The Liu sisters came out after washing up and put away their toothbrushes and towels.

"Yunxin, let me help you." Liu Yimeng rolled her sleeves and came to the fireplace.

"Good." The two women smiled and began to make breakfast.

More than ten minutes later, the four of them sat around a wooden table with clay pots and stewed meat inside.

Liu Yimeng stuffed meat in her mouth and asked vaguely, "Chu Feng, are you going out hunting today?" "

"Well, go ahead." Chu Feng hesitated for a moment and said softly.

He went out to see the sky today, because there was fog, he couldn't see it at all, he only knew that there would be a light snow in the morning, and he didn't know what the situation was from the afternoon to the evening.

"Then I'll go too." Yun Xin hurriedly spoke.

"Well, going out on a snowy day will be very physically draining." Chu Feng said softly.

"Got it..." Yun Xin pouted helplessly and replied, his physical strength was not as good as Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng, and if he followed out, he might be distracted and taken care of in the end.

"Next time it doesn't snow, I'll take you out." Chu Feng chuckled and reached out to rub the girl's head.

"Good." A smile bloomed on Yun Xin's face.

More than half an hour later, Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng packed up their things, put on the hood of their storm jackets and left the shelter.

"Be careful on the road and come back early." Yun Xin instructed with a wave of his hand.

"Got it." Chu Feng waved his hand and replied seriously.

"Sister, I'll go." Liu Yiqiu shouted.

"Okay, don't run around, stay safe." Liu Yiqiu stood under the eaves and watched Chu Feng and his sister disappear into the white space.


Chu Feng pulled his foot out of the snow layer, the snow on the ground was already very thick, and he stepped on it and submerged half of his calf.

"Chu Feng, where are we going this time?" Liu Yimeng pouted, pulled her feet out of the snow, and followed her step by step.

"Go to the southwest, you haven't been there yet." Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

He used a firewood knife to cut the vegetation on the side casually, cut out a wooden stick and handed it to Liu Yimeng, and said softly: "Hold the wooden stick to support, be careful not to fall."

"Good." Liu Yimeng replied softly, put the longbow on his back, and supported his body with a wooden stick in his hand.

As far as the eye can see, it is white, not even green bushes, basically covered by snow.

"It's really cold." Chu Feng pursed his lips, stepping into the cold snow, and the cold that storm pants and linen pants could withstand was very limited.

The two walked into the jungle, carving marks on tree trunks along the way, in case they couldn't find their way back to the camp.

More than two hours later, there was still only white snow and trees around.

"It seems like nothing." Liu Yimeng licked her lips, forgot to apply lard when she went out today, and had already cracked a small hole.

"Go further and see." Chu Feng said softly, his eyebrows turned white, and all the snowflakes stuck on them.

He reached out and wiped my face indiscriminately, and the cold wind blew all over his body.

"Uh-huh." Liu Yimeng lowered her head slightly, so that the cold wind did not blow directly on her face.

Chu Feng's eyes carefully observed the surroundings, wanting to see if there were any traces of animal activity.

When it snows, the passage of time is always imperceptible, halfway through the day, and now it is two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Find a place to rest and cook some lunch." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, the snow began to get bigger, and the physical strength of the two also consumed a lot, which needed to be added.

When she came out, the girl filled the bamboo basket with a lot of meat, as well as basic seasonings.

"Good." Liu Yimeng reached out and pinched my thin waist, this thick snow is easy to have a sore back after walking for a long time.

"Go this way." Chu Feng discerned the direction and walked towards the left, where the terrain was relatively high, and it should be a small hillside or something.

The two walked for nearly half an hour before they found a small hill, only about ten meters high.

"Chu Feng, there is a cave there, do you want to go over?" Liu Yimeng's sharp eyes found that there was a cave on the right side of the small hillside.

"Go, go over and take a look." Chu Feng said softly, holding the firewood knife in his hand and walking in front, while keeping an eye on the perception of danger.

When the two approached the cave cautiously, the danger perception was not triggered.

The entrance of the cave was very small, only about one meter high, and Chu Feng carefully observed the surroundings of the cave entrance and found no traces of beast activity.

"You wait here, I'll go in and take a look, there is no danger for you to come in again." Chu Feng said in a low voice.

Without waiting for Liu Yimeng to refuse, he had already put down the bamboo basket and bent down into the cave.

"Really..." Liu Yimeng pouted.

Chu Feng bent down into the cave and found that the space inside was irregular, similar in size to the old shelter before, nearly three meters wide and about two meters high, standing up straight and not knocking to the top of the cave.

"Yimeng, come in." Chu Feng shouted towards the entrance of the cave.

"Okay, let's get the bamboo basket in first." Liu Yimeng's voice came in, and then two bamboo baskets were stuffed in one after another.

Chu Feng quickly took the bamboo basket away and put it aside, so that Liu Yimeng could come in.

"It seems to be good here." Liu Yimeng came in and looked at the cave, although it was not large, it could withstand the cold wind and heavy snow.

"You stay here, I'll go find some wood and come back." Chu Feng said softly, Liu Yimeng's physical strength had almost been consumed.

"Let's go together, it will be faster." Liu Yimeng suggested.

"No need, I'll look around, I'll be back soon, you cut the meat first." Chu Feng said softly.

"Okay, then you be careful." Liu Yimeng nodded, took out the venison and steel pot brought from the bamboo basket, and prepared to cut it into slices and stew.

"Got it." Chu Feng answered casually, bent out of the cave with a rope, and braved the light snow to walk towards the jungle on the side.

Feeling the cold wind blowing in his face, he looked up at the sky, the snow was falling heavier, and there were signs of gradually turning into a blizzard.

Maybe you won't be able to go back today.

"It's a bit difficult." Chu Feng smiled bitterly and said to himself, and quickly quickened his pace, looking for wood around.

After more than twenty minutes, he found only a few sticks of dead wood, which was simply not enough.

Chu Feng took a firewood knife, and finally found a dead tree with thick calves, brandished the firewood knife to cut it down, and burned it wet with a fire.

"It can burn for a long time." He whispered to himself, the dead tree with thick calves was tall, nearly five meters tall.

Chu Feng pulled the dead tree towards the cave on the small hillside, and before he arrived, he saw Liu Yimeng's figure, wandering around, as if looking for something.

He quickly shouted, "Why did you come out?" "

After Liu Yimeng saw him, she was visibly relieved, and quickly responded: "I came to see if you need to help." "

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth curled slightly, and he hurriedly urged: "No need, go in quickly, the blizzard should be coming." "


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