

"For a big torch, you have to use a large bamboo, and this small torch is just right to use in the shelter. Chu Feng said softly.

"Do you want to use it?" Yun Xin was eager to try the torch.

"Use it, just go and unseal the cellar." Chu Feng nodded.

"Then I'll light the fire. Yun Xin took the torch, reached into the fire and easily lit it.

"Let's go. Chu Feng took the sapper shovel and walked outside the wooden shed.

The two looked at the fire outside, looked up at the cellar, and could only see a shadow.

"It's pretty bright. Yun Xin held up the torch and said in surprise: "I thought it was such a small flame as a candle." "

"The reason for pine resin. Chu Feng said calmly.

The night in the wilderness was a little cold, and both of them shivered a little, and trotted to the cellar and found it much warmer.

"Huhhu..." Yun Xin shuffed out the white mist, only to find that the weather had become much colder at night.

The girl hasn't bathed today, let alone her hair. She also thought about the hot bath method that Chu Feng said, but she hadn't seen it so far, and she was embarrassed to ask.

She turned her head to see Chu Feng's shirtless upper body, and said with concern: "Chu Feng, if you teach me how to get it, you should go back to the wooden shed first." "

"No, it'll be done soon. Chu Feng waved his hand.

He used a stick to pick open a few clay tablets above the cellar, no, it should be clay slabs now.

Then he removed the stone that was blocking the fire in the cellar, and found that the stone was still warm. The stone moved away, and a hot breath rushed to their faces, making the two feel a burst of warmth.

"It's warm. Yun Xin's tense body relaxed,

"Get the charcoal out and we can go back." Chu Feng took the sapper shovel and dug the charcoal in the fire of the cellar, so that the temperature in the cellar would drop down.


Even in the past few hours, there was still some charcoal with Mars, and after the charcoal was dug out, the heat was emitted even more, making both of their skin feel burning.

"Well, when the temperature drops, we'll know if the pottery is good or bad." Chu Feng said in a relaxed tone.

"Then let's go back to 510, the weather is getting darker." Yun Xin urged.

She was afraid that Chu Feng would get cold without wearing a top, don't look at the current high temperature here, but the heating area is only one direction, and the back will still feel cold.

The night breeze was blowing, and there was no shelter from wooden sheds and shelters, making people's skin tighten and cold.

"Let's go. "

Chu Feng took the lead and walked forward, while saying, "If the small water tank is fine, we can take a hot bath tonight." "

"Huh?" Yun Xin was stunned and hesitated, "What is the relationship between a hot bath and a pottery water tank?"

"It's a big deal. Chu Feng nodded affirmatively.

"Do you want to burn it on a fire with a clay water jar?" guessed Yun Xin boldly.

"No, it's too much trouble to do. The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched.

The pottery water tank is set on fire, which takes too long not to say, and it is very inconvenient, and it is a big problem to carry the water tank on the fire.

"What is the solution?" asked Yun Xin with a pout.

The girl looked at Chu Feng's mysterious appearance, a little itchy teeth, and wanted to rush up and bite people.


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