The restless night passed.


It rained early in the morning and the temperature plummeted.

"I don't want to get out of bed at all." Chu Feng opened his eyes and looked at the roof of the shelter.

He listened to the sound of rain, and his whole body lazily did not want to move. Yesterday he was a little excited about opening the gift bag in the evening, so he woke up very early in the morning.

He now has nine packs, two of which allow him to make no money. Of course, this is to develop in the long term to have benefits.

But what he wants most is the permanent private land, so that he can do whatever he wants in his own land, and there will definitely be a lot of gift packages in the future, and a private secret base is very necessary.

"Hmm~~" Yun Xinjiao snorted, and her cheeks rubbed subconsciously.

A few minutes later, the girl slowly opened her eyes, her head was still a little confused, and she was stunned for a few seconds before she cleared up ~ woke up a little.

Yun Xin carefully left Chu Feng's embrace, looked up at his cheeks, and saw a pair of black eyes.

"How's your sleep?" Chu Feng chuckled.


Yun Xin's cheeks flushed, and he suddenly shrunk his head and got into his sleeping bag.

She waited for a while before she muffled, "Sleep well." "

Chu Feng rolled his eyes, as if he was a flood beast, he had slept for some twelve days, and the girl was still so shy.

He sat up and said softly, "It's raining outside, you can sleep a little longer." "

The temperature on rainy days is relatively low, and a lot of work cannot be done, otherwise the cold rate after the rain will increase greatly. Even if he has the knowledge of medicine, it is good that he can avoid getting sick.

"Are you going out?" asked Yun Xin in a muffled voice.

"Don't go out for now. Chu Feng shook his head, he didn't go out in the rain without a top, he didn't want to suffer this sin.

He got up and put on his storm pants and shoes, rubbed my stomach with his palms, and the weather really changed.

"Light the fire first. Chu Feng said softly, stepped to the fire, saw the black charcoal on the wood, picked up a stick of blowing air, and a little spark came out.

He grabbed a little hay and put it on, blew it, and soon the fire was lit, and dead branches were put up, quickly burning a fire.

"Yun Xin, shall we eat the deer head stewed yesterday for breakfast?" asked Chu Feng in a loud voice.

He turned his head to look at the sleeping bag, just in time to see the girl climbing up in her tank top shorts and preparing to put on her storm suit.

"Yes. Yun Xin replied softly.

After the girl put on the storm suit, she raised her head to meet Chu Feng's line of sight, and her cheeks unnaturally climbed a blush.

"Ahem..." Chu Feng coughed lightly, turned around and put the clay pot on the fire, and then poured water into the steel pot, hung it on the wooden hook, and prepared to boil some water to drink.

"Chu Feng, there shouldn't be any beasts outside, right?" asked Yun Xin softly as she came to the fire.

"It's raining, it should all leave. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly.

The venison has been smoked overnight, the blood has been smoked, the smell of blood has almost dissipated, plus it is raining again today, there is no need to be afraid of attracting beasts anymore.


The sound of sticks rubbing against stones is very harsh.

Chu Feng carefully pushed open the thorny gate, looked outside, and saw a rain curtain, and the top of his head was drenched by rain, which made him shake a spirit.

"It's really cold. Chu Feng retracted his head and closed the thorny gate with his hand.

He said to the girl: "It's safe outside, but the rain is a little heavy." "

"I went out to the toilet I. Yun Xin blushed and put her hood on and walked out of the shelter.

"Be careful, check the wooden cage first. Chu Feng raised his voice and reminded.

"Got it. Yun Xin responded softly.

"It seems that the issue of keeping warm should be considered first. Chu Feng came to the fire, and his body warmed up.

He picked up the banana bark, then tore up the fine fibers, and prepared to weave a piece of linen to make clothes today.

If there is no sun on a cloudy day, he can only stay by the fire, too cold to even go out.


"Chu Feng, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Yun Xin came in and shook the rain on his body and said, "The storm jacket is for you to wear." "

"Good. Chu Feng nodded and replied.

He put down the banana bark in his hand, got up and took the girl's storm jacket, but he didn't feel cold on his body, and there was a trace of the girl's residual warmth.

Ask for flowers...

Stepping out of the shelter, Chu Feng glanced at the drone aerial camera above his head and stepped into the wooden cage for convenience.

After a few minutes came out, he frowned and thought, it's really inconvenient to have no paper, can't you always use weed leaves to solve it?

"Do you want to make paper?" muttered Chu Feng.

He thought for a while, shook his head and vetoed the idea, paper was not so important for the time being. The priority now is not to make paper, but to keep warm and build new shelters, as well as to store more food.

Chu Feng began to inspect the thorny fence and found that the thorns in many positions had been dragged, and some had been dragged out a meter away.

.... ,,.......

He squatted down to check it, and said helplessly: "The traces are washed clean by the rain, and it is difficult to distinguish ah." "

Chu Feng guessed that these thorny branches would be dragged so far if they pierced the meat of the beast. He took the thorns back and laid them out, and then pressed them down with stones so as not to be dragged away again.

Looking up at the deerskin, Chu Feng picked it off with a stick, ready to take it in and roast it with fire to remove the residual fat on it.


Chu Feng stepped into the shelter, took off his storm jacket, and draped it over the girl who was rubbing twine.

"You wear it, I have a vest." Yun Xin looked up and said.

The vest she now wears is made of trouser fabric, and the stitching looks a little crooked.

"It's not cold in this. Chu Feng put the deerskin next to the fire.

He turned around and took some mint and mashed it in a bamboo bowl, filtered out the mint dregs, left the mint juice, put in some charcoal powder and stirred it, trying to make some wilderness toothpaste.

"Hmm~~" Chu Feng put a little into his mouth.

The first feeling is weird, with a strong minty smell, but still acceptable.

He took a small wooden stick and began to brush his teeth, and it suddenly occurred to his mind that he could make some toothbrushes.


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