Yun Xin chewed slowly and ate the fish meat, looked up and asked, "Chu Feng, the fence has not been built today, will it continue tomorrow?"

"No, explore tomorrow and replenish the food stock. Chu Feng put down his chopsticks and said softly.

Miscalculations could only delay the construction of the fence by one day. Or build it in your free time, such as in the early morning and evening, when these two times are cooler and the sun is not so sunny.

"Great, explore that place tomorrow, or the seaside?" said Yun Xin excitedly.

She has always been worried about food, and as the saying goes, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. She cooks food every day, and she is really worried that she has to save everything for fear that one day she will have nothing to cook.

"Direction over the meadow, collect some wild vegetables along the way, and then find opportunities to hunt. Chu Feng said the plan in his heart.

He mainly wants to collect the ingredients of the food supplement formula, and a strong body is the capital for survival in the wilderness. There is also the hill where the deer appear, and he also wants to try hunting deer.

"Okay, listen to you. "Yun Xin has no opinion, if you don't understand, just follow the command.

"You eat all these things. Chu Feng ate two bowls and put ~ down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Good. Yun Xin didn't give in, and he was gradually getting used to the mode of getting along in the wilderness.

Chu Feng took the firewood knife and began to polish it to prepare for tomorrow's exploration.

The maiden, on the other hand, put stones in the fire and began to heat the stones to prepare the bath water for today's evening.

Yun Xin took the bamboo clip, suddenly remembered, and exclaimed: "Ah, I forgot that thing." "

"What?" asked Chu Feng curiously.

"Bamboo back basket. "

Yun Xin raised his eyebrows and hurriedly said, "I'll weave the bamboo back basket tonight, and I can only pack things tomorrow." "

A few days ago, I was going to talk about making bamboo baskets, but the girl has been delayed by various things.

After putting the stones into the fire, she hurriedly selected bamboo, and chose a bamboo wall with a relatively thin wall, so that the bamboo is easier to cut, and the bamboo is relatively light.


Yun Xin clumsily took the sapper shovel and split the bamboo, and the bamboo was cracked, but it was not cut.

"I'll do it, be careful to get it. Chu Feng couldn't see it, took the polished wood knife, and began to process the bamboo.

Click, click, click...

The bamboo is cut into pieces of about two meters, and the pieces about one finger width are separated from the middle to make thinner pieces.

Chu Feng put the firewood knife on the stone, and the edge of the blade was fixed in one direction, forming a parallel gap with the stone surface, so as to sharpen the thickness of the bamboo sheet.

Huo How~~

He pulled the bamboo chips, and the bamboo chips were scraped off by the wood knife, and the bamboo chips produced by this were very light and thin.

"Chu Feng, help me cut four thicker pieces of bamboo to be used as the main structure of the bamboo back basket. Yun Xin handed the bamboo over and said.

Bamboo sheets are too light and thin, and it can indeed reduce the load, but one point is that it is easy to deform, which requires thicker bamboo sheets as a support point.

"Good. Chu Feng took the bamboo and sharply cut four pieces of bamboo.

After Yun Xin took over, he arranged the thick bamboo pieces into the shape of a 'well', fixed the intersection with a rope, and then took the light bamboo pieces and began to weave the bamboo back basket.

The two divided their work and cooperated, and the bamboo back basket was slowly formed visibly visible to the naked eye, and in more than an hour, a bamboo back basket was compiled.

The girl made a delicate finish, twisting and inserting the pointed bamboo piece into the gap of the bamboo basket, forming a curved arc so that she would not tie her hands.

"Done. Yun Xin held the bamboo basket with both hands, and the weight was very light.

"It's not even close to the shoulder straps. Chu Feng reminded softly.

"Yes. Yun Xin suddenly came over.

She took a few ropes that had already been braided and made shoulder straps out of three strands of rope in the way she braided them.

Such shoulder straps are relatively wide, the force area is large, and the shoulders will not be strangled and painful.

Ten minutes later, the shoulder strap is fixed in the thick bamboo piece inside the bamboo back basket, and a bamboo back basket is completed.

"Chu Feng, make some more bamboo chips, and I'll make a small bamboo back basket. Yun Xin said softly.

She also wants to carry a bamboo basket when she goes out, so that she can put more things and free her hands.

"Yes. Chu Feng nodded, took the firewood knife and cut the bamboo pieces again, as long as he found the know-how, it was not difficult to cut the bamboo pieces.

Ask for flowers...

The characteristic reason of bamboo is that it can be split after being split, so that the bamboo can be easily divided into strips.

Some people also say that bamboo is a universal material, of course, there are exaggerated reasons, but the use of bamboo is very extensive.

Daily life such as bamboo buildings, bamboo chairs, bamboo baskets, etc. After bamboo is further processed, it can be made into new materials that are more durable than steel.

"It should be enough. Chu Feng cut a lot of bamboo pieces, turned his head to look at the girl and focused on weaving the bamboo basket, and did not bother.

He frowned and pondered, his eyes scanning a circle of wooden sheds and shelters, and soon found banana bark in the corner.

.... ,,0

"By the way, I almost forgot about this thing. Chu Feng muttered, it was time to try the problem of sackcloth.

He carried a handful of dried weeds out of the shed, went to the fire outside, lit the weeds and let them burn.

In a minute or so, a handful of dry weeds quickly burned into ash, and these grass and wood ashes were what Chu Feng wanted.

He went back and moved the barrel to the fire, used a sapper shovel to fill the barrel, then went to the sink to fill it with water, and when he returned to the shed, he stuffed the banana bark into it and soaked it.

"Hope this method works. Chu Feng stretched his waist.

Soaking the bark of plantain trees in the gray water of the grass can make it much softer, making it easier to separate useful fibers.

"Chu Feng, what are you doing?" asked Yun Xin curiously.

"Treat the plantain bark to see if you can separate the fine fibers." Chu Feng explained softly.

"Are you going to prepare to make sackcloth?" Yun Xin's eyes lit up.

"yes, we always have to have a new dress. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose.

"It's you who need clothes more. Yun Xin rolled her eyes, and Yu Guang glanced at Chu Feng's abs.

"Uh..." said Chu Feng.

Indeed, he deserved a dress.


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