
The bamboo arrow shot out from the jungle coldly, because of the air resistance, even the guidance of the arrow feathers was a little floating.


The bamboo arrow did not hit the neck of the deer, but plunged into the deer's front legs, causing the deer to jump up suddenly, and then rushed into the jungle.


When the deer herd was attacked, they were all alarmed and rushed in one direction in the jungle.

"Damn, it's still a little far away. Chu Feng rushed out of the bushes to the grass, looking in the direction where the deer fled.

The power of the bamboo bow is still not enough, and the bamboo arrow that is shot floats, even if it only floats a little, it does not hit the ideal position.

Having a gift package gave him a lot of archery experience, but it also had to be within a reasonable range to show his skills, well, in the end, the bamboo bow is not powerful.


Yun Xin rushed over, holding Chu Feng's bamboo basket in his hand.

She gasped and soothed, "Chu Feng, it's okay, we still have a chance in the future." "

"Huh?" Chu Feng was stunned, and then said with a smile: "Go, let's go and track this deer." "

He took the bamboo basket from the girl's arms and carried it again, without a trace of chagrin on his face.

"Go after that injured deer?" asked Yun Xin.

"Well, that deer has an injured front leg and definitely can't run far. Chu Feng nodded.

"Okay. Yun Xin nodded.

"You follow me closely, don't be left behind. Chu Feng instructed seriously.

This area is unexplored, and if people are lost, it will be troublesome.

"Understood. Yun Xin gave a funny salute.

"Naughty. Chu Feng rolled his eyes in amusement and turned around and walked in the direction where the deer fled.

Knowing that the girl was appeasing his unwillingness, he was not a dead brained person, he just wanted to chase a distance to see, if he could track it, it would be best, not to force it.

The two entered the jungle and followed the deer's blood.

Ten minutes later.

"Chu Feng, there are blood stains here. Yun Xin pointed to the red dots on the ground in surprise.

"See, let's go this way. Chu Feng answered, looking at the not so dense bushes in front of him.

"Huh, why aren't there any trees here?" asked Yun Xin in amazement.

"The geological reason may be from saline land. Chu Feng said softly.

"So it is. Yun Xin knew this knowledge, but it was the first time she saw it in reality.

"Let's go, there is less and less blood here. Chu Feng said in a deep voice, less blood means that tracking is more difficult.

"Good. Yun Xin drank his saliva and followed behind.

The more Chu Feng walked, the more familiar he felt, looking at the hill not far away, this was not the hill where he had picked black fungus before.

The corners of his mouth rose, he had a guess in his heart, and said softly: "I didn't expect to come here." "

"Eh, Chu Feng, have you been here?" asked Yun Xin in amazement.

"Well, I told you before that the place where you found the deer was the hill in front. Chu Feng raised his finger and pointed in front and said.

"Are you saying that injured deer may have gone there?" guessed Yun Xin.

"Yes, I suspect that deer have a habit of migrating back and forth. Chu Feng said softly.

The resources of an island are limited, especially for meadows, and the grass on the side of the large meadows is simply not enough for this group of deer, so there are definitely other meadows.

Two days ago, he encountered the deer, and today the deer also went to the hill, and Chu Feng boldly guessed that there should be grass on the other side of the hill.

"Then are we still going to chase after it?" asked Yun Xin softly.

"Let's take a look at it for a while, if not, go pick some black fungus." Chu Feng sighed.

If the deer really ran up that hill, he wouldn't chase it. Don't look at the hills are not high or big, but under the dense jungle, it takes more than half a day to cross the past, so that you can't get back to the camp before dark.

"Don't be discouraged, maybe that deer is right ahead!" Yun Xin soothed softly.

"Yes, there's a good chance it's right ahead. Chu Feng replied as he spoke.

The two chased the blood trail towards the hill, and Chu Feng soon saw a familiar scene, that is, the ravines washed by the mudslide, broken wood everywhere, and huge stones.

"The mudslide is really scary. Yun Xin exclaimed.

"Be careful when you go over, don't step on the empty. Chu Feng instructed.

The ruins left behind by the mudslide were not very easy to walk, and there was broken wood everywhere.

"Good. Yun Xin replied, following closely behind Chu Feng.

It took a few minutes for the two to come to the foot of the hill, and Chu Feng carefully checked it before finding the blood stains left by the deer and tracking them down again.

A few minutes later.

Chu Feng found the traces, and after distinguishing them, he said: "., there are deer footprints here, and more than one deer passes here. "

There is no hope of finding here, and the injured deer may have followed the herd.

"Huh-huh... Do you want to chase again?" asked Yun Xin gasped.

"Let's find some black fungus nearby. "

Chu Feng looked at the girl's tired appearance, and said helplessly: "It seems that we have no luck eating that deer, and we don't know if it will be cheap for that beast." "

If the deer hurts its leg, it will definitely not live long, and don't forget that there are many carnivores in the jungle, and they will not spare a wounded deer.

"I'll eat it later. Yun Xin said softly.

The girl didn't know how to comfort her, after all, she would be able to eat venison right away, but she didn't expect the injured deer to be so tenacious.

Chu Feng took the girl to find black fungus nearby, if there are enough black fungus, it is also a high-quality reserve grain after drying.

The two went separately and picked out the fallen wood, especially those that were a little rotten, and it was easier to find the black fungus.

There was really a lot of rotten wood in the hill, and in seven or eight minutes, Chu Feng found a lot of black fungus.

"Chu Feng, come quickly. Yun Xin's scream of surprise sounded.

"I'm coming. When Chu Feng heard the shout, he rushed over, and saw the girl standing in the distance.

He rushed over and shouted, "What's wrong? What's going on!"

"Chu Feng, look what this is?" Yun Xin jumped to the side with a smile, revealing something that was blocked.

The deer, the wounded deer, dramatically let the maiden find it.

Lucky Girl Online!!


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