Chu Feng looked at the girl's show-off appearance, and a spoiled smile appeared on his face.

He said softly: "Let's go, you can go back." "

"Good." Yun Xin replied with a smile.

A few minutes later, the two returned to the ravine where the wild banana forest was located, and Chu Feng cut a few more pieces of wild banana bark, ready to bring it back to make sackcloth~.

Yun Xin looked at the string of wild plantains placed in the bamboo basket and said in surprise: "Eh, the wild plantains have begun to ripen." "

"Go back and put it in two days and you can eat it."

Chu Feng said and picked up the bamboo basket containing wild bananas, and the other two hands held wild banana leaves, turned to the girl, and said, "Let's go, return the same way." "

Yun Xin frowned and hurriedly said, "I'll help you get a little." "

"No, banana leaves are very light." Chu Feng refused with a smile, and walked forward with the banana leaves between his hands.

"Really, really." Yun Xin pouted, stomped his foot and chased after him.

The two walked back along the way they came, this time walking for an hour and a half before returning to the camp.

Chu Feng placed the banana leaves next to the stone wall and looked up at the new shelter.

"Are you going to start building the roof today?" Yun Xin helped put down the bamboo basket on Chu Feng's back, the wild plantains were still very weighty, and there were more than twenty small wild plantains in this knot.

"Well, in the afternoon, let's make lunch first." Chu Feng chuckled, today I found all the materials to make food supplements, and I planned to make some supplements first, and only then did I have the strength to work in the afternoon.

"Okay, then I'll make lunch." Yun Xin nodded obediently and turned to walk towards the shelter.

"I'll make lunch today." Chu Feng stopped the girl and spoke.


Yun Xin stopped and said in surprise, "You come to make lunch?" "

"Well, I'll cook today."

Chu Feng chuckled, reached out and flicked the girl's forehead, and said angrily: "As for being so surprised?" "

He wants to make a food supplement, and now the food supplement formula cannot be told to the girl, especially under the camera.

"You're here to grab my job." Yun Xin raised his eyebrows and teased.

"Then you can take a break." Chu Feng chuckled.

"No, you've made lunch, so what do I do?" Yun Xin pouted unhappily.

"Well, you wash and dry the fungus, and the chanterelles should also be dried, so that it can be stored for a long time." Chu Feng smiled and pointed to the fungus and chanterelles in the bamboo basket.

"Okay." Yun Xin was stunned and nodded down.

She carried the bamboo basket to the sink, but she felt very curious about Chu Feng's cooking, and when they were in the rental house before, the two were also who was free and who cooked.

Just came to the wilderness, the two have a tacit division of labor, and the girl has less strength to do some easy work.

Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and turned around and entered the shelter.

He skillfully made a fire and boiled water, and after the water boiled, according to the cooking requirements in the last food supplement recipe, he threw some difficult-to-cook ingredients into it according to the prescribed amount and order.

After more than ten minutes, the soup inside the pot turned green, and there were too many kinds of herbs and wild vegetables in it.

Chu Feng stirred with a bamboo spoon, this time there were more chanterelles and fungus, and a faint fragrance wafted out.

"It's so fragrant." Yun Xin shook the water stains on her hands and was attracted by the fragrance.

"There shouldn't be much to eat." Chu Feng chuckled, he had already put all the materials in, and the rest was slowly boiled by the fire.

"Chu Feng, are you making wild vegetable soup that I ate on the day I caught a cold." Yun Xin shrugged his nose and took a breath of aroma.

She recognized it acutely and immediately, and the wild vegetable soup she ate that day for the cold made her feel deep.

"Your nose is quite smart, almost comparable to a hound."

Chu Feng chuckled and nodded, poured a little salt from the bamboo tube into the pot, stirred it again, and said, "You can eat it." "

He took the clay bowl and handed it to the girl.

Yun Xin took the pottery bowl with both hands, lowered her head and drank a small sip, and praised her beautiful eyes: "It's delicious, it's the same as chicken soup." "

"Then eat more." Chu Feng stretched out his hand to help pin the hair hanging down from the girl's forehead behind her ear

"You eat too." Yun Xin urged shyly.

"Good." Chu Feng picked up the pottery bowl and began to eat, and after the first bite of thick soup, his stomach immediately warmed up.

More than half an hour later, a large pot of food supplement was eaten by the two.

"It's so full, it feels fuller than eating meat." Yun Xin let out a long sigh of relief and touched her slightly bulging little belly.

"Then you rest for a while."

Chu Feng picked up the firewood knife in the bamboo basket, turned his head to Yun Xin, and said, "I'll go and cut some wood to use as a beam." "

"Don't go far, stay safe." Yun Xin nodded obediently and instructed.

"I know." Chu Feng nodded seriously and carried the firewood knife into the jungle.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he stopped and came to his destination, which is the north side of the jungle, where many straight and tall trees grow.

These are eucalyptus trees, each of which is seven or eight meters tall, and some have even grown to ten meters tall.

······· Ask for flowers...

"Long enough." Chu Feng patted the trunk of the eucalyptus tree and nodded with satisfaction.

It took him more than two hours to cut down seven eucalyptus trees seven or eight meters high, cut off the tiny branches with a firewood knife, and then pulled the poles and began to walk towards the camp.

Seven eucalyptus tree heads, it took Chu Feng nearly an hour to move them from the jungle to the camp.

After Yun Xin heard the movement, he walked out of the shelter and asked, "Chu Feng, are these intended to be used as room beams?" "

"Well, these are used as main beams." Chu Feng gasped and sat on the eucalyptus tree.

"I boiled you some mint water." Yun Xin turned around and entered the shelter and walked out with a pottery bowl.

She handed the pottery bowl in her hand to Chu Feng, and then stretched out her small hand to press Chu Feng's shoulder.


"Whew..." Chu Feng gulped the mint water, the fatigue of his body dissipated a lot, and he felt that part of it was the effect of food supplementation.

After more than ten minutes, Chu Feng stood up again and said, "Okay, I'll go cut down some trees again." "

"I'll go with you." Yun Xin kept up with Chu Feng's pace.

"Good." What Chu Feng is going to cut this time is a pine tree, there is no need to cut too long wood, it will be much lighter than eucalyptus, and the girl can also move.

About fifteen minutes later, the two came to the oil pine forest on the west side of the jungle again.

Yun Xin said softly: "Let's pick a little pine needle first, there are not many left at home." "

Every time she washes her hair, she has to put some pine needles into it to boil, and she usually makes tea, and the pine needles are consumed quickly.

"Yes." Chu Feng chuckled and nodded.

The girl was responsible for picking pine needles, while Chu Feng began to cut down the pine tree, leaving a straight trunk after cutting off the branches.

The sun is getting less vicious, and time is passing quickly.

When the sun was about to set in the west, Chu Feng had only chopped enough wood.

He tied the cut wood with a rope, and bundled every ten into bundles, each of which was about one hundred and fifty pounds, for a total of four bundles.

It took the two nearly an hour to bring all the timber back to camp before dark.

"It took more time than I thought." Chu Feng sighed. Today all the wood needed has been brought back, tomorrow the roof can be formally framed, and in a few days you can move into the new shelter.


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass. Ask for support doors. "_

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