Chu Feng and Yun Xin quickly finished lunch, rested for half an hour and prepared to lay the roof.

The two arrived at the new shelter, where the ground was piled with hill-like clay, with bundles of hay and stacks of wild plantain leaves next to it.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do now?" Yun Xin asked softly.

"These wild banana leaves are held side by side with two bamboo strips before they can be laid on the roof." Chu Feng arranged softly.

Wild plantain leaves are good waterproof plants, and they are not afraid of rotting after drying up, and it is completely fine to top for a few months.

"I'll help." Yun Xin held up her small hand.

"I cut the bamboo strips, and you clamp the wild plantain." Chu Feng said with a firewood knife.

"Leave it to me." Yun Xin should come down in one mouthful.

"Click, click..."

Chu Feng cut the bamboo strips, this step required not to be too delicate, and soon cut enough bamboo strips with banana leaves.

The two put the banana leaves between the two bamboo strips, and this step went on very quickly, and it only took more than half an hour to clamp the banana leaves with bamboo strips.

"Next, let's play with clay." Chu Feng chuckled.

He took off his shoes, and in the girl's confused eyes, untied the rope tied with hay, sprinkled the hay evenly on the clay, and then stepped on it with bare feet, stepping on the hay into the clay little by little.

17 Hay is added to clay, mainly to increase its tensile strength, similar to the role of steel bars in concrete, taking advantage of the tensile properties of plant fibers.

This can also play a good role in stabilizing, and it is not afraid to wash away the clay on rainy days, which is somewhat similar to the principle of plant roots and solid soil.

"It seems to be fun." Yun Xin took off his shoes with great interest and stepped on the clay with Chu Feng.


Feet stepping on mud makes weird sounds.

After more than half an hour, Yun Xin couldn't laugh, struggling to do repeated movements with a face, and stepping on the soil was very difficult.

Lift your feet... Step on...

Chu Feng looked at the pouting girl, chuckled and said, "Let's rest for a while first, let's use these first." "

Half of the clay on the ground has been mixed into the hay and the roof can begin.

"I'll help you deliver something." Yun Xin shook the clay on his feet, and rubbed the soles of his feet on the hay a few times to scrape the clay on the soles of his feet.

"Good." Chu Feng nodded, picked up a row of wild banana leaves and climbed the wooden ladder to the roof.

The laying of the roof should be laid on a total of three layers, and the first and lowest layer should be made of wild banana leaves, which can well block the large and small gaps on the frame, and the last step of waterproofing.

The second layer is made of hay-mixed clay, covered with wild banana leaves, which can play a waterproof and soundproof effect after drying.

In the third layer, Chu Feng intends to cover a thick layer of hay, as the last waterproof process, as long as the hay layer is thick enough, he is not afraid of water leakage at all, even a little water will be absorbed by the clay layer.

This method, similar to the folk houses in some countries, is also made of hay and mud.

Originally, Chu Feng planned to fire the terracotta tiles to make the roof, but it was too time-consuming and labor-intensive, and time was no longer allowed, and there were not many days left before the arrival of winter.

This can be felt from the temperature difference between day and night, and the temperature at night has become lower and lower.

Chu Feng stood on the stone wall, holding a rope in his hand, and the other end was connected to a bamboo basket on the ground.

Bamboo baskets are used to hold clay, so that one person loads the clay underneath and another person pulls on it, and it is easy to transport the clay to the roof.

At this time, Yun Xin was bending down, using a sapper shovel to shovel clay into the bamboo basket, and only stopped filling the bamboo basket.

"Okay." Yun Xin put down the sapper shovel and shouted.

"Good." Chu Feng pulled the rope and slowly pulled the bamboo basket onto the roof.

Carrying a bamboo basket, he carefully climbed up the frame of the roof and fastened the wild banana leaves to the frame with rope.

Then, Chu Feng pressed the wild banana leaves with clay and slowly covered them evenly with clay to the middle position.

The clay in the basket quickly ran out, and Chu Feng threw the basket down and said, "Yunxin, it's running out." "

"Good." Yun Xin replied casually, filling the bamboo basket again with a sapper shovel.

While Chu Feng was covering the roof, she continued to mix the hay into the remaining clay.

Yun Xin tilted her head and looked at Chu Feng, who was busy on the roof, while mixing hay into clay with her feet.

"I'll be able to live in a new house in two days." The corners of Yun Xin's mouth raised.

She liked the new shelter because it was big enough and surrounded by heavy walls that gave her a sense of security at home, which a shelter made of leaves could not compare.

As the shadows on the sundial faded, the clay on the ground decreased considerably, and nearly half of the roof of the new shelter had been covered with clay.

Chu Feng held the roof frame with his hand, stood up straight and sighed: "Tomorrow another day of laying can be completed." "

It was getting dark, the sun had set in the west, and the shadow on the sundial disappeared as it approached six o'clock.

"Chu Feng come down, the clay mixed with hay has run out." Yun Xin rubbed her feet and shouted.

She decided to take a good shower today and scrub her whole body with soap.

"Got it." Chu Feng answered casually, holding the frame of the roof and slowly walking down, stepping on the wooden ladder back to the ground.

"It should be nice to get another day tomorrow, right?" Yun Xin looked up at the roof that had been covered by more than half of the house.

"It should be done tomorrow morning, and then we can fix the toilet in the afternoon and we can move in." Chu Feng looked at his 'work' with satisfaction.

After the new shelter is built, there will be much less urgency in the wilderness, food, clothing, shelter and transportation, at least now it has achieved food and clothing, food and shelter.

He believes that warm clothes will soon be available.

"It's slimy, let's take a shower first." Chu Feng took advantage of the girl's lack of attention, and his five fingers stained with clay drew a few beards on her face.

"Chu Feng, you are good and bad 673." Yun Xin pouted, and also touched his face with a hand with clay.

"Little flower cat, you can't chase me." Chu Feng tilted his head and ran towards the shelter with a smile.

"Damn, don't run." Yun Xinjiao shouted.

The two played for a while before returning to the shelter.

Yun Xin was boiling water with a flower cat face, and there were still burning stones in the fire, preparing for a bath.

Chu Feng reached out and buttoned the clay block on his face, which was pasted on his face by the girl not long ago.

"Chu Feng." Yun Xin turned her head and shouted softly.

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked suspiciously.

Yun Xin said softly: "You have a lot of mud in your hair, I'll help you wash your hair later." "

"Okay." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly.

"I think your hair should be cut, it's a little too long." Yun Xin tilted her head and looked at Chu Feng's hair.

"Yes, a little." Chu Feng stretched out his hand and pulled the bangs in front of his forehead, which had already hung down to the position of his nose.

Before coming to the wilderness, his hair was already a little long, and he didn't have the opportunity to take care of it after he arrived in the wilderness.

"Then I'll cut your hair tonight and wash your hair." Yun Xin smiled and held the firewood knife.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Recommend a book title: The Legendary Last Row of Students. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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