Liu Yimeng stuffed a plantain in her mouth and made a vague voice: "Sister, you should also be careful." "

Liu Yiqiu glared at her sister, turned around and said, "I'll go back and get the bow and arrow and the bamboo basket." "

"Don't take the bamboo basket, use the bamboo basket, it's easier to carry." Yun Xin took the small bamboo basket from the corner of the wall and placed it in front of Liu Yiqiu.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu nodded and answered, carrying the bamboo basket to the old shelter to get something.

Chu Feng wore a storm suit and carried another bamboo basket, which contained a firewood knife and a bamboo tube.

"Be careful." Yun Xin instructed again.

"I see." Chu Feng answered seriously, picked up the bamboo bow and walked out of the shelter, walking towards the old shelter.

Liu Yiqiu walked out of the old shelter with a bamboo basket on her back and a bow and arrow.

Her bow and arrow were made of charcoal fiber, which looked much better to use than Chu Feng's bamboo bow, and the arrow barrel contained five arrows of the same material.

"Let's go." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu nodded in reply, walked forward, and walked back along the road when he came yesterday.

"Tick tock..."

Chu Feng followed behind 23, and the dripping rain hit the leaves above his head, and then dripped on the bodies of the two, and was blocked by the storm suit.

"Chu Feng, do you know that there is a place nearby that is suitable for building a shelter?" Liu Yiqiu pondered for a while and asked, preparing that Tianqing would go to find a place to build a shelter to continue to survive.

"I didn't explore many places and didn't find any good places."

Chu Feng shook his head lightly, stretched out his hand to pull away the branches in front of him that were crushed by the rain, and kindly reminded: "Moreover, there are jackals and bears around, you should pay attention to safety." "

Liu Yiqiu's face changed slightly, and she lost her voice: "There will be bears and jackals around here?" "

Chu Feng's words immediately made her heart bulge, originally thought that it was already very dangerous to encounter jackals before, but she didn't expect that there were bears here.

How dangerous a bear is, she has learned from TV books, a slap can slap a person's head apart.

Is this still going to build shelters nearby?

"Otherwise, what do you think that thorny fence is used for?" Chu Feng said indifferently.

"You guys are really bold." Liu Yiqiu had bitterness at the corner of his mouth, and he admired the courage of Chu Feng and the two of them for so long, living in a place infested with bears and jackals for so long.

"It's okay if you're careful, and maybe with luck you can kill the bear." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and he already had a plan to hunt and kill the bear in his mind.

He didn't tell the bear about coming to the camp, otherwise he would have to frighten the other party.

"Uh... This joke is not funny. "The corner of Liu Yiqiu's mouth twitched, kill the bear? This is simply whimsical.

"If you hunt a bear, you have a bear skin coat to wear." Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Liu Yiqiu didn't know what to say, should he praise him for being bold or that he didn't know if he was dead or alive? After all, it's a bear.

The two did not speak again along the way, and after an hour, the two came to the bottom of the hill, near the place where there was a large area of banana taro.

Suddenly, Chu Feng stopped and raised his hand to signal Liu Yiqiu not to move.

Liu Yiqiu was puzzled, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?" "

"You can add dishes tonight." Chu Feng chuckled, pointing his finger forward.

Not far in front of him, about fifty meters away, a fat pheasant was digging the ground with its head down, as if looking for insects to eat.

Liu Yiqiu followed the direction of Chu Feng's finger and soon saw the fat pheasant.

Her eyes lit up and she muttered, "What a fat pheasant." "

Chu Feng was speechless, picked up the bamboo bow and prepared to shoot the pheasant.

"Chu Feng, are you shooting accurately? Do you want to use my bow and arrow. Liu Yiqiu suddenly said softly, his eyes scanning the bamboo bow in Chu Feng's hand.

She quickly handed over the longbow in her hand, and at the same time took out a long arrow from the quiver.

"I'll treat you to roast pheasant tonight." Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and reached out to take the bow and arrow handed over.

"Whether you can eat pheasant or not depends on your archery." Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips, but she didn't expect much.

"Don't worry." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, holding a bow made of charcoal fiber, skillfully bending the bow and taking arrows.

Liu Yiqiu was surprised in her eyes, and Chu Feng made her notice a difference as soon as she made a move, which was completely different from her sister's half-bucket water technique.

Chu Feng half-squinted one eye, and the long arrow was aimed at the pheasant, and after achieving three levels, he did not hesitate to release the hand pulling the string.


The sharp arrow flew out, hit the falling rain, and instantly hit one of the legs of the pheasant, firmly pinning it.

"Shot, so good." Liu Yiqiu's eyes opened slightly, her small mouth opened in surprise, and she was stunned for a while before running forward after Chu Feng.

"It's a blessing tonight." Chu Feng picked up the pheasant on the ground, and the arrow only pierced the leg of the pheasant, and it was still struggling alive.

He pulled out the arrow, washed it in a puddle of rainwater on the ground, gave it back to Liu Yiqiu, and then tied the pheasant with a rope.

"It's such a big fat chicken, and there is meat to eat tonight." Yanagi Qiu Mime kept staring at the pheasant.

"Let's go, go back quickly after digging the banana taro, the taste of the pheasant is not good when it dies." Chu Feng chuckled and threw the pheasant inside the bamboo basket.

"A few minutes further this way." Liu Yiqiu recalled the route and took Chu Feng to the left front.

The two walked for a few minutes and returned to the place where the Liu sisters found the banana taro.

"There is such a piece of banana taro, we should have eaten it for a while when dug it out." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth picked up, and he came to the front with a sapper shovel, looking at a piece of banana potato 843 in front of him.

"How do I get it?" Liu Yiqiu put down the bamboo basket and held the saber in her hand.

"As long as the tuber at the root, that's the most important thing." Chu Feng spoke, bent down and inserted a sapper shovel into the soil, and dug up a banana taro with roots.

He crouched down and used his fingers to break the excess soil apart, revealing the tubers wrapped inside.

A banana taro plant has seven or eight tubers, each the size of an egg.

"So that's the case..." Liu Yiqiu looked at Chu Feng's operation and nodded seriously.

"I'll dig it, you pick it, it's faster." Chu Feng held the sapper shovel.

If there is no sapper shovel, it will be much slower to dig, and it is estimated that it will take an hour or two to dig this piece of banana taro.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu put down the saber and broke the tuber connected to the root with her hand, which became a little cleaner under the rain.

The two had a clear division of labor, the speed was much faster, the banana taro became less and less, and a large piece of banana taro leaf stalk was poured on the ground.

More than half an hour later, Chu Feng dug out all the banana taro, and then began to pack the picked tubers into the bamboo basket.

After thinking about it, he cut a lot of banana taro stems and leaves with a firewood knife, tied them into a large bundle with rope, and prepared to bring them back.


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