"Click, click..."

Chu Feng and Yun Xin stared at the big bed, and the sound of the bear paw pulling the wooden door made both of them nervous.

"Shall we climb out of the window." Yun Xin squeezed the bamboo bow tightly, the back of his hand was exposed, and he looked sideways at the window, big enough for two people to pass.

The windows were secured with clay and bamboo sheets, which could still be done if smashed open with brute force.

"We can't run the bear." Chu Feng said calmly, suppressed a trace of panic in his heart, and began to think of a way.

"Chu Feng, otherwise use a torch to light the wooden door, scare the bear away and then extinguish the fire." Yun Xin trilled.

"With fire..." Chu Feng looked at the fireplace, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He strode to the fireplace and picked up the steel pot containing boiling hot water.

"Crunch, crunch..."

At this moment, the wooden door of the shelter tilted more than half to the ground, pressed by the bear's paws.

The bear's head went around the wooden door, stretched out its other paw, and began to planing the big bed, making a sharp and piercing sound.

"Click, click..."

The big bed was pushed back, which immediately made Chu Feng's faces change.

Yun Xin's face was directly frightened and white, her feet were a little soft, and her whole person trembled.

The audience in the live broadcast room brushed up the barrage one after another, and the speed was fast.

"Lying groove, shouldn't you perform a bear mouth swallowing a living person next."

"The bear is coming in, hurry up and barrage the body."

"Oh my God! Why didn't Chu Feng and the two give up, and the people from the program group still didn't come forward? "

"Chu Feng, kill the bear to take the skin, your bear coat is sent to the door."


"Yunxin, you hide under the wooden table." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, holding the steel pot and carefully approaching the big bed.

He gritted his lower lip, and he could already see the brown hair on the bear's body through the gap in the bedboard.

The girl hesitated, but still obediently hid under the wooden table, lying on the ground and looking at Chu Feng worriedly.

“... て....," Chu Feng gritted his teeth and splashed the boiling water in the steel pot directly onto the wooden bed.

Most of the boiling water was covered by the big bed, and some of it splashed on the bear's paws and head through the gap, and a large amount of hot air rushed towards the bear.


The bear seemed to be scalded, so frightened that it left the wooden door and retreated, pulling its head with its paws.

"Useful." Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and he turned around and took out two burning logs in the fireplace.

His eyes were fixed on the bear outside the wooden door through the gap in the big bed, ready to throw the torch at the bear.


The bear roared irritably twice, and finally turned his head and ran towards the dark jungle ·

This scene was seen by the audience in the live broadcast room, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bull batch, brush a wave of gifts to suppress the shock. Fish balls × 233. "

Little Witch: "Shark fin×888." It scares me, it's okay. "

"Chu Feng looks a little handsome now."


"Chu Feng, is the bear gone?" Yun Xinmei's eyes flashed with horror, listening to the movement outside, and she had been quiet for a while.

"It's not clear, let the big bed be like this, and sleep on the ground first tonight." Chu Feng shook his head and slowly approached and pressed the big I bed against the door hole again.

He was afraid that the bear had not gone far, and he might turn back at any time, and it was obviously irrational to go out to investigate now, and the wooden door could not see how damaged it was, so he could only use the big I bed as a door for the time being.

"Good." Yun Xin carefully climbed out from under the wooden table, with fear on her pale face.

"We have to build the fence of thorns tomorrow." Chu Feng reached out and rubbed the girl's head, soothing.

What happened today made him put the construction of the thorny fence in the first place, and it was scary enough to have such a time.

He decided to find a chance to solve the bear.

"Hmm." Yun Xin nodded in agreement, and patted his chest in fear.

She suddenly thought of something and spoke, "Remind Sister Qiu and them." "

Chu Feng nodded, headed in the direction of the old shelter, and asked in a loud voice, "Liu Yiqiu, are you all right?" "

Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng were standing nervously by the fire at this time, pricking their ears to hear the movement outside.

At this time, Chu Feng's words just came over, which shocked the two of them.

Liu Yimeng and her sister looked at each other, and the worry in their hearts was less, and then quickly shouted: "We're okay, what about you?" "

"We're okay, the bear doesn't know if we're gone, you guys be careful, don't go out tonight." Chu Feng shouted at the top of his voice.

"Okay, we got it." Liu Yimeng responded with a raised voice, and let go of most of her hanging heart.

If the two want to be completely relieved, I am afraid that they will have to wait until dawn.


"It's okay." Liu Yiqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and the saber he was holding was also put down.

Liu Yimeng's eyelashes trembled, and she asked in a low voice: "Sister て, then shall we leave tomorrow?" "

She was completely frightened tonight, and just talked about the bear, but she didn't expect the bear to really come.

"Go? Or don't go? Liu Yiqiu felt distressed and reached out to scratch her messy hair.

Liu Yimeng looked at her sister's face and asked tentatively, "Or, go and discuss with Chu Feng tomorrow and let us stay?" "

Liu Yiqiu hesitated, but still shook her head: "Still don't want it, this will disturb them, so we won't be the same as those two people?" "

"We can help him with his work, we can help him raise rabbits, cut hay and so on, and lend him a bow and arrow, which is a cooperation." Liu Yimeng said seriously.

Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips and frowned in thought.

She looked at her sister without speaking, and quickly said: "Sister, let's go somewhere else, what if we encounter a bear?" "

"This..." Liu Yiqiu was a little shaken, sighed, and said helplessly: "Let's go talk to Chu Feng tomorrow, I hope he is willing to cooperate with us." "

She was originally hesitant to leave, but now she was completely frightened by the appearance of the bear, and her heart that wanted to leave was suddenly scared away by half.

"It should be, we can help with a lot of things."

Liu Yimeng ruffled her short hair and teased, "Or, sister, you go after Chu Feng?" "

"It's not serious."

Liu Yiqiu glared at her sister angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Hurry up and change the dressing, change to sleep." "

Liu Yiqiu's face was slightly red, and she whispered: "Sister, I want to go to the toilet..."

"You can find a bamboo tube and use it, it's not safe outside." The corners of Liu Yiqiu's mouth tugged, and there were still some bamboo tubes in the wooden shed.

"Okay." Liu Yimeng replied with a bitter face, and she didn't dare to let her go out now.


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