Early morning.

Chu Feng had a nightmare, dreaming that he was seduced by a female ghost, and was pressed under him, forcibly wanting...

He woke up suddenly, opened his eyes and gasped.

"Huhhu..." As soon as Chu Feng took a few breaths, he felt a familiar sense of oppression, and looked down to see the girl's whole person lying on him.

He sighed helplessly: "No wonder you have nightmares." "

The chest was pressed by the girl's head, the waist was hugged, and the feet were also supported.

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin was disturbed by Chu Feng's movements to sleep, and squinted sleepily.

It took a while for her to fully wake up, and her red face quickly tumbled off Chu Feng's body, leaving a back to Chu Feng.

Yun Xin was only a little embarrassed at this moment, or a little used to it.

After all, every morning when she woke up, she hugged Chu Feng's body, and she got used to holding I.

"Is your back still itchy?" a smile flashed under Chu Feng's eyes.

Yun Xin's face was buried in the sleeping bag, and she responded in a muffled voice: "No, it's not itchy." "

Even if she got used to it, she was embarrassed to face Chu Feng.

"I'll see if your skin is still allergic to redness and swelling." Chu Feng said as he reached out and hooked the back collar of the girl's vest, and then pulled it down... The unexpected happened.


As soon as the strap of the chest robe was pulled by Chu Feng, the button was loosened, and the strap bounced off to both sides, revealing the girl's naked back.

"......" Chu Feng's whole person froze, and his eyes blinked dumbfounded.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said astringently: "That, Yunxin, I didn't mean it." "

"I, I know. Yun Xin's voice was a little trilled, her whole face was flushed, and she covered her mouth with her hands around her chest.

She was completely confused at this moment, how could such a thing happen?

"Ahem... ハ丬..." Chu Feng coughed lightly, and his black and white eyes scanned the back of the girl and found that there was no manifestation of allergies.

He immediately got up from his sleeping bag and said, "No allergies, it's completely fine." "

"Got it. Yun Xin replied muffled.

"I went out first. Chu Feng dropped this sentence, put on his storm pants and shoes, and came to the wooden shed to carry the barrel out.


He sighed lightly, looked down at his right hand, and said angrily: "I don't usually see you so flexible? "

"It was really a mistake. Chu Feng sighed, why was he so restless in the morning?

He shook off the extra thoughts, picked a large stone in the barrel, fished out the banana bark in the barrel, and spread it on the stone to dry.

In this way, when you come back in the evening, you can try to separate the fibers that can be used and try to see if you can weave them into linen.

After doing this, Chu Feng opened the cellar and took out the small water tank and clay pot that had been placed for a while.

After checking it, he said softly, "It's all intact." "

In the wilderness, pottery can be used as long as it does not leak, and the appearance is important, after all, it is not a work of art.

"Burn another cellar, and when you come back in the afternoon, you can open it." Chu Feng calculated the unfired pottery, which was just enough to fit in one cellar.

When he returned to the wooden shed with the fired pottery, he saw the girl holding her clothes and preparing to go out.

"It's all burned?" Yun Xin said in surprise, the blush on her face was still very obvious.

"Well, it's all usable. Chu Feng said flatly.

"That's good. Yun Xin's eyes dodged, and he held his clothes to wash with a red face, and he had clothes to change tonight.

"What an awkward morning. Chu Feng slapped his forehead helplessly and went to the cellar with the remaining unfired pottery.

Half an hour later, the cellar was closed again.

"I'll have to make the furnace again next time. Chu Feng looked at the wall of the cellar, and could clearly see the cracks, indicating that the cellar could not withstand the fire.

He turned to look at the girl who had already prepared breakfast, and took a firewood knife into the jungle, and while the sun was still not yet radiating, he was going to collect some wood to prepare for the construction of the fence later.

Half an hour later, the girl's crisp voice echoed in the mountains and forests: "Chu Feng, it's time for breakfast." "

"Here it is. Chu Feng responded with a raised voice, tied up the chopped wood, and dragged it out of the jungle.

He collected wood at the edge of the camp and returned to the camp in a matter of minutes, stacking it next to the thorns.

There were a lot of thorns and wood piled up in the camp, all for the purpose of fencing.

"It's enough to come a few times. Chu Feng calculated the approximate amount of wood.

When he returned to the wooden shed after washing his hands, he found that the girl had returned to her usual appearance, the table top clay bowl had been arranged, and two grilled fish.

"Today, why is it so rich?" asked Chu Feng without words.

"Hee-hee... To explore, you have to eat a little more so that you can bring more food back. Yun Xin's crisp voice was full of longing.

"Then you have to eat more. Chu Feng smiled.


For breakfast, the two of them ate very well, and began to pack up the things to take to the jungle.

"Chu Feng, besides water, what else to bring?" asked Yun Xin quickly.

She has filled her bamboo back basket with four bamboo tubes of water and some rope.

"You don't need to bring the rest, you can just bring more water." Chu Feng shook his head.

He brought most of his belongings, firewood knives, sapper shovels, ropes, and bamboo tubes filled with water.

Finally, and most importantly, that is the bow and arrow.

Chu Feng went into the shelter and took out the bamboo bow and bamboo arrow, these days the bamboo bow and bamboo arrow were smoked by him, and then the bowstring was removed.

In order to preserve the bow power, the bowstring will be removed when not in use, and then put on the bowstring when it is used.

After spending a few minutes, Chu Feng wound the bamboo bow, and then hung the quiver made of bamboo tube on his waist, and the bamboo bow was stuffed into the bamboo back basket, holding the firewood knife in his hand to open the way.

"Let's go, let's hurry a little more while the sun is just rising." Chu Feng said with a bamboo basket on his back.

"Okay. Yun Xin also carried a bamboo basket on his back, and he still held a bag made of rope in his hand.

The two took advantage of the rising sun and entered the bushes.


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for customization, ask for support. "_

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