Chu Feng had just finished washing his hair, and there was still a lot of water dripping down the ends of his hair, and the girl's words made him raise his head in disdain.

"Quickly dry the water and be careful if you get sick." Yun Xin counted down angrily, and her delicate little face was full of concern.

"Good." Chu Feng chuckled and reached out to brush the short hair on the top of his head.

When the two returned to the shelter, the girl found a towel to cover Chu Feng's head, and her small hands carefully rubbed it.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly and let the girl clean herself up, knowing that she was worried that she would get sick.

"Let's have some fish soup." Yun Xin put down the towel and scooped a bowl of fish soup with a bamboo spoon.

Chu Feng sat on the wooden bench, took a sip of the fish soup, and said, "It's so fragrant." "

After a bite of fish soup, the physical strength consumed seems to be gradually recovering, although it is the illusion of food entering the body because of temperature, but this feeling is very good.

"There's a lot more." Yun Xin took the fish soup and took a sip and said.

In the steel pot, the girl cooked two fish this time, put some lemon slices, wild vegetables to freshen and remove fishy, and the taste was surprisingly delicious.

"Chu Feng, do you still want to go out to cut hay in the afternoon?" Yun Xin chewed the fish meat in his mouth, and a fish bone was spit out.

"Clean up the new shelter in the afternoon and go out when the weather is cooler." Chu Feng said softly.

The new shelter currently has toilets and fireplaces that have not been repaired, and then only need to install doors and windows, and then you can live in it temporarily.

"Well, I don't know how cold it will be when winter comes." Yun Xin said a little worried.

"Let's go hunting in a few days, we can keep warm with animal skins." Chu Feng already had a plan, no matter how cold the winter was, it was only right to take precautions.

"Okay, then I'll hurry up and practice bow and arrow, and I'll hunt too." Yun Xin said enthusiastically.

"Then you have to come on, after all, the animals will not stay so close to let you." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth raised and teased.

The girl practiced bow and arrow in the past two days, and the target target was only four or five meters away from her, although the accuracy was improving, but if the distance became farther, it was still inaccurate.

Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and she said coquettishly: "There will always be one or two that are close to each other." "

"Hahaha... Hopefully one or two silly animals will come to the door. Chu Feng chuckled and teased.

"I'll hit my prey." Yun Xin rolled her eyes and said.

In fact, if she really encounters prey, she will still let Chu Feng make a move, after all, the success rate will be greater.

A lunch ends in frolic.

After lunch, Chu Feng and the girl each took a broom made of branches, entered the new shelter, and began to sweep the carbon residue on the ground.

The sun is hot outside, but inside the shelter it is much cooler.

"Brush brush brush..."

The branches scraped the ground, sweeping the carbon residue out the door, revealing a slightly gray half-terracotta ground.

"I'll go get some water to wash up." Yun Xin frowned good-looking, rubbed the stone wall with his hand, and stained a hand of charcoal ash.

After the girl finished speaking, she took the clay pot to the sink to fetch water, the inside of the wall was too dark, and the clothes were completely black when she accidentally leaned against the wall.

Chu Feng came out of the new shelter, grabbed two handfuls of hay in the haystack, rolled them into oval factory ropes and tied them tightly. This is used to paint the wall, and the two have no extra fabric to use as a rag.

In the orphanage, when cleaning, it is used to brush the walls and pots with hay.

The girl soon returned with the clay pot and filled it with water.

"Give, use this brush." Chu Feng handed the girl a hay brush.

"Good." Yun Xin took the grass ball, dipped it in the clay pot, and brushed it against the black wall.

"Brush brush brush..."

Wet hay brushes scrape the walls, adsorbing the charcoal ash stained on them to the dry blades of grass.

"It's pretty clean." Yun Xin chuckled, and the hay he took down was stained with a thick layer of charcoal ash.

"You brush the bottom, the top is too high and I'll brush it." Chu Feng took the hay and brushed the top stone wall.

"Good." Yun Xin then replied, crouching down to scrub the corners of the stone wall.

This new shelter is likely to be long-term and treated as a new home.

It took the two of them more than an hour to clean up all the stone walls and floors in the shelter.

"It looks a lot cleaner." Yun Xin looked at the surrounding walls and ground with satisfaction.

"Wait for the ventilation to dry, and move over tomorrow." Chu Feng said softly, seeing that the girl liked this new shelter very much.

"Chu Feng, do we still want to get a thorn fence?" Yun Xin asked, glancing around.

She loved the thorny fence of the old shelter and it felt very safe.

"Yes, it will be safer to have a fence." Chu Feng planned to build a large fence around the new shelter to form a small courtyard, so that the space would not feel depressed like the old shelter.

The thorny fence must be made, otherwise when you encounter a bear, this new shelter may not be able to block a few paws of the bear.

"Do you want to tear down the thorns of the old shelter?" Yun Xin's eyes lit up slightly.

Chu Feng was stunned, and then shook his head and said, "I still don't want it, it's safer to raise rabbits over there." "

"I almost forgot there were rabbits." Yun Xin playfully stuck out her tongue.

"Let's go, it's much cooler, let's go cut some hay." Chu Feng walked out of the new shelter, and the vicious sun in the sky had tilted towards the western sky.

The shadow representing the hour hand on the sundial fell at four o'clock in the afternoon, the clay on the roof was already dry, and the hay of the third layer could begin to be laid.

"Good." Yun Xin turned back to the shelter, took the short knife and the bucket pipe, and followed Chu Feng into the jungle.

"Let's go and cut some stinky yellow wattle, and you can eat it tomorrow when it is ready." Yun Xin said softly, already thinking about what to eat tomorrow morning.

"Yes." Chu Feng chuckled and led the girl towards the jungle behind the pile of rocks.

An hour later.

Chu Feng was carrying a large bundle of hay on his back, and a bundle of hay was between his arms. The girl followed behind, carrying hay in one hand and the branch of the stinky wattle in the other.

The sun was already westward, and it wasn't long before it was dark again.

Chu Feng decided to finish laying the hay on the roof before resting, stepped on the wooden ladder and climbed up the roof, stepping on the dry clay with bare feet, and the clay exposed by the sun still had temperature.

"Yunxin, give me the hay." Chu Feng said with his hand.

"Good." Yun Xin tied a rope to the hay so that Chu Feng could pull it up.

Chu Feng slowly climbed onto the roof, spread the hay evenly on the clay, and then pressed layer by layer, piling it thickly.

After the hay on the entire roof was laid, it was already an hour later.

Chu Feng found the pine wood that had been cut before, tied it together every two ends, pulled it apart to form a 'human' shape, stepped over the highest part of the roof, and pressed it on the hay.

In this way, even if there is a strong wind, the hay will not be blown away, which plays a fixed role.

This is two-thirds of the way through the new shelter.


"One more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for support, ask for support. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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