Chu Feng shook his head and sighed, "It seems that this hundred million Chinese coins are not so easy to get. "

"First a typhoon, then a heavy rainstorm, now it's snowing, shouldn't it be hail in the future?" Liu Yimeng pouted, boldly guessing.

"This... It shouldn't be possible. Chu Feng grinned, with the urine of the director team, the weather here, maybe there is really this possibility.

The drone overhead filmed this scene, and the audience who had just entered the live broadcast room began to brush the barrage.

"Groove? What's going on? Why did it suddenly snow? "

"How do those contestants survive?"

"Can anyone really survive in this environment? It's too perverted. "

"Hahaha, Liu Yimeng is very resentful."


Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng braved the wind and snow to advance, the snow on the ground began to increase, and now you can see the ground when you step on it.

More than three hours later, Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng approached the location of the cliff, there was very little snow in the jungle, all blocked by tall trees, but as time passed, the ground would be covered with snow sooner or later.

The two walked for more than ten minutes, and came to the bottom of the cliff, and at a glance it was empty, only the snow was drifting.

"Chu Feng, what should I do?" Liu Yimeng asked with a bitter face, not seeing even a single wild goat as far as he could see.

"It's possible to be on a cliff." Chu Feng observed the traces around him, and the wild goat may have gone to hide from the snow.

"How do you get up?" Liu Yimeng looked at the steep cliff, and felt a chill in her heart, she was not Chu Feng, she had such a good skill to climb the cliff.

"Take a detour and see where you can go up next to it." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, taking Liu Yimeng can only go up from another direction.

It just rained yesterday, and today it snows again, the cliff wall is definitely slippery, it is definitely not safe to climb the cliff directly, and a detour is the best choice.

"Good." Liu Yimeng nodded and followed Chu Feng to the left, looking for a place where he could climb to the top of the cliff.

After more than ten minutes, the two circled to the side of the cliff face, where the gravel slope meandered to the top.

"It should be possible to go up here, I'll go ahead, you be careful." Chu Feng instructed softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng responded seriously,

Chu Feng carried the horn bow on his side, took a firewood knife in his hand and began to clear the road, shoveling the ice and snow off the stones and making out the place to land.

Liu Yimeng followed closely, her eyes scanning the surroundings, alert.

The two of them slowed down, and it took more than an hour to clear the road and come to an open field, and looking up, it was a big mountain.

"That's right, it's here." Chu Feng observed the surrounding environment and could vaguely see familiar scenes.

When he climbed up from the other side of the cliff, he saw this place from a distance, but because of the hurry, he did not come here to explore.

"So where are we going?" Liu Yimeng asked blankly, the current backbone is Chu Feng.

"Going this way." Chu Feng said softly, stretching out his finger to the place where he saw the wild goat last time.

He put away his firewood knife and held the horned bow in his hand, while putting the arrow on the bowstring, ready to fill it at any time.

Liu Yimeng also took out his bow and arrow, learned Chu Feng's appearance and prepared, and followed his steps and walked forward.

After more than ten minutes, Chu Feng returned to the place where he had been last time, but as far as he could see, he did not see any trace of the wild goat.

"There doesn't seem to be one here." Liu Yimeng blinked her big eyes, and only white snow came in.

"Go this way and look again." Chu Feng sighed secretly, and the wild goat seemed to have migrated.

He found traces of wild goats on the ground, leading to the depths of the forest, seemingly heading to the other side of the mountain.

It had been more than half a day since the two had come out, and it was noon, and it was less than five hours before it got dark.

Liu Yimeng looked up at the sky, the snowflakes fell on the tip of her nose, cold and cold, and reached out to wipe off the snow water melted by body temperature.

"Tread, tread..."

Chu Feng took Liu Yimeng towards the mountain forest, tracing the traces left by the migration of wild goats, and after walking for about half an hour, the two of them had no choice but to stop.

"Chu Feng, what's wrong?" Liu Yimeng asked suspiciously.

"Can't chase any longer, the wild goat may have gone to the other side of the mountain, it's too late, go back." Chu Feng sighed.

Unfortunately, time does not allow, unless you spend the night outside tonight, just this kind of snowy day, doing so is undoubtedly looking for death.

"But I didn't hit my prey." Liu Yimeng was a little unwilling.

"If you don't rush back now, you'll have to spend the night out tonight." Chu Feng said helplessly.

"Then let's go back quickly." Liu Yimeng's neck shrank, now he feels cold, if he spends the night outside, won't he wake up tomorrow and become a popsicle?

"Hmm." Chu Feng replied softly and walked forward.

"Alas, this time it was empty-handed." Liu Yimeng sighed.

"There are a lot of mushrooms there, pick some and go back." Chu Feng's expression moved, remembering the mouth mushroom found by the qi, it was very close to here, and picking some back would not be considered empty-handed.

"Well, the mouth mushrooms of the shelter have just been eaten." Liu Yimeng agreed, and followed in another direction.

A few minutes later, the two came to the place where there was a mouth grind.

"Chu Feng, where is the mouth mushroom? Don't you see any? Liu Yimeng asked suspiciously, her gaze scanning for a week, only white.

"Here." Chu Feng recognized it, squatted down and swept away the snow with his hand, revealing the covered white mushroom below.

"It's all white, and you can't really find it if you don't look carefully." Liu Yimeng muttered, squatting down to quickly pick the mushrooms.

She doesn't care if this mushroom grows on sheep manure now, so in order to save time, she directly reaches out and grabs it.

The two stayed here for more than ten minutes, and then began to turn back.

"I hope to get back in time." Chu Feng sighed softly, this time he came out to hunt very unsmoothly, and his and Liu Yimeng's pants still did not fall.

He thought of other ways, should he go to the other side of the hill to hunt deer?

Sure enough, everything can't go smoothly, and life is not as good as it should be.


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