The cutting board was quickly washed, and Yun Xin took a firewood knife and began to cut the liver, cut it into slices and put it in the pottery plate.

She turned her head and urged, "Come here, ready to brush the pot." "

"Here it is. "Chu Feng put down the antler velvet and deal with this thing later.

He sat on a wooden bench and looked at the growing liver in the clay plate, if it were in the city, maybe he wouldn't eat too much liver.

But in the wilderness, the liver can supplement the missing elements of the human body, and ordinary people can't eat it if they want to.

"Okay, it's all cut. Yun Xin washed his hands with water in a wooden barrel and used a lot of charcoal to wash away the blood stains on his hands.

She came to the wooden bench and sat down, picked up the chopsticks and urged: "Don't wait, I'm not out and didn't come home." "

"I'll taste the blood of deer. Chu Feng picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of deer blood from the steel pot, dipped it in the dipping sauce, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

The first bite is the taste of wild ginger, followed by a sour, soft and sticky texture.

"How?" Yun Xin looked at him with wide eyes, a little uneasy in her heart.

So much deer blood, if 517 is not delicious, then it is a torture and will cause a lot of waste.

"Gee..." Chu Feng swallowed the deer blood and gave a thumbs up to the girl.

"Then you eat more. Yun Xin laughed happily and quickly helped Chu Feng pick up the deer blood.

"You eat too." Chu Feng hurriedly said.

He put some meat from the deer heart into a steel pot, because the charcoal was heating and the soup base was still boiling.

"I'll put some wild vegetables. Yun Xin took some wild vegetables and put them in, and fished them out after a little scalding.

"Don't just eat wild vegetables, eat more meat. Chu Feng took a large stack of venison into the girl's bowl.

"I'll clip it myself. Yun Xin said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.


In the live broadcast room, many viewers were envious and jealous.

"Are we looking for abuse?"

"Don't say it, I'll go eat hot pot now. "

"I also want to go to such a wilderness to survive, and I eat a big meal every day." "

Silently ate a mouthful of tasteless instant noodles and shed tears of envy. "


The two ate venison hot pot in the middle of pushing and small talking, and ate for nearly an hour before they completely put down their chopsticks.

"It's so full. Yun Xin patted his stomach and came to the wilderness to eat for the first time.

The deer blood and liver were all eaten by the two, and only a little soup base remained.

The girl looked at the soup base and said with a pity: "There is a bowl of soup left, but it's a pity that I can't eat it." "

"No, there's no meat in it again." Chu Feng rolled his eyes, took the wood knife and the venison in the clay pot, and was about to start chopping the minced meat, ready to make sausages.

"I'll clean these things. Yun Xin put away the dishes and chopsticks and was about to wash them with water from the barrel.

"Let's go to the sink tomorrow and wash it again, the residue will be poured around the wooden shed, and it will rot and stink in a few days." Chu Feng stopped.

There are no sewage pipes inside the wooden shed, and the cleaning food scraps are left in the wooden shed, and the smell after decay is very smelly.

He would have to design the sewage pipes in the new shelter, but there wasn't much energy to build them.

"It seems to be oh, almost forgot. Yun Xin suddenly stopped.

Today, it was seeing water in the water tank and barrel that made her think of washing dishes and chopsticks. Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, she returned to the table and watched Chu Feng cut the venison.

"Chu Feng, wait a minute, how do you pour meat into the casing?" asked Yun Xin curiously.

"Slowly pour it in with a bamboo pipe. Chu Feng said softly, this question (BBFJ) has already been considered, and he has a plan in his heart.

"It seems to be. Yun Xin nodded thoughtfully.

"It's time to start chopping minced meat. Chu Feng cut the large piece of venison into small pieces, and then took a firewood knife and began to chop it up.

"Sprinkle some salt on it. Yun Xin took the salt and sprinkled it on the venison little by little.

Bang bang bang!!

The sound of the wood knife colliding with the cutting board echoed around.

Twenty minutes later, the venison was chopped into minced meat by Chu Feng, and a lot of salt was put in.

"It's time to start filling I casings. Chu Feng said softly and stopped chopping the meat.

He took a firewood knife and cut a few bamboos, one large and one small, and then rinsed them and began to make sausages.

Minced venison enters the casing through bamboo pipes, and a simple sausage is half completed, and then there is the problem of storage.

The girl took a rope, tied the sausage a short distance to the rope, and then took a small bamboo skewer to tie the casing to remove the air inside.

"Chu Feng, where do we put the sausage to dry?" asked Yun Xin softly.

"Just hang it between the shelter and the wooden shed." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Huh? It seems to be. Yun Xin's eyes lit up, and he took the sausage to dry.

The last thing Chu Feng had to deal with was the precious antler velvet. He took a firewood knife to clean the dirt on the antler velvet, and then put the antler velvet into boiling water in a steel pot, which was to remove the hair on the antler velvet.

It took dozens of minutes to cook for dozens of minutes before the hair on the antler velvet was cleaned up, and then it was a matter of drying, so that it could be stored long enough.

"Chu Feng, is the steel pot ready?" asked Yun Xin holding the clay pot.

"Okay, do you want to boil water?" Chu Feng fished out the antler velvet and tied it with a rope.

"I'm going to make wild berry jam. Yun Xin shook his head and cleaned the steel pot before pouring the wild berries into the steel pot.

Salt and lemon juice are also added, and the wild berries in the steel pan are sweating at high temperatures, and over time, the wild berries are being boiled and melted by the high temperature.

If wild fruits such as wild berries are not processed as soon as possible, they will rot and rot in less than two days.

Wild berry jam is not difficult to make, the hard thing is that patience, obviously the girl is very patient.

And Chu Feng was collecting the fibers of the banana bark, ready to let the girl help him make clothes.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). The author went out in the afternoon, just came back, and the third more of the right yard. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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