Five or six minutes later, Liu Yiqiu returned to the wooden table with a steel pot.

"Try it, it shouldn't be salty this time." Liu Yiqiu helped Chu Feng and the two refill a bowl.

Yun Xin picked up a piece of wild boar and stuffed it into her mouth again, and said with a smile: "The taste is really good." "

Chu Feng also took a piece of wild boar and chewed, the taste was indeed much lighter, and it was not as nasty as before.

"Next time, I'll put a little less salt." Liu Yimeng smiled embarrassedly and ate it.

The lunch was eaten for more than twenty minutes and ended in the chat.

Liu Yiqiu and the girl got up to clean the pots and bowls, while Chu Feng carried a sapper shovel and looked around the new shelter, ready to dig the hole in the fence first.


He began to dig with a sapper shovel, first digging a deep pit under the corner of the shelter, and then another every meter of the shelter, gradually digging in the direction of the old shelter.

More than half an hour later, all the pits were dug 24, as long as the deep pits were connected, and the old shelter was completely encircled, and the middle of the two shelters was the yard.

"Chu Feng, rest for a while." Yun Xin said softly.

"No need, let's go and drag the remaining thorny branches back." Chu Feng chuckled and patted the dust on his hands, this amount of exercise did not tire his current body.

The three of them set off again with their tools, and it took most of the afternoon before the weather turned cold before they carried all the thorny branches back.

"You guys rest in the shelter, I'll go cut down a few eucalyptus trees and come back." Chu Feng said softly while holding the firewood knife.

"I'll go with you, the two of you will be faster, and it's almost dark." Liu Yiqiu said quickly, picked up the saber and followed behind.

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon, and it'll get dark in two hours.

"Okay." Chu Feng chuckled and walked towards the north side of the jungle with a firewood knife.

Liu Yimeng put down the rope that had been braided, turned her head to look at the girl and asked, "They went to cut down the tree, what are we going to do?" "

"I'll teach you how to make sackcloth." Yun Xin thought for a while and said, got up and took out the simple loom and hemp rope on the wooden frame.

"My God, you even have a loom?" Liu Yimeng glared at Meimu and said in amazement.

"Well, Chu Feng made it, and the linen clothes he wore were made by me." Yun Xin chuckled, now that I think about it, it seems that making my own loom in the wild seems to be a bit powerful.

"It's amazing, how are these twines made?" Liu Yimeng asked curiously.

Chu Feng, if they saw the things here in the city, they would only feel very commonplace, but now that they were in the wilderness, it would be very surprising to have these things.

"Twine is extracted from the bark of wild plantain trees and then braided." Yun Xin explained with a smile that many of these were taught by Chu Feng, and she didn't know much about it.

"Huh? The bark of plantain turned out to be the raw material for twine. Liu Yimeng was even more surprised, but she didn't expect the twine to come from like this.

"Not only plantain bark, as long as it is a plant with a lot of fiber, most of them can be made into twine, but some will be more troublesome." Yun Xin skillfully fixed the twine to the bamboo on the loom.

Liu Yimeng nodded as if she understood something, looked at Yun Xin's movements curiously, and began to learn.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Feng and Liu Yiqiu came to the eucalyptus forest.

"A lot of eucalyptus." Liu Yiqiu looked at the large eucalyptus forest in front of her and said softly.

"We only need to cut four or five trees." Chu Feng said softly, holding a firewood knife to select a eucalyptus tree of the right size.

He chose seven or eight eucalyptus trees more than five meters high, which were used as crossbars for the fence.

The division of labor between the two was clear, Chu Feng used a firewood knife to cut down the eucalyptus tree, and Liu Yiqiu used a saber to cut off the messy branches.

It took more than an hour for Chu Feng to cut down all eight eucalyptus trees to the ground, and successfully dragged the eucalyptus trees back to the camp before dark.

Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng are kneading the dough, and the two use banana taro powder as raw materials.

After the sun went down, the girl put all the dried banana taro powder into the clay pot, and when the clay pot was filled with a lot more, it was kneaded into dough and prepared to be wrapped into dumplings.

"You guys take a break, the evening meal will be ready soon." Yun Xin saw the two come back, got up and wiped his hands, took the commonly used cup, poured two cups of mint water and handed it over.


Chu Feng drank a sip of mint water, and the whole person breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with a smile: "What is delicious to eat tonight?" "

"Eat dumplings tonight." Yun Xin said with a smile and continued to knead the dough.

"Eating dumplings, that's a good idea." Chu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, standing next to him and watching the two kneading the dough.

"If you can eat dumplings in the wilderness, no one will believe it." The corners of Liu Yiqiu's mouth curved slightly.

After a busy day, the dinner was what she was most looking forward to.

"Maybe others are better off than us?" Chu Feng said softly.

"Uh... It is also possible. Liu Yiqiu hesitated before nodding.

This possibility is very small, she has seen many videos of wilderness survival before participating in this show, and no one can live as well as Chu Feng now.

"I'll chop the minced meat, you continue to knead the dough." Yun Xin arranged.

"Okay, kneading the dough." Liu Yimeng looked at the similar dough in her hand and kneaded the 657I noodles with great interest.

She learned a lot from the girl, such as weaving sackcloth and noodles.

The girl came to the wooden frame, took out a piece of smoked wild boar from the clay pot, and rinsed it simply.

"Do you need me to come?" Chu Feng asked softly.

"No, just sit." Yun Xin quickly waved his hand and refused.

She took Chu Feng's firewood knife, cleaned it repeatedly with soap, and then sharpened it a few times at the corner of the stone.

The wild boar was then cut into small pieces and chopped up repeatedly with a firewood knife.

"Knock knock..."

The sound of a girl chopping meat filling sounded in the shelter, and the wood knife and the cutting board repeatedly bumped.

"Yunxin, let me come, I have more strength." Liu Yimeng said eagerly, already kneading the dough.

"Okay, I'll roll out the dough." Yun Xin flicked his wrist, the strength was still too small, after all, the wood knife was different from the alloy knife used in the rental house, and it was much heavier.

She handed the firewood knife to Liu Yimeng, and then put a few pieces of sliced wild ginger into the minced meat, so that Liu Yimeng could continue chopping.


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