At night, the cold wind 'whistling' on String Moon Island, the snow is falling heavier.

In the camp shelter, Chu Feng and the others gathered around the fireplace doing handicrafts while chatting about the sky.

The Liu family sisters' faces were a little red, they had just frolicked, but their bodies were much warmer.

Chu Feng brought a few pieces of wood and began to chop them with a firewood knife, preparing cultivation materials for the cultivation room to grow mushrooms.

"Do you want to chop all the wood chips?" Liu Yimeng held a sapper shovel in her hand and helped cut the wood.

"Well, the thinner the better." Chu Feng said softly, there were already some wood chips piled up on the ground, and if the entire cultivation room was sufficient, it was estimated that it would take several nights to be busy.

"Howler." Liu Yimeng tied her short hair behind her head with a rope, forming a small tugging and seriously helping to handle the wood.

"Chu Feng, your hair seems to have grown too." Yun Xin tilted his head and said softly.

"Oh... OK. Chu Feng stretched out his hand and pulled the bangs in front of his forehead, and the length reached the position of his eyebrows.

He remembered the scene in the wilderness, when the girl helped him cut her hair for the first time, and suddenly felt his scalp numb.

"I'll cut it short for you later." Yun Xin said with a smile.

"No need, longer hair can keep you warm." Chu Feng quickly waved his hand.

"Like this?" Liu Yimeng suddenly reached out and pulled the two long hairs next to her sister's ears, wrapped them around the front, and clenched them at the chin position, and the hair covered her ears and cheeks.

Liu Yiqiu's current appearance looks like a bearded woman.

"Hee-hee..." Yun Xin's shoulders trembled, trying to hold back a smile.

"Liu Yimeng..."

The corner of Liu Yiqiu's eyes twitched, and she reached out to give her sister a blow to her head.

"Whew..." Liu Yimeng pouted aggrievedly, touching her head and being honest.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched slightly, almost bursting out of laughter, and quickly lowered his head to get busy with the work in hand.

Time passed little by little, the night outside the window was getting deeper and deeper, and the snow was still falling.

"Okay, let's all go wipe I and I body to sleep." Chu Feng said softly, it was not early.

"Good." The three women replied in unison, now that the winter is so cold, just boil some hot water to wipe my body, like before, it is easy to catch a cold by taking a hot bath every day.

Yun Xin got up and filled a clay pot with some water into the toilet, and after a while, he shoveled a few hot stones from the fireplace with a sapper shovel.

More than ten minutes later, the girl came out of the toilet with a clay pot, touched the air outside, and her body shivered.

"It's so cold."

She pouted, hung up the towel, and immediately sat down by the fireplace to roast the fire.

"Drink some pine needle tea to warm up." Chu Feng said softly, handing the steaming pottery cup in his hand to the girl.

"Good." Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and she was holding a pottery cup and sipping hot tea.

"Sister..." Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, and she looked at the toilet and gestured.

"You....... Wash yourself. Liu Yiqiu didn't have a good air.

"No~~" Liu Yimeng said coquettishly, quickly packed up her clothes and towels, and pulled her sister to the toilet.

"Liu Yimeng..." Liu Yiqiu gritted her teeth, but her strength was less than that of her sister, and she was directly pulled into the toilet.

In less than five minutes, the two came out of the toilet, Liu Yimeng looked comfortable, Liu Yiqiu was full of helplessness, and before the body was wiped over, the hot water was gone.

"Come and get some pine needle tea." Chu Feng greeted softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng replied with a smile, took the pottery cup from the wooden table and took a sip of hot tea.

Chu Feng finished a cup of hot tea and said softly, "Go to sleep, it's not early." "


"Good." Yun Xin yawned, and the gloves in his hand were ready.

She put down her gloves, grabbed a toothbrush and mint charcoal toothpaste, filled a clay cup with some water, and went to the toilet to wash.

More than 20 minutes later, the three women lay on the bed after washing, tightly wrapped in quilts and sleeping bags.

Chu Feng added wood to the fireplace and burned the fire again, causing the temperature in the shelter to slowly rise.

"Chu Feng, you also go to bed early." Yun Xin pouted and said softly, her small hand tightly pulling the edge of the sleeping bag.

"Right away." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth raised in response, filled some water, and went into the toilet to start brushing his teeth and washing.

Five or six minutes later, he washed up, put his toothbrush and towel away, turned around to secure the window and wooden door, then took off his shoes and carefully climbed into his sleeping bag.

"Hmm~~, Chu Feng, you are so cold." Yun Xin pasted it and shivered.

"It'll be warm in a while." Chu Feng said softly, reaching out to grab the girl's thin waist.

"Hmm." Yun Xin's face was slightly red, his head rubbed, and he found a comfortable position and closed his eyes.

"Good night." Chu Feng said softly.

"Good night." Yun Xin murmured.

"Good night." The Liu sisters responded at the same time.


In the early morning, light snow fell outside the window of the shelter, falling in front of the door with the cold wind.

"Aha~~" Liu Yimeng pursed her lips, slowly opened her eyes, and removed her hand from her sister's chest.

She hesitated, stretched out her finger and gently poked her sister's soft flesh, and muttered in a low voice: "I helped you do physical therapy to make you so big." "

Liu Yimeng pouted, got out of bed lightly, put on rabbit skin shoes and rubbed her arms to the fireplace.

The fire in the fireplace had been extinguished, and she looked at the water tank on the side, which had formed a thin layer of ice.

Liu Yimeng quickly squatted down, stuffed some hay and branches into the fireplace, and lit it with flint, and the somewhat cold body gradually warmed up.

The fire gradually burned and the ground began to warm up.

Let's cook noodle soup today. Liu Yimeng whispered to herself, using a bamboo spoon to gently break the thin ice in the water tank, revealing the clear water below.

She carried a clay pot filled with water and set it on the fireplace to boil, which was a wash water for everyone.

Liu Yimeng took the clay pot from the wooden shelf, scooped two spoonfuls of banana taro powder from the clay pot, added some water and began to make noodles.

More than twenty minutes later, the three people lying on the bed got up one after another.

"Go brush your teeth, the water is boiling." Liu Yimeng said with a smile.

"Sister Meng, you've been up early lately." Yun Xin yawned, a little embarrassed, breakfast was made by Liu Yimeng again.

"Hee-hee... Wake up when you've slept enough. Liu Yimeng laughed.

"Go brush your teeth, the water will be cold later." Liu Yimeng urged.

"Good." Yun Xin replied with a smile like a flower, and squeezed into the toilet with Chu Feng with a pottery cup and towel.


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