
Liu Yiqiu looked at Yun Xin's back as she left, and silently closed the thorny gate.

"Sister, there is still cool powder to eat in the wild." Liu Yimeng looked at the clay plate placed on the clay pot in amazement, which contained green cool powder.

"This green is cool powder?" Liu Yiqiu was stunned, and when he looked closely, he found that the green piece was actually cool powder.

"How is this done?" Liu Yimeng was puzzled, how can you make cool powder in the wild?

"I don't know." Liu Yiqiu shook her head puzzled.

Although she is a biologist, she does not necessarily study what plants can do to eat, but more on the medicinal properties and growth cycle of plants.

Liu Yimeng moved the clay plate away, and a hot breath gushed out of the clay pot, and the smell of meat also wafted out.

She looked at the pork stewed in the clay pot by the light of the fire, swallowed her saliva and said, "Sister, there is meat to eat." "

"This is pork?" Liu Yiqiu's mouth moved, and she swallowed her saliva without fighting.

"Sister, give you chopsticks." Liu Yimeng pulled out bamboo chopsticks from the bamboo basket and handed them to her sister.

Then she reached into the clay pot and took a piece of wild boar, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it, her face was satisfied.

Liu Yiqiu also took a piece of pork and stuffed it into her mouth, and after chewing a few times, she tasted the difference.

Her eyes lit up slightly, and she said in amazement: "The taste is very good, it seems to be put salt." "

When the two of them processed bamboo rats before, it tasted a little fishy, plus there was no salt to taste, the taste was really a little light.

"They still have salt?" Liu Yimeng was surprised, remembering the wild vegetables and bamboo rats he had eaten before, and he had not let go of salt, and the taste was difficult to say.

"It should be Chu Feng, they went to the beach, and it is estimated that they boiled seawater for salt." Liu Yiqiu guessed, and then put another piece of wild boar in her mouth, and came to the wilderness to eat such delicious food for the first time.

"There are also wild ginger, lemons, wild vegetables and fungus..... ~." Liu Yimeng watched the pork stewing in the clay pot and recognized many ingredients.

"It seems that the resources in this neighborhood are good, let's find a place to build shelter around tomorrow." Liu Yiqiu said thoughtfully.

"Well, it's not bad to be neighbors with Chu Feng, at least much better than those two-colored wolves." Liu Yimeng nodded in agreement.

When she thought of Li Huaan and Zhang Zhenhua, her teeth itched angrily.

"How about tasting cool powder." Liu Yiqiu picked up a piece of tender and smooth cool powder, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it.

She only chewed twice and exclaimed in a low voice: "Sweet and sour, there is honey in it." "

"There's actually honey?" Liu Yimeng quickly took a piece of cool powder and stuffed it into her mouth, and tasted the taste of honey just in her mouth.

"One more piece." Liu Yiqiu stretched out her chopsticks and held it.

"Leave me some." Liu Yimeng pouted, and the cool powder in her mouth had not yet been swallowed.

In the fight between the two, a plate of cool powder was quickly eaten, and sweets could really make the girl happy.

"Let's put the bamboo shoots in and mix them and eat them." Liu Yimeng looked at the clear water bamboo shoots boiling in the steel pot.

"Yes." Liu Yiqiu used chopsticks to sandwich the bamboo shoots in the steel pot into the clay pot and mixed them with the rest of the pork stew.

After a while, the rest of the pork stew was also eaten by the two.

"It's nice to eat meat." Liu Yimeng patted her stomach and sighed.

Liu Yiqiu tapped the clay pot with her finger and said in amazement: "This clay pot and clay plate are also made by them." "

She couldn't have imagined that she could live so well in the wild.

At this time, in the observer's live broadcast room, everyone was discussing.

"Sure enough, Chu Feng and the two still reached out." Wu Qingyue said with a smile, turning her head to look at Wang Lin on the side.

"Ahem... It's just a temporary stay and some food, and it still has little impact on Chu Feng. Wang Lin coughed twice and said lightly.

He also did not expect that when surviving in the wilderness, the two sides were already in competition, and Chu Feng was willing to help his opponent

"The two sisters of the Liu family also know the progress and retreat, and they do not have the idea of completely relying on people, which is worth learning."

He Ming's cheeks softened a lot, and he praised: "There are also Yun Xin and Chu Feng who are willing to share food, which is worthy of praise." "

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, thinking that the Liu sisters shared their food first, which was very valuable, knowing that the two only had some dried mangoes and dried bamboo shoots left.

"I don't know what will happen next." Wu Qingyue was curious and looked forward to what would happen next.

"Let's keep an eye on it." He Ming chuckled.


Inside the new shelter, Yun Xin was cleaning up pots and bowls.

"I have to go to the beach again, and the bamboo is gone." Chu Feng said helplessly, most of the bamboo pulled back last time was used to build a roof.

He was going to pull some more bamboo back, and then flow the water from the other side of the sink, and then build a new fence to form a yard.

After Yun Xin put the pot and bowl aside, he proposed, "Then go tomorrow?" "

"Well, then go tomorrow." Chu Feng thought about it and nodded.

The girl sat at the wooden table, weaving twine with the bark of the treated wild plantain, ready to make another dress for Chu Feng, so that she could change and wash.

Chu Feng picked up the firewood knife and prepared to make a wooden shelf for placing those bottles and jars.

He cut the pine wood according to a length of about one meter and five meters, and made a total of four, which are the four legs of the wooden shelf. Then six sticks two meters long and six half-meter long sticks were cut out from pine wood.

Chu Feng connected the four legs with six long sticks and six short sticks and fixed them together with ropes. All the remaining pine wood was cut off, the length was controlled at about two meters and one, and the last one was arranged and placed on the wooden frame, and then fixed with a rope (Li Hao Zhao).

The whole wooden frame is ready, and the finished wooden frame is one meter and five meters high, more than two meters long, and half a meter wide, which can put a lot of things.

"Chu Feng, I think I can sleep in this wooden frame you made." Yun Xin looked up at Chu Feng's achievements and chuckled.

This wooden frame is made a bit big, like a small bunk bed.

"You can put a lot of stuff when you're bigger." Chu Feng said with a smile.

He put the wooden shelf next to the wall, and the girl put down the hemp rope in her hand and quickly walked over, and began to place the clay pot on the ground on the wooden frame.

"It looks so much more comfortable." Yun Xin clapped his hands and smiled, looking at all kinds of bottles and cans neatly arranged on the wooden shelf, and felt that it was a lot of luck.


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