At night, a cool breeze blows through the jungle.

In Chen Zhixi's camp, Zhao Lei and the others were sitting around the fire, chatting about the sky.

"I said, you don't seem to be very good here, after so many days, you have only eaten meat twice." Zhao Lei pouted dissatisfiedly.

Since they cooperated, they have gone out together every day to find food, but the harvest has been very small, only some wild vegetables and mushrooms, and occasionally a lizard or two.

Chen Zhixi pursed his lips and said expressionlessly: "This is just the beginning, there will always be animals to hunt." "

"You said the same two days ago, and as a result, after eating wild vegetables for two days in a row, even the palm tree core is almost finished." Zhao Lei said with wide eyes.

He clutched a palm tree core, which was the only thing left.

The corners of the black bear's mouth tugged, and his heart was speechless.

There were originally quite a few palm cores, but since Zhao Lei and Zhao Lei came, there were fewer and fewer palm cores stored.

"Let's continue to explore further afield tomorrow, and maybe you can find food." Chen Zhixi felt a headache. I began to wonder if it was the right decision to find two people to work with.

Originally, he thought that the probability of four people finding food would be greater, but he did not expect that there was nothing to eat in this place, even wild vegetables and fungi.

What made him even more speechless was that the appetites of the two brothers Zhao Lei were too great, and for a few days, the two brothers of Zhao Lei did not do much work, but they ate more than anyone.

"It's almost all around, and it's not enough time to go further afield, and there is simply not enough time to go back and forth to the shelter during the day." Zhao Lei said in a deep voice.

The four of them have been exploring these days, and only return to the shelter before the evening comes.

The wilderness at night is very dangerous, exploration can only be carried out during the day, plus the road in the jungle is not easy to walk, you need to beware of poisonous snakes, poisonous insects, etc. hiding in the grass, you can't go far in a day.

Chen Zhixi was silent for a while, then looked up and said, "Then relocate and find a better place to survive." "

He felt it was time to move and couldn't stay in an area all the time, it would be difficult to survive.

This is like a migrating wild cow in the animal world, only by constantly migrating and looking for a place with grass can they survive

The black bear opened his mouth to say something, but thinking of his current identity, he finally chose to shut up.

"Relocation? You haven't been moving for a long time, and now you're moving again? Zhao Lei said in amazement.

"Are we here to survive in the wilderness, or are we coming to the wilderness to move?" Zhao Lei frowned, it was only a few days before he started to move again?

"There is nothing left to mine here, and if you want to eat meat, you have to relocate to other places with abundant resources." Chen Zhixi said indifferently.

Zhao Lei stared at Chen Zhixi and asked word by word, "Where to move?" And how do you know where to find meat next? "

"It's better to move anywhere than to stay here all the time." Chen Zhixi said coldly.

Not eating enough meat for a few days made him a little irritable, and he had almost forgotten what meat tasted like.

Zhao Lei and Zhao Lei were silent, the two had not left this landing site until now, and there would still be resistance to leaving this place.

"If you continue to stay here, you can probably last for a month by eating wild vegetables and fungi, and it is impossible to stay longer." The black bear said indifferently.

He analyzed according to the physical condition of everyone now, as the day passed, if there is no meat to supplement the calories consumed by the body, then you can only withdraw from the competition, otherwise the body will not be able to eat.

Chen Zhixi looked at the two with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with a retreat: "Or you can choose to continue to stay here, and we will relocate ourselves." "

He has decided to start moving early tomorrow morning and find a resource-rich place to live again.

Zhao Lei and Zhao Lei looked at each other, and their eyes made rapid contact.

"Okay, let's move together, since we have chosen to cooperate, we must share happiness and hardship." Zhao Lei gritted his teeth and said, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

"That's right, the more people are more likely to survive." Zhao Lei nodded in agreement.

The two are unwilling to give up cooperation, after all, although they haven't eaten much meat these days, they are much easier than before, and maybe they will have a better life in another place.

The corner of Chen Zhixi's mouth tugged and said, "Very good, then move early tomorrow morning." "

"So where are we going?" Zhao Lei smashed the bar and smashed the mouth.

He glanced at the palm tree core in his brother's hand, and he had not eaten enough today.

Chen Zhixi did not speak, turning his head to look at the black bear on the side.

"Go east, the terrain is low over there, there may be water." The black bear thought for a moment and spoke.

He used to be a special soldier, and his knowledge of survival in the wild was no less than that of everyone present, or even more.

If you want to survive long in the wild, the most important thing is the water source, as long as you can find the water source, then the chance of finding food will be much greater, after all, most animals need to drink water.

"Then move east." The corners of Chen Zhixi's mouth raised slightly, and his black eyes flickered.

If you find water, you may be able to find other participants, and maybe you can 'borrow' some food from them.

In the observer's live broadcast room, He Ming and others were looking at the live broadcast room 673 of the four people, and the barrage rolled one after another.

"It's going to be relocated again, and it doesn't stop at all."

"East, there seem to be quite a few groups over there."

"The location of Chu Feng and Little Loli seems to be in the east, but it is still a little far away from them, I don't know if there will be a chance to meet them in the future."


He Ming turned his head to look at Wang Lin curiously and asked, "Wouldn't it be nice to keep relocating?" "

"With their current situation, relocation may be the best option." Wang Lin said flatly, in other words, he would also choose to move again and find a better place to continue to survive.

Wu Qingyue said with sympathy on her face: "Compared with Chu Feng, they can be regarded as miserable. "

Wang Lin pursed his mouth, wanting to spit out something.

Chu Feng and the two couldn't look at it with common sense at all, and for the first time they saw someone survive in the wild and actually made combs, toothbrushes, soap and other things.

And the two of them can eat meat at every meal in the wild, and they eat very well, which he admires a little, after all, when he survives in the wild, he can't eat meat at every meal.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for customization, ask for support. "_

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