With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Chu Feng helped the girl wipe her hair and watched the Liu family sisters frolic in the yard.

"Chu Feng, do you want me to help you wash your hair?" Yun Xin raised the corners of his mouth and smiled a little slyly.

"Uh, no need, I'll go and burn the kiln first." Chu Feng smiled sarcastically, stuffed the towel in the girl's hand, and turned around to go to the location where the kiln was.

"Hee-hee, really..." Yun Xin couldn't help but laugh as she looked at Chu Feng's appearance of fleeing.

"Sister, let me wash your hair." Liu Yimeng wiped her hair with her vest and pouted at her indifferent sister.

"No, I have hands." Liu Yiqiu said indifferently, turned back to the shelter, sat on the wooden bench and continued to weave the rope.

"Abominable." Liu Yimeng pouted and wanted to stomp her foot, but finally held back, after all, the injury to her left foot was not good.

She shrugged her face and carried the steel pot back to the shelter to continue boiling water, and her injured foot needed to soak in hot water.

Yun Xin returned to the shelter, sat by the window and let the wind outside blow her long hair, made clothes out of linen, and tried to make as many clothes as possible.

A few minutes later, Liu Yimeng carried a wooden bucket next to a wooden bench, containing 243 pine needle water, ready to soak her feet.

She sat on the wooden bench, slowly put her feet in, and couldn't help but let out a comfortable moan: "It's so comfortable." "

"Soaking your feet is really a great pleasure in life." Liu Yimeng felt that the sweaty hairs all over her body stood up, and a warmth rushed from the bottom of the soles of her feet to the door of her head.

Liu Yiqiu stood up silently, added water to the steel pot, and took advantage of the gap between her sister's feet washing and preparing to wash her hair.

"Sister, don't move, I'll help you wash your hair later." Liu Yimeng turned her head and shouted.

"Soak your feet honestly, unless you don't want to get better sooner." Liu Yiqiu said with a serious face.

"Abominable." Liu Yimeng snorted unwillingly, and obediently continued to soak her feet.

She pulled the stormtrooper on her body, and after the clothes inside were wet, the stormtrooper kept sticking to her body, exposing the rich 'airport'.

An hour later, Chu Feng returned.

He had just dried the dishes made by the Liu sisters and dried them over a fire (cfba), then stuffed them into the kiln and started firing.

Tonight, Chu Feng planned to stay up until the early hours of the morning, because as soon as the early morning arrived, it was time to receive the monthly sign-in package.

He is looking forward to it in his heart, I don't know what good things can be given by the monthly sign-in package?

Inside the shelter, the three women chatted around a wooden table with three steaming cups of pine needle tea and a few thinly sliced pieces of beeswax.

"I'll go pour you a cup of tea." Liu Yiqiu got up, picked up the clay cup and poured a cup of pine needle tea in front of him.

"What were you talking about?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

"You don't need to know about topics between girls." Yun Xin said with disgust.

Liu Yimeng and Liu Yiqiu also nodded seriously, and their faces were a little red.

The topic they just talked about was related to menstrual affairs, because in a day or two, Liu Yiqiu's menstrual affairs were expected to come, so she asked Yun Xin how she survived the menstrual affairs in the wild.

Only after this question did I know that it turned out that Chu Feng was taking care of the girl, how could he be embarrassed to let him know about this kind of thing.

Especially Liu Yimeng is very envious of the girl, she came to the menstrual affairs but solved it with a heart, instead of someone helping to sew a sanitary cloth.

When she thought of this, she glanced at her sister resentfully, as if to say: You learn Chu Feng, what a boy can do, why don't you not expect it.

Liu Yiqiu gritted her teeth slightly and glared at her sister.

"Okay, you guys hurry up and take a bath and sleep, it will be colder in the evening." Chu Feng said softly, driving the women to wash.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu quickly stood up and shoveled out of the shelter with the sapper.

"Sister, shall we wash it together?"

Liu Yimeng chased out with her feet on crutches, shouting as she walked: "This is more water-saving." "

"No, it's too crowded." Liu Yiqiu ruthlessly refused.

Half an hour later, the Liu sisters all returned to the old shelter after taking a bath, and the girl took her clothes to wash.

Chu Feng walked out of the shelter, walked to the kiln, squatted down to check the situation of the kiln, and began to add wood to it, and the fire would not be extinguished until at least the early hours of the morning.

More than ten minutes later, the girl came over after taking a bath.

"Chu Feng, you also go to the bath, I'll watch the fire." Yun Xin said softly and sat down next to the kiln.

She glanced around, and there was a thorny fence, which made people feel a little reassured.

And the fire of the kiln is very strong, and it does not feel cold next to it, and it is a little warm.

"Good." Chu Feng stood up, went back to the shelter to get a change of clothes and towels, and went to take a bath in the bamboo cage.

More than ten minutes later, he returned from bathing, and the girl was still sitting in front of the kiln, occasionally stuffing branches into it.

"You go to sleep, I'll come and see for a while." Chu Feng reached out and patted Yun Xin's shoulder.

Yun Xin stood up, took Chu Feng's changed clothes, and said softly: "Then don't be too tuck." "

"Got it, when the kiln is almost burned, I'll go to sleep." Chu Feng said warmly.


Yun Xin nodded and yawned back to the shelter.

Time is ticking by, and the night is deep.

Chu Feng grinned, estimating the time and giving an order in his heart: "Sign in!" "

As the words fell, a virtual screen popped up in front of his eyes, and the date representing the 30th lit up.

"Ding! Sign in for 30 days and get a monthly package. "

"It's been thirty days, it's really not easy." With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Chu Feng had been in the wilderness for twenty-eight days.

He commanded in his heart: "Open the moon gift package." "


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass. Ask for support. "_

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