"Then I'll sleep later, it's warm here." Yun Xin pursed his lips, sat down next to Chu Feng, and continued to busy with his handiwork.

"I'm not sleepy, I'll sleep later." Liu Yimeng was reluctant to move her body, and the fireplace was warmer than the bed.

Liu Yiqiu looked at her sister, silently learning her appearance against the fireplace.

"Okay." Chu Feng smiled bitterly.


As time passed, outside the shelter, the cold wind blew, and the snowflakes gradually grew larger and fell to the ground and piled up.


Yun Xin yawned, the movements in his hands slowed down, and his upper and lower eyelids began to fight.

Chu Feng took the twine from the girl's hand and said softly, "Well, go to sleep quickly." "


Yun Xin yawned again, nodded obediently, and instructed, "Well, don't be too late." "

"Well, I'll sleep later." Chu Feng chuckled.

The girl stretched a lazy waist, climbed onto the bed in a daze, and got her head into the sleeping bag, she looked sideways at Chu Feng by the fireplace, her eyes half-squinted.

"Go to sleep too." Chu Feng tilted his head and said softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng reluctantly left the fireplace, now very sleepy, or lie down to sleep to be comfortable.

The sisters of the Liu family climbed into bed, and the younger sister wanted to put her arms around her sister to sleep.

Chu Feng looked at the three women with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and they had already closed their eyes and made a sound of breathing evenly.

"I don't know what time it is."

He yawned, and the time of the evening was hard to determine.

Chu Feng stuffed a few pieces of wood into the fireplace to heat up the fire so that the shelter could be kept warm.

Time passed little by little, and the cold wind outside the window was still blowing.

He whispered the order in his head: "Sign in." "

A virtual screen immediately popped up in front of him, showing the date of the 12th lit up.

"Ding! Sign in for seven days and get a gift pack. A mechanical synthesis prompt sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Once again, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning.

He added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace to make sure it would burn until the second half of the night, before getting up and taking off his shoes, carefully climbing onto the large I bed and getting into his sleeping bag.

"Chu Feng..."

The girl muttered vaguely, and her hot body was pasted up.

"It's getting more and more like a warm bed maid." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, and his body was warm.

He grabbed the girl's thin waist and gave the order in his mind:

"Open the pack."

"Ding! One visual enhancement potion. (Elementary)"

"Ding! A gift pack for spice blending. (Elementary)"

"Ding! Halo of luck. (Elementary)"

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, this time the gift package seemed to be very good, and ordered in his mind: "Use visual enhancement potions." "

Vision Enhancement (Elementary), doubles vision after use without any side effects.

"Ding! Vision-enhancing potions are in use..."

He felt that his eyes were itchy and numb, and there was a little tingling, a bit like the feeling of dropping eye drops, and his vision became blurry, and even the fire could not be seen.

It lasted for five or six minutes before his eyes returned to normal and his vision slowly recovered.

With the contraction and enlargement of Chu Feng's pupils, many things that were not clear before can now be seen clearly, such as the cobwebs that appear in the corner of the roof at an unknown time, and several spider silks can be seen on it.

If someone looked directly at Chu Feng, they would find that the eyeballs that were originally a little cloudy and bloodshot now became clear, like the eyes of a newborn, clean and bright.

"You can see it clearly at night without holding a torch." Chu Feng's heart was full of excitement.

Will the next pack be an auditory enhancement potion? After all, the first time the potion is given is to strengthen the sense of smell, this time it is vision, and the next time it is likely to be hearing or taste.

He guessed so, and then continued to order: "Open the Spice Blending Crafting Pack." "

"Ding! Spice blending and making gift packs are in transit..."

The next moment, a familiar feeling of swelling filled Chu Feng's head, and a large amount of knowledge and pictures were like movie clips, quickly passing through his mind and being firmly portrayed into his mind.

This feeling lasted for five or six minutes before it gradually disappeared.

"Spice configuration, this is to make me a chef?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, isn't this not good? Will rob the girl and Liu Yimeng's jobs.

The Spice Configuration Crafting Gift Pack contains twelve spices production methods, many of which have been seen before, and can be made in the wilderness.

He decided to only be responsible for making spices, cooking or not participating, after all, people's energy is limited, cooking rice or something should be left to Chef Yunxin.

"There's one last pack left." Chu Feng looked at the third gift package displayed on the virtual screen in front of him.

"Lucky aura, can you increase your luck after using it?"

He raised his eyebrows and muttered softly: "If you go to buy a lottery ticket, will the chance of winning the lottery increase?" "

Chu Feng decided to leave the wilderness in the future, and when he returned to the city, he went to buy a lottery ticket to see if his luck really improved.

He had the command in his head: "Open the Lucky Halo Pack." "

"Ding! Lucky Halo is in effect..."

Chu Feng blinked, and after a few minutes, he did not notice any changes in his body.

He muttered softly: "It seems to be another passive skill." "

Chu Feng felt that the aura of luck was the same as the perception of danger, and there would only be a reaction if something was going to happen or was about to happen.


He yawned, and sleepiness hit.

Chu Feng pulled the sleeping bag up, covering half of the girl's head, leaving a gap to breathe, and then closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

"Physical therapy ... Meat, I want to eat meat..." Liu Yimeng's murmur sounded, and she seemed to be talking in her dreams.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth were slightly hooked, watching the girl sleeping on her stomach, and couldn't help but think: "Is it because this position has been sleeping for a long time that it will become an airport?" "

Don't? The reason why he found the girl's chest airfield?

He leaned out of his sleeping bag halfway, pressed the edge of the bed with one hand, and helped the Liu sisters pull up the quilt with the other hand to avoid catching a cold tomorrow.


After doing this, Chu Feng lay down again, yawned and closed his eyes.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for automatic subscriptions, ask for support. "

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