Chu Feng hid the breath on his body and traced in the direction where the footprints left, he gently pulled away the bushes, and there was still a string of footprints behind, winding towards another bush.

Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng followed cautiously, afraid of disturbing the pheasant.

Chu Feng took out the horn bow and bamboo arrow, put it on the bowstring, and his steps became lighter and lighter.

After walking for a few minutes, he reached out and waved, signaling the two women to stop and continue walking forward.

Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng nodded and gently instructed, "Chu Feng, pay attention to safety." "

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and shook it, signaling that he knew, and walked for a few more minutes, sniffing his nose, and could smell a unique smell of birds.

The horned bow in his hand clenched, gently pulled away the bush in front of him, and looked back.

"Chicken coop?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, and instead of seeing a pheasant, he saw a chicken nest made of hay, with five wild eggs inside, and the surface was covered by a little snow.

He stepped over the bush to the pheasant nest and crouched down to pick up five wild eggs.

Chu Feng picked up one of the wild eggs, put it in his ear and shook it, listening to the sound coming from inside, and said softly: "It hasn't hatched yet, and it can still be eaten." "

He is worried that this nest of wild eggs has been hatched for a long time, so the eggs inside I are formed, and if you want to eat it, you have to test a person's perseverance, after all, the wild eggs that are about to hatch and form, after peeling, are similar to hairy eggs.

"It seems that there is an obligation to help the family of pheasants who have left home take care of laying eggs." Chu Feng muttered, put the wild egg into the bamboo basket, and scanned the surroundings with his eyes, wanting to see which direction the pheasant went.

There are many pheasant footprints in the surrounding snow, and it is difficult to tell where the pheasants end up going in several directions.

"It looks like it's time to forage." Chu Feng shrugged helplessly.

It wasn't early, so he turned away, deciding to come back next time, maybe he could pick up wild eggs again.

A few minutes later, Chu Feng returned to the place where the two women were waiting.

"Chu Feng, how is it? Caught a pheasant? Liu Yimeng hurriedly asked.

"No, but I found five wild eggs." Chu Feng turned sideways and gestured to the bamboo basket he was carrying.

"Wild eggs?" Yun Xin stood on tiptoe, looked at the bamboo basket that Chu Feng was carrying, and sure enough saw five wild eggs.

"I haven't had an egg in a long time." Liu Yimeng secretly swallowed her saliva.

"Then I'll eat them tonight." Yun Xin said with a smile, although he didn't catch a pheasant, it was good to have wild eggs, which could improve the taste.

"Go over there and see if there are any wild vegetables." Chu Feng put the bamboo basket back on his back and walked forward.

The three continued to set off in the other direction, only to stop again after more than twenty minutes.

"There should be a lot of wild vegetables around here, and whether there is any under the snow." Chu Feng said softly, squatting down and starting to clear the snow.

"Good." The two women crouched down and began to rummage through the wild vegetables.

Nearly an hour passed, and the bamboo basket carried by the three was full, and there were many wild vegetables here, although they were still frozen hard, but they were always returned to eat.

In addition to wild vegetables, a lot of forage was collected, and there were two large bundles.

"Let's go back first, otherwise Yiqiu should be worried." Chu Feng stood up, carried the bamboo cage, and picked up two bundles of hay.

"I don't know what my sister made delicious, I'm hungry." Liu Yimeng touched her stomach and sighed.

She and the girl picked up the remaining bundle of hay together and followed Chu Feng.

"I'm curious too." Chu Feng chuckled, this was the first time Liu Yiqiu had cooked alone.

"Let's go back quickly." Yun Xin said with a smile, also a little hungry.

As soon as the stomach is hungry, the body begins to feel cold, which is the reason for too much calorie consumption.


Inside the camp, Liu Yiqiu was standing in front of the fireplace, and on the stove was a clay pot containing water boiled with snow, which was already boiling and bubbling.

"Put rabbit meat first..." muttered Liu Yiqiu softly, putting the cut rabbit meat into the clay pot.

She thought about it, took out a piece of wild ginger from the wooden shelf, turned and walked out of the shelter, and carefully rubbed the skin of wild ginger with the snow in the yard until the wild ginger became clean.

Liu Yiqiu turned back to the shelter, cut the wild ginger into pieces with a fangs knife, and then put it in a clay pot and boiled it together.

"It seems that you still have to dry the lemon slices."

She took out a few more dried lemon slices from the wooden shelf and put them in the clay pot as well.

After doing this, Liu Yiqiu added a few more pieces of wood to the fireplace to make the fire burn even stronger.

She stood up, picked up the clay pot that lay next to the wooden shelf, turned and left the shelter, and began to load the snow in the yard.

After filling, he returned to the shelter and went to the fireplace, pouring the snow in the clay pot into an empty water tank that was originally used to hold water.

"The snow should melt." Liu Yiqiu was not sure, and wanted to try to see if the heat emitted by the fireplace could melt the snow, and if so, there would be no need to melt the snow first with water in the future.

After a while, the snow began to melt and turn into clear water.

"It seems so." The corners of Liu Yiqiu's mouth were slightly hooked, and she held the clay pot out of the shelter again and began to carry the snow back and forth.

After a few runs, the tank is filled with snow, and then wait for it to slowly melt into water.

"They should be on their way back." Liu Yiqiu stood at the door of the shelter, glanced outside, turned and closed the wooden door, blocking the cold wind.

The rabbit meat boiling on the wall of the hearth, she put some salt and boar oil in it, covered it with a clay plate and continued to cook.

Liu Yimeng took the mushrooms in the bamboo basket on the side, scooped some water in the water tank to clean them, cut them into pieces and put them in a clay pot to boil together.

"Let's put some fungus again."

She found the fungus from the wooden rack again, grabbed a handful and put it in the clay pot.


The soup inside the clay pot boiled very strongly, and the fragrance wafted out.

"It smells good." Liu Yiqiu muttered to herself, stirring the rabbit meat with a bamboo spoon to avoid sticking to the pan and cooking paste.

After nearly half an hour, the fire in the fireplace began to decrease, and she added a few more pieces of wood to the fireplace and continued to cook.

After a while, Liu Yiqiu carried the hay with both hands, held the clay pot and moved away from the stove and set it aside.

She sat down, supported her chin with her hands, and put her eyes on the wooden door of the shelter, feeling a little worried in her heart: "Why haven't you come back yet?" "

Liu Yiqiu sat for a while, but still stood up and pushed open the wooden door, paying attention to the movement outside.

Outside the courtyard, Liu Yimeng's shouting suddenly came from: "Sister, we are back, can we eat?" "

Liu Yiqiu breathed a sigh of relief at this, and quickly ran to the courtyard and opened the gate of the thorny fence.


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