
There was a twist in the sleeping bag, and a few minutes later, Yun Xin's hair came out of the sleeping bag messily, and after putting on the storm jacket, he rolled up the entire sleeping bag into a ball, and there were a change of clothes inside.

The girl blushed, lowered her head and did not dare to look at Chu Feng, and moved her feet to get the toothbrush bamboo cup - brush her teeth.

Chu Feng put the breakfast on the wooden table, held his chin with one hand, and stared at the girl's back with black and white eyes.

"Gollum... Bah!" After Yun Xin rinsed his mouth, he wiped his face with a towel, turned his eyes to meet Chu Feng's gaze, and his cheeks flushed.

She said shyly, "Why do you keep staring at me?"

"Come over for breakfast. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly.

"Hmm. Yun Xin pouted, slowly sat on the wooden stool, and took a sip of the fish soup.

The two ate breakfast very quietly, and no one said anything. The girl was embarrassed, but Chu Feng didn't want to break the tranquility.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do later?" asked Yun Xin, breaking his calm.

"Clean up the place and prepare it for shelter. "

Chu Feng put down his chopsticks and said softly, "Don't do heavy work today, take more rest." "

"Well, I know. Yun Xin nodded obediently.

She is self-aware and will not force herself to do things that she cannot move520.

"You ate the rest. Chu Feng got up and said.

Without waiting for the girl to speak, he took the sapper shovel and left the shelter. I came to the largest stone in the pile of rubble, which was almost three meters high and seven or eight meters long, and one of the sides was very flat.

"This stone wall is a natural wall, and if you pile the other three sides with stones, it is four walls. Chu Feng thought softly.

There is no shortage of stones in the pile of rocks, what is lacking now is the mud used to fix the walls, especially clay.

"Let's clear the ground first. "Chu Feng intends to get the foundation out.

He squatted down to clear the stones, and for more than an hour, the stones at a distance of seven or eight meters around the perimeter were removed.

Chu Feng wanted to build a large shelter seven or eight meters long and wide, and the ground walls were all paved with stone and clay.

"If the fireplace is to be built here, then the chimney should be replaced with clay, so that it will be semi-ceramic if it is burned a few times, and there is no fear of being washed away by water. Chu Feng gestured with his hand, planning everything before building the shelter.

He found a flat stone and (BBFJ) drew a design drawing on it with charcoal: "Don't close it all here, leave a door and build a toilet next to it." "

"The bathroom and toilet are the same, the important thing is the underground sewage pipe, the use of bamboo should be no problem, lead to the jungle more than ten meters away, so that there will be no smell residue." The more Chu Feng thought about it, the more he wanted to add everything.

Eventually, he resisted the urge to add things as he actually needed.

Chu Feng looked at the drawn drawings and couldn't help sighing: "It takes seven or eight days to complete the construction." "

It can be completed in seven or eight days, mainly because there are ready-made stones, otherwise it will take longer.

Originally, he still thought about burning red bricks, but Chu Feng's idea was rejected as soon as he got up, if you want to burn enough red bricks to build a house, don't think about it in a month or two, it will take many days to transport clay alone.

"Then, the sewage pipe should be dug first, and the toilet pit is also there, and the flushing system can take the water from the sink and use it." Chu Feng wiped the sweat on his forehead.

He walked back to the shelter to drink some water, and when he reached the door, he saw the girl crouched by the sink washing clothes and sleeping bags.

"Don't be in the sun for too long. Chu Feng shouted loudly.


Yun Xin was stunned, turned his head and looked over, and said softly: "I know, it's almost time to wash." "

"Remember to drink plenty of water. Chu Feng raised his voice.

"Good. Yun Xin responded with a smile.

Chu Feng shook his head, turned around and entered the shelter to drink a few sips of water, making up for all the lost water.

When he came to the big rock again, he took a sapper shovel and began to dig the sewage pipes, as well as drains and toilet pits.

Click, click...

Rocky piles are not easy to dig, you must first clear the stones to the side, and then slowly dig the soil, and you have to go around when you encounter too large stones.

Yun Xin dried her sleeping bag and clothes, looked over and asked, "Chu Feng, could it be that the place is too big?"

"No, that's just right. Chu Feng dug the dirt in response.

The shelter with a length and width of seven or eight meters may be too big for others, but there are ready-made stones here, and there is no need to collect stones, and the construction time will be much faster.

It took more than two hours to dig a sewer, drain and toilet pit, and the stones next to it were piled up like hills.

"Finally done, all that's left is to put bamboo. Chu Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

The big bamboo has to be moved to the beach, and the previous one has been used up, so the sewage pipe is postponed first.

"Let's lay the floor first. Chu Feng thought for a moment and decided what to do first.

The ground is very important to prevent seepage water in. So Chu Feng dug a few ditches in the ground and laid stones on them, which was a natural isolation layer.

The ditch is then connected to the fireplace, and the smoke enters it when the fire is burned in the evening, which can play a warm role. The ditch has a hole for smoke, and it can be blocked with stones when not in use.

It took more than two hours to lay the stones, and all that remained was to lay another layer of clay to isolate them, and that was done.

Chu Feng stopped and looked at the sun in the sky, walked into the shelter, picked up the clay cup and drank water, and looked at the girl who was handling the animal skin.

"Chu Feng, this animal skin can be used when dried. Yun Xin held up the deerskin and said.

Deer skin and rabbit skin have been soaked in grass and wood gray water for a while, and the grease on them can be easily treated.

"Then you sew yourself a dress so you don't have to wear a storm suit in the evening." Chu Feng said softly.

"Huh, use it for me?" Yun Xin was stunned for a moment.

"This piece of deerskin is not big, just right for you." Chu Feng waved his hand.

"But..." Yun Xin felt that she was using it too wastefully.

"So it was decided, you have clothes to wear, and I can use the storm suit." Chu Feng said seriously.

After all, the storm suit is the only thing the girl uses to keep warm now, and if there is a storm suit on a rainy day, he can also explore the jungle.


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