Chu Feng blinked his eyes, and asked with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Why?" "

"..." Yun Xinmei's eyes drifted a little, and she didn't dare to look at him, she looked at it with the corner of her eye, and scraped wild boar oil with bamboo slices to help Chu Feng paint her lips.

Chu Feng opened his eyes and carefully observed the girl's face, the skin on her face was a little peeling, which was the reason why it was too dry.

He reached out and poked the girl's face, and said softly: "Let's coat your face with some honey, you can moisturize your skin." "

Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and he shook his head and said softly: "No need, there is not enough honey to eat, and it is too wasteful to paint your face." "


She put down the bamboo piece in her hand and wiped the lard from the corner of Chu Feng's mouth with her fingers.

"Chu Feng, what are we going to do in the afternoon?" Liu Yimeng asked curiously.

"Go out again, forage is not enough." Chu Feng said softly, the forage brought back today, plus the old forage, is only enough for rabbits and deer to eat for more than a month, and it is impossible to survive the winter.

In the future, even if the breeding room is built, it will not be possible to grow grass for rabbits and deer, which is too wasteful.

"Good." Liu Yimeng nodded, took out the wild vegetables brought back today from the bamboo basket, and put them in the bamboo basket next to the wooden frame.

The three of them packed up and set off again while it was not snowing yet.

"Stay safe and come back early." Liu Yiqiu waved her hand and shouted.

"Got it, you don't have to come back until dark." Chu Feng opened his mouth and responded.

"Chu Feng, where are we going this time?" Yun Xin asked curiously.

"Go north, there are places where you haven't been there." Chu Feng said softly.

To the north is eucalyptus forest, every time I go to the north is to hunt, or pick sugar palm fruit, many places around it have not been explored, such as the back of the sugar palm forest, which has not yet been visited.

"Good." Yun Xin nodded.

The three walked through the eucalyptus forest in the direction where the sugar palm tree was.

Ten minutes later.

"This is the sugar palm tree, so tall." Yun Xin tilted his head and looked at the tall sugar palm tree and was surprised.

She looked at the top of the tree to see if there were sugar palms, but all she could see was the white flowers of snow.

"Let's go, the sugar palm fruit is gone this year, we have to wait for next year." Chu Feng chuckled, reached out and pulled the girl, and walked towards the depths of the sugar palm forest.

He planned to go to the back this time and maybe find something else.

"Okay." Yun Xin replied helplessly, originally wanted to pick a little sugar palm fruit and go back, and continued to boil some sugar.

She reached out and grabbed Liu Yimeng, who was following behind, and the three of them held hands and walked towards the depths of the sugar palm forest.

"Let's hold hands..." Liu Yimeng shook the girl's hand, kicking the snow along the way and humming a song.

"I will also sing this song, let us be accompanied by red dust, and live dashingly..." Yun Xin hummed along.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, this song seems to be sung by many people.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, followed by a two-dimensional girl, it seems that he is not so bored in the wilderness.

The three walked for more than twenty minutes and passed through the sugar palm forest.

"It doesn't seem to be much here." Liu Yiqiu muttered, her gaze scanning the surroundings, only patches of snow-covered shrubs and a few tall trees.

Several large trees have no leaves, bare and snow falls on their branches.

"Dig and dig to see if there are wild vegetables." Chu Feng's eyes scanned around, indeed there were only shrubs here, but there were probably wild vegetables under the snow layer.

"Howler." Liu Yimeng replied, squatting down to gouge the snow with bamboo sheets, and quickly cleared a clearing half a meter wide.

She rummaged through the snow and found only some yellowing weeds suitable for rabbits.

"Then bring some hay back." Chu Feng said softly, continuing to planing the snow, and finally only found some weeds.

"Bang bang click..."

Suddenly, there was a strange noise from the big tree beside him.

Chu Feng raised his head suspiciously and looked at the position of the top of the tree.

He had excellent eyesight, and found that there was a tree hole in the top of the tree, and the sound came from inside.

"Chu Feng, what are you looking at?" Yun Xin asked curiously.

"Found something interesting." Chu Feng chuckled, hiding his breath and deciding to climb up to take a look.

"Interesting?" Liu Yimeng was also curious, watching Chu Feng start climbing the tree, she stood on the side and looked up.

The tree is not tall, only four or five meters, and for Chu Feng's skill, it is easy to climb to the top.

He stood on a branch next to him, looking at the hole in the tree that was smaller than a fist.

The next moment, a pair of green bean-sized eyes appeared in Chu Feng's line of sight, followed by a furry body, and a big tail curled together.

"Squirrel?" Chu Feng blinked, inside the tree hole was a squirrel, it was only the size of its own fist.

At this time, it was staring at Chu Feng curiously, and the walnuts it was holding in its hands had forgotten to nibble, and it looked very cute.

In the next second, before Chu Feng could make any moves, a walnut was thrown out, and the squirrel ran away with a cigarette.

It climbed to the top of the tree and stood on the tiny dead branches, 'squeaking', as if accusing Chu Feng of peeping at it.

"Uh... This little wit. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he quickly flipped through the knowledge in his mind, and after a while, he had a plan.

He glanced at the four or five walnuts piled up in the tree hole, and then carefully climbed down the tree.

"Chu Feng, did you find anything?" Yun Xin hurriedly tasted.

"Yes, a squirrel was found." Chu Feng said softly.

"Squirrel." The girl's eyes lit up, and she looked hard at the position of the top of the tree on her tiptoes, and soon found the squirrel on the top of the tree.

"It's the first time I've seen a squirrel." Liu Yimeng said with great interest.

Chu Feng chuckled, girls always like some fluffy little animals.

"I'm going to take you home."

He glanced up at the top of the tree again, and saw the squirrel's furry tail flapping around.


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