In the observer live broadcast room, several people were dumbfounded, looking at Chu Feng and Yun Xin at work.

"Chu Feng and the two are also too hardcore, right? He Ming couldn't help but sigh.

He seriously doubted that if the two went to open up the wilderness, if there were a few more people, would it develop into a village in the wilderness?

Qi Weiting silently looked at the screen, staring at the loom in Chu Feng's hand, reminding her of the worn loom in the corner of her hometown before she became an orphan.

"Handmade toothbrush yay, I love handmade things. Wu Qingyue said crisply.

Wang Lin didn't know how to answer, even if Wilderness Survival made his own toothbrush, did he plan to weave his own cloth?

"Teacher Wang, when you were surviving in the wilderness, were you also like Chu Feng and the two, and you also made toothbrushes and weaving fabrics?" asked Wu Qingyue curiously.

"Uh..." The corner of Wang Lin's eyes twitched, and he pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "No, I'm not as exquisite as Chu Feng and the two people pursued." "

"This way. Wu Qingyue's eyes narrowed, and she stared at Wang Lin more before turning her head to look at the screen.

Wang Lin was distressed in his heart, what did this look mean?

"Let's concentrate on how Chu Feng and the two weave cloth. He Ming hurriedly relieved Wang Lin, lest Expert Wang's face be lost.


"Okay, let's start weaving. Chu Feng looked at the loom with a length and width of more than one meter, and it was already covered with two rows of twine threads.

"I'm in charge of shuttling the twine, and you are in charge of moving the bamboo up and down. Yun Xin said with a spindle.

"No problem. Chu Feng nodded.

Two people responsible for weaving cloth will be much faster, without having to run back and forth alone, which is several times faster than hand weaving.

Boring doing the same thing, the two chatted idly.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do tomorrow?" asked Yun Xin crisply, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all.

"Cut wood and start making new shelters. Chu Feng said hesitantly.

Our shelter can still be used, right?" said Yun Xin in amazement.

"The weather is starting to get cooler and we need a stronger house, otherwise I'm afraid the shelter will be blown down by the wind." Chu Feng said softly.

He was indeed worried about storms and the like, and such a roughly built shelter could not stop a large storm.

"Stop, big luck, don't talk nonsense. Yun Xin pouted and shouted.

"You're getting more and more like Grandma Dean. Chu Feng complained.

In the orphanage, every time a child says something bad, the grandmother of the director will say it is good, and then teach the children not to say depressing things.


Yun Xinjiao rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't crow mouth, this shelter will not collapse." "

"We needed a bed instead of sleeping on a pile of grass. "

Chu Feng pursed his lips and said in deep thought: "I need a fireplace, as well as a toilet and bath room. "

"This? so much?" Yun Xin's expression froze.

"This was planned in advance and was to be built before winter. Chu Feng said seriously.

Building a little every day and spending more than ten days to build a new shelter was one of Chu Feng's plans.

"Wouldn't it be too much of a waste of time?"

Yun Xin's eyes flickered, and he hesitated: "We still have to store food for the winter." "

"Don't worry, I'll take the time to go hunting." Chu Feng said gently.

He put the winter food on the saltwater crocodile and decided to make a big trap in two days to catch the saltwater crocodile, as long as there is a saltwater crocodile, it can support two people for about a month.

Chu Feng's plan is to capture two or three saltwater crocodiles, and if they are relatively large, this plan should be concealed from the girl.

As for deer and rabbits, they are also on his list. Half of the time is spent hunting, and half of the time is spent building new shelters and fences.

The two chatted about the sky, time passed imperceptibly, the rain outside 'ticked' non-stop, and the sky slowly darkened.

The time has come to nightfall, and another day is about to pass.

"., finally done. Yun Xin smiled and flicked her wrist, her eyes bent into a crescent shape.

The linen cloth with a length and width of one meter was completed, and it took at least five or six hours to weave such a light brown linen.

"Let's cook the dinner first, and then make the clothes after eating." Chu Feng said softly.

"Okay. Yun Xin put down the spindle, stood up and moved his body.

She asked Chu Feng, "What to eat tonight?"

"Cut some venison stew with wild vegetables, it's more convenient." Chu Feng said.

"It's okay. Yun Xin nodded and began to busy herself with today's dinner.

Chu Feng took the deer skin on the edge of the fire, and after touching it, he found that the skin of the grease (Li's) was already very dry, and it was time to soften it and remove the grease.

He brought the barrel over, filled it with water and put a lot of grass and wood ash in it. Then put the rabbit skin and deer skin in to soak it soft,

"Chu Feng, the salt is going to be gone. Yun Xin whispered.

Yesterday there was too much salt used to marinate venison, and now there is only not much salt left, which is probably saved for five or six days.

"Got it, I'll go to the beach in two days to boil salt. Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and said.

Salt is also a must, and pickled wild vegetables also require a lot of salt, which is more urgent.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Positive code fourth change. "_

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