Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng had already picked up the pecans that had fallen on the snow and put them all into the bamboo basket.

"Quite a lot." Chu Feng picked up the bamboo basket and flipped it, and the pecans in it had to be more than ten catties.

"There are still a lot of them that can't be picked up." Yun Xin looked up at the treetops of two hickory trees, and there were many tenacious pecans hanging on them,

"Come back in two days and pick it up." Chu Feng said softly, not planning to give up the remaining pecans.

But it's not too early to waste too much time here.

"Uh-huh." Yun Xin nodded obediently.

"Let's go, catch the squirrel." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, with this pile of pecans, I don't believe that the little squirrel is not moved.

Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng's eyes lit up, and they replied at the same time, "Good." "

The three quickly returned to the snow, Chu Feng put down the bamboo basket, grabbed a handful of pecans and put them in the pocket of his jacket, and then carefully climbed towards the tree with a hidden breath.

"Chu Feng, is this planning to lure me around?" Liu Yimeng said in amazement.

"It should be." Yun Xin said with a smile.

Chu Feng climbed to the location of the original tree hole after a while, his gaze swept into the tree hole, and he saw the furry tail at a glance.

"Squeaky ..."

The hair on the little squirrel's body exploded, holding the pecans in his hand and looking at Chu Feng vigilantly, ready to run away at any time.

"See what this is?" Chu Feng chuckled, took out a handful of pecans from his pocket, and dangled it in front of the tree hole.

"Squeaky ..."

The little squirrel looked down at the pecan in his hand, and then looked at the pecan in Chu Feng's hand.

"Do you want it?" Chu Feng hooked the corners of his mouth, it was the first time he had done this kind of thing to lure a small animal.

The little squirrel is still very vigilant, but those little eyes have been staring at the pecans.

Chu Feng's eyebrows raised lightly, and he took out all the remaining pecans in his pocket and placed them all in front of the little squirrel.

"Squeak..." The little squirrel couldn't help it, and carefully walked outside the cave entrance, first tentatively sweeping Chu Feng's hand with its furry tail.

Chu Feng's fingers moved, and he did not move rashly.

The little squirrel was even more daring, put down his own pecan, reached out his claw and directly took a pecan from Chu Feng's hand, and then turned around and hid in the depths of the tree hole.

"..." Chu Feng pursed the corners of his mouth, took the pecans and wanted to run?

He waited patiently, the pecan still held in his hand.

"Squeak..." The little squirrel hid in the tree hole and seemed to hesitate, and after a while, it dragged its furry tail and drilled out again, stretching its paws to reach the pecans in Chu Feng's hand.

"If the abduction fails, then just capture it." Chu Feng's eyes narrowed.

When he was reaching a pecan in the little squirrel's small paw, he suddenly turned his hand and directly pinched the little squirrel's body and held it firmly in his hand.

"Squeaky ..."

The little squirrel barked in panic, as if in protest.

"Obediently go back with me and give you fragrant food and spicy food." Chu Feng chuckled and took all the pecans into his arms.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, he also took out the few pecans in the tree hole with the branches.

The little squirrel resisted, watching as the pecans in his cave were taken away.

"Resistance is ineffective." Chu Feng chuckled and carefully came down from the tree.

"Wow, that's cute." Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng came over and stretched out their fingers to touch the little squirrel's head.

The two women twittered and began to play their hands on the little squirrel, one touching the small head and the other touching the furry tail.

"Well, from today there is one more family member." Chu Feng chuckled, suspecting that if this continued, the little squirrel would be played to death before returning to the shelter.

"So are we going back now? Or do you continue to find forage and wild vegetables? Liu Yimeng reluctantly withdrew her finger.

"Go back first, otherwise the little squirrel has nowhere to put it." Chu Feng said softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng replied softly, took the tools she brought, and followed Chu Feng in the direction of the camp.

More than forty minutes later, the three returned safely to the camp.

"Sister, we're back." Liu Yimeng shouted.

"Huh? How did I come back so quickly this time. Liu Yiqiu, who was weaving sackcloth in the shelter, was surprised, quickly got up and pushed open the wooden door and ran out, helping to open the gate of the thorny fence.

"Sister, what do you think we caught?" Liu Yimeng couldn't wait to show off, pointing at the little squirrel that Chu Feng was holding.

"Huh? This is a squirrel..." Liu Yiqiu was stunned, and then his eyes lit up, and he leaned over to the little squirrel.

"It's cold outside, let's go first." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth grinned, and sure enough, women had no resistance to cute and furry little animals.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu withdrew her hand and quickly let the three of them enter the courtyard and return to the shelter to keep warm.

"Chu Feng, where do you want to put the little squirrel?" Liu Yimeng asked curiously, rummaging through the shelter, but did not find a suitable thing to use to hold the little squirrel.

"Re-knit a cage." Chu Feng said softly.

"Let me grab that little squirrel." Yun Xin stretched out her little hand and said with a smile.

"Hold on." Chu Feng chuckled and carefully moved the little squirrel to the girl's hand.

"I will." Yun Xin crossed his hands and fixed the little squirrel between his palms.

Chu Feng got up, found bamboo, and began to process it with a saber, cutting it into strips of bamboo, and then overlapping each other and began to weave bamboo cages.

Nearly half an hour later, a square bamboo cage the size of a basketball was braided, with a gap only the thickness of a thumb. There is a fist-sized entrance, and a door is made of bamboo sheets and hemp rope.

"Okay, you can put it in." Chu Feng fixed the bamboo cage on the support column, about one meter and five meters from the ground.

He put some hay in the bamboo cage and threw a handful of pecans into it.

"Good." Yun Xin carefully put the little squirrel into the bamboo cage, and then quickly closed the bamboo door.

"Squeaky ..."

The little squirrel looked at the bamboo cage curiously, and seemed relieved to find that there were pecans, and then called to the four people outside the bamboo cage.

"Honestly, it's much warmer than a tree hole." Chu Feng teased the little squirrel in the bamboo cage, and began to formulate a domestication plan for it in his mind.

The three women gathered around the bamboo cage, occasionally using their fingers to reach through the gap in the bamboo cage to tease the little squirrel.

"It's so cute, you'll call it a dog in the future." Yun Xin said with a smile.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, the name of dog egg is so familiar, it seems that when he was a child, Grandma Dean called herself that??


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