Chapter 153: The Trail of the Boar. 【4 more self-ordered】

Early morning.

The sun is shining high, and it is still a clear day.

Chu Feng opened his eyes and looked sideways at the girl lying on his body, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After eating boiled wild vegetables and venison stew yesterday night, the two have been rubbing ropes in the shelter and chatting until late at night.

Before going to bed, he continued to help the girl rub her stomach for a while, and before he knew it, both of them fell asleep.

Chu Feng lightly removed the girl from her body.

"Hmm~~~" Yun Xin let out a coquettish sound, turned over and continued to sleep, but the trembling eyelashes and shy red cheeks had betrayed the fact that she pretended to sleep.

Chu Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the girl was probably still shy about yesterday's incident.

Without revealing the girl's careful thoughts, he climbed out of his sleeping bag and dressed and left the shelter.

"Sign in!" Chu Feng ordered in his mind.

A virtual screen popped up in front of him, and he looked at the screen and the date 17 lit up.

"Four more days." Chu Feng muttered to himself.

He pushed open the thorny gate and came outside, habitually scanning the surroundings, patrolling around the camp.

"Huh?" Chu Feng's brows furrowed, and he saw that there was turned dirt next to the sink, and he could clearly see many footprints.

He squatted down and carefully looked at the fist-sized footprints on the ground, quickly comparing the knowledge in his mind.

"Chu Feng, what are you doing?" Yun Xin pushed open the thorny gate and walked out, carrying a steel pot to prepare for boiled breakfast.

"A wild boar came this morning." Chu Feng pointed to the footprints on the ground and turned his head.

"Wild boar? Are you sure? Yun Xin said in amazement and trotted over quickly.

"Don't be in such a hurry." Chu Feng hurriedly shouted.

"Don't worry, the menstrual matter has passed." Yun Xin waved his hand and placed the steel pot next to the sink.

The duration of women's menstruation is generally about two to eight days, which is determined by a variety of factors, such as fatigue, mood, etc. that affect the length of menstruation.

The girl was in a good mood for the past two or three days, and she had enough rest, and her menstruation left early, otherwise most of them were more than three days.

"That's good." Chu Feng was relieved.

"Are there really wild boars coming here in the morning?" Yun Xin asked worriedly.

"These footprints are all wild boar, and they are still fresh." Chu Feng nodded and said, the loose soil was clearly turned not long ago.

He looked in the direction where the footprints came from and immediately understood what was going on.

Wild boars are supposed to be attracted by the water flowing out of the trough, and the footprints appear around the current.

"There are wild boars here, is it possible to catch pork and eat it?" Yun Xin's eyes lit up.

If there is a wild boar, then the food stock for two people will be even more, and it can be completely lasted for two months.

"You stay here, I'll go see where the wild boar went." Chu Feng stood up and looked in the direction where the boar's footprints disappeared.

"I'm going too." Yun Xin said worriedly.

She was a little worried about Chu Feng's safety, the slightly larger wild boar, basically weighed 300 kilograms, plus a running speed of 40-70 kilometers per hour, and two sharp fangs, if you collide with it, it is definitely a large "car accident scene"

It can effortlessly knock into a fracture for adults, and at the same time, its bite force is also very strong, and it can easily bite off human bones.

"Obedient, I'll be back soon, you cook some breakfast first, you can eat it later." Chu Feng touched the girl's head and made the messy hair even more messy.

Why doesn't he worry about the girl, I have the ability to hide the breath, and it is safer for him to track it alone.

“...... Then you have to be careful. Yun Xin pursed his lips and compromised, opening his mouth to tell safety.

"Don't worry, I will turn around and run when I meet a wild boar." Chu Feng chuckled.

Under the girl's gaze, he walked along the footprints on the ground towards the jungle.

Many weeds around have been trampled on, and many weeds have been gnawed to the point of leaving only roots, and even some have been arched up, leaving mud puddles of different sizes.

Chu Feng walked along the traces of the road for more than ten minutes, and finally came to a low ground, and there was a large mud pit not far away.

The whole mud pit seemed to have just been violently turned over, and the muddy water had not yet settled.

"It seems that it is really a wild boar, it should have just left." Chu Feng looked at the traces around him and finally came to a conclusion.

This mud pit was most likely formed by water flowing from the camp trough, because the terrain is low, and the water eventually collects here, and the wild boar finds it and turns this place into a 'bathhouse'.

"There's pork to eat." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, and he had a plan in his heart, and after inspecting the terrain, he turned around and ran towards the camp.

More than ten minutes later.

Chu Feng returned to the camp, and Yun Xin in front of the thorn gate immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him return.

Yun Xin looked at it with concern and asked, "How is it?" It didn't hurt, did it? "

"It's okay."

Chu Feng shook his head with a chuckle, and said, "The wild boar didn't find it, but we can make a trap to catch it." "

"Really?" Yun Xin blinked Shui Lingling's big eyes and said in amazement.

"Well, I came back with the tools." Chu Feng nodded with a smile.

"Then eat breakfast first, I'll go with you after eating." Yun Xin said quickly.

"Good." This time, Chu Feng did not refuse.

More than half an hour later, Yun Xin was cleaning up the pots and bowls, while Chu Feng was cutting bamboo on the side.

These bamboos are leftover scraps from the previous use, each section is about the length of an arm, and it is used to lay traps.

"Chu Feng, are you planning to dig a dirt pit trap?" Yun Xin came over after cleaning up. Looking at the sharpened bamboo on the ground, I thought of the dirt pit trap that appeared in the TV series.

"Well, smart." Chu Feng praised, cut the last bamboo, and tied it all with 533 rope.

The two carried bamboo on their backs in bamboo baskets and sapper shovels and left the camp towards the location of the mud pit.

More than ten minutes later, the two came to the vicinity of the mud pit.

"Chu Feng, are you saying that wild boars will still come here?" Yun Xin asked suspiciously.

"Of course, the animal world says that wild boars rely on mud to wash their bodies, and mud can also help cool them down and prevent mosquito bites." Chu Feng said and put the bamboo basket down.

"This way." Yun Xin nodded as if she understood something.

Chu Feng came to the mud pit and pointed to the open land one meter away from the mud pit: "Come here, let's dig a pit here." "

In front of him was a trampled meadow, from which it was clear that the wild boar came in and left from here.

Chu Feng used a sapper shovel to dig up the soil, and the girl took stones to help remove the weeds.

More than two hours later, a large pit one meter five meters wide and one meter deep was dug out, and it was still so easy to dig if the surrounding area was soaked with water.

Chu Feng jumped down the deep pit with the bamboo and stuck the bamboo at the bottom of the pit to fix it.

"Okay, the next step is to cover up." Chu Feng gasped and took the girl's hand and left the bottom of the pit.

"What to do?" Yun Xin asked curiously.


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