Broadcast hall, live broadcast room for observers.

"Cough, cough..." He Ming coughed lightly, his eyes left the screen, those internal organs still look a little less, otherwise they won't be able to eat late-night snacks tonight.

Wang Lin watched with relish, heard a cough, turned his head to look over, and asked, "What's wrong?

"No, no. The corner of He Ming's eyes twitched.

He looked at Wu Qingyue and found that she covered her eyes with her palms, but the gap was too wide.

Wu Qingyue looked sideways at He Ming and wondered, "Teacher He, is there something wrong?"

"Aren't you afraid of those bloody internal organs?" asked He Ming curiously.

"Don't be afraid, I often watch horror movies. Wu Qingyue lowered her hands with a smile.

The corners of He Ming's mouth twitched, if he wasn't afraid, why were his hands a little shaky?

He remembered a sentence on the Internet: People who watch horror movies, the more afraid they are, the more they want to watch them.

"What about Wei Ting?" asked He Ming as he turned his head.

"I killed 11 sheep. Qi Weiting said lightly.

"......" He Ming suddenly spoke.

Well, four people here, is it normal for him to react in one way?

"Yun Xin actually wants to make dachwurst, which is a really good idea. "

Wu Qingyue heard the conversation on the screen and immediately praised: "Why didn't I expect it? "

"It's not..." When He Ming heard this, he asked in amazement: "Qingyue, can you cook?"

"Yes. Wu Qingyue nodded quickly.

It's just that I'm usually a little lazy and don't want to cook, and when I want to cook, I will spend a certain amount of time researching, after all, her grandmother often taught her that to grab a man is to grab his stomach.

"Why haven't I heard that you can cook?" said He Ming in amazement, this is another digging flash?

"I only cook simple dishes, like Buddha jumping off the wall, roast duck, claypot rice and so on. "

Wu Qingyue blinked her eyes and said softly, "These are all taught to me by my grandmother." "

"Poof..." Wang Lin sprayed the tea in his mouth, his face full of strangeness.

When did Buddha jump off the wall become a simple dish?

Qi Weiting glanced at Wu Qingyue's delicate face, this person cut inside is also black, right?

"Teacher Wang, if you had a deer, what would you do with it?"

He Ming felt a little blocked in his heart, and quickly changed the topic and asked, "Will you make some sausages like Chu Feng and the others?"

"No, it's not as complicated as them. "

Wang Lin quickly shook his head, looked at the screen with a complicated face, and said astringently: "I don't have so many ideas, I will directly grill the meat to eat, and the liver will only take a deer heart." "

Now he has been taught a lesson by Chu Feng and Yun Xin, it turns out that those internal organs and so on can be eaten like this.

"How so?" He Ming was a little stunned, he didn't expect it to be so simple.

"The main thing is that for fear of the attack of wild beasts, those intestines with a strong smell will be thrown away, and there will be no time to deal with them. Wang Lin said bitterly.

Time is the main reason, a person can not do too much to survive, it is not easy to ensure the freshness of meat.

"So it is. He Ming nodded understandingly.

"I think Teacher Wang lacks someone who can cook. Wu Qingyue spread her hands and said.

Wang Lin rolled his eyes.

"Huh, Chu Feng won't even let go of the deer's head, right?" He Ming looked at the screen in amazement.


Chu Feng took a firewood knife to cut off the antler velvet, put it in the clay pot next to it, and waited for the evening to be processed again.

He looked at the deer head and wondered whether he planned to throw it away or cook it and eat it.

"What's wrong?"

Yun Xin saw him in a daze and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"Do you still want this deer head?" asked Chu Feng as he turned his head.

"If you want it, why not?"

Yun Xin glared at his eyes, pointed to the deer's head and said, "There is still a lot of meat in it, as long as it is boiled for a long time, it is completely fine." "

"Aren't you afraid?" Chu Feng was surprised by the girl's boldness.

He himself is not afraid of the deer's head or something, but he is afraid that the girl will not accept it.

"Why be afraid, haven't chicken heads and rabbit heads been eaten, what's different?" said Yun Xin strangely.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he suddenly didn't know how to refute it. The girl's fierce reason made him feel speechless,

It seems that after being sentenced to food, the girl thinks about how to eat the food, rather than thinking about other things.

"These meats are salted to make them more flavorful when smoked. Yun Xin took the salt and smeared the unloaded meat with a layer of salt.

Several clay pots were filled with deer parts, except for some that could not be eaten, all of them were here, and there was really no waste at all.


Chu Feng cleaned his hands, as well as the firewood knife, the water rushed away the blood, and the sound of mosquitoes and flies could be heard around, it seemed that the smell of blood almost overshadowed the smell of insect repellent.

He turned to the girl and said, "Bring these things back, I'll dispose of the deerskin." "

The deerskin should be extended with a wooden frame, otherwise the fur will shrink, which will waste a piece of deerskin that can keep you warm.

"Okay. Yun Xin obediently replied, holding the clay pot and going back to the wooden shed.

According to the previous method of expanding the rabbit's fur, Chu Feng tied three logs into a triangular wooden frame, and then tied the deerskin to the wooden frame with a rope.

He glanced around 513 and couldn't find a suitable place. It's not good to put it outside, those beasts will tear the hides, after all, there are some fat and minced meat on the skins.

"Put it on the shelter. Chu Feng finally chose a place, and that was to hang on the thorny fence.

After putting away the deerskin, he looked at the disappearing sun in the sky, quickly found a piece of wood, dragged it into the wooden shed, and prepared it to be used as a cutting board.

"Yunxin, go take a bath. Chu Feng shouted to the girl.

Today's night is not safe, so I can only take a bath in advance, and try not to go out if I can.

"Okay. Yun Xin was stunned, put down the bamboo spoon that stirred the soup base, and got up to get the clothes.

Take a shower and then eat a dinner will eat more easily.

Chu Feng looked at the two remaining small water tanks in the wooden shed and decided to fill the water first before it could be used tonight.

The two now have three small water tanks, one for bathing and the remaining two for storing water.

Chu Feng held the small water tank to fill the water, the small water tank filled with water was not light, and his steps slowly moved towards the wooden shed step by step.


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