Inside the camp, Yun Xin and Liu Yiqiu gathered around a wooden table, both holding pottery bowls containing wild goat meat.

"It doesn't seem to have much appetite." Yun Xin said softly, the meat in the bowl did not move much, and there was still a lot of meat in the steel pot in front of him.

"Me too." Liu Yiqiu sighed, put down the pottery bowl, poured two cups of hot water, and handed the girl a cup.

"Stinky Chu Feng, still haven't come back." Yun Xin pouted and muttered.

"I'll sleep with you tonight." Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips and said softly.

"Okay, Sister Qiu." Yun Xin replied softly, reaching out and taking Liu Yiqiu's hand, both of them had their own worries.

Liu Yiqiu patted the girl's little hand and said softly, "Let's eat some more." "

"Sister Qiu, you eat too." Yun Xin nodded gently, picked up the pottery bowl and ate slowly.

Half an hour later, all the meat in the steel pot was eaten, and Liu Yiqiu stood up to clean the pot and bowl.

"Sister Qiu, let me come, your aunt hasn't left yet." Yun Xin quickly took the pot and bowl and stretched out a hand to press Liu Yiqiu down.

She carried the pot and bowl, scooped water from the water tank into the toilet, and began to wash.

In the live broadcast room of the observers, they were observing Yun Xin and Liu Yiqiu's live broadcast room at this time.

"These two groups of people are so loving, even if they are not by their respective sides, they will silently care for each other." Wu Qingyue sighed.

Qi Weiting nodded silently.

"But this time Chu Feng went out to hunt, he may have to return empty-handed again." Wang Lin held the weather forecast for these two days.

The blizzard will last until noon tomorrow, and there is not enough time for Chu Feng and the two to hunt, and it is good that the two can rush back to the camp.

"It's good to be able to go back safely." He Ming said softly.

"Maybe luckily, it may not be necessary to encounter prey on the road." Wu Qingyue muttered softly.

The corners of Wang Lin's mouth tugged, is luck always so good? Stop thinking about it.


Chu Feng sat one meter away from the entrance of the cave, leaned against the side of the cave wall and whispered: "Go to bed early, the snowstorm will not stop for a while." "

The sound of wind and snow outside the cave is getting louder and louder, fortunately, the cave is relatively closed, and the cave mouth is relatively small, and the heat can be well preserved in the cave.

"Can't sleep." Liu Yimeng held my bent feet with both hands, and the lower I pestle was in a daze on her knees, a little missing her sister.

"Still hungry?" Chu Feng asked softly.

"Not hungry." Liu Yimeng shook her head gently, it had only been more than three hours since she finished lunch, and she was still eating meat, which was not digested so quickly.

"Then drink more hot water." Chu Feng added wood to the fire, and the water in the steel pot kept boiling.

"Doesn't it say on the Internet that you can't drink water that has been boiled too many times?" Liu Yimeng shrunk her neck and said.

She once read an article on the Internet, saying that the repeatedly boiled water cannot be drunk, the oxygen in it is boiled, and drinking it is not good for the body and will cause cancer.

"That depends on how many times it boils, even if you boil the water in the steel pot now, you can't drink it." Chu Feng said with a wry smile and began to do popular science for Liu Yimeng.

Boiling water is repeatedly boiled, in the case of extremely high temperature and lack of oxygen, is conducive to the conversion of nitrate in water to nitrite, with the increase of water boiling times, nitrite content will gradually increase.

Nitrite is a fierce carcinogen that can cause cancer or heart disease.

But don't worry that even if the tap water has been boiled 20 times, the nitrite content is far below the national standard, and people can drink it completely, which basically does not affect health.

But you can avoid it, or try to avoid drinking water that has been boiled repeatedly.

"So it is." Liu Yimeng nodded as if she understood something, and the water in the steel pot only boiled a few times.

To reach the level of carcinogenicity, it is estimated that it is really as Chu Feng said, even if the water is boiled dry, it is difficult to achieve.

"Drink it with confidence." Chu Feng chuckled and poured Liu Yimeng a cup of hot water.

Some rumors on the Internet are true or false, some are just taken out of context, and the real reason is not explained, and it begins to spread.

"Whew... So warm. Liu Yimeng exhaled softly.

"Drink and sleep, get up early tomorrow, and rush back early if it doesn't snow." Chu Feng said softly.

"Okay." Liu Yimeng nodded gently, drank the hot water in the clay cup, and then slowly lay down against the cave wall.

She twisted my waist and hips uncomfortably, and said helplessly: "It is estimated that it will be difficult to sleep." "

"Lie a little bit this way, it will be relatively flat." Chu Feng said softly and pointed to the location beside him.

"Good." Liu Yimeng's face was slightly red, and after hesitating, he turned over and lay down, less than half a meter away from Chu Feng.

After lying down, her body moved, and she was much more comfortable, although it was not as good as the big bed, but she could finally sleep well.

Liu Yimeng tilted her head slightly and asked softly, "Aren't you sleeping yet?" "

"You sleep first, I will guard the fire, otherwise I will freeze and catch a cold tonight." Chu Feng chuckled.

There is a snowstorm outside, the temperature has dropped to the freezing point, and the fire cannot be extinguished, otherwise tomorrow I am afraid that two ice corpses will lie here.

"Then let's take turns guarding." Liu Yimeng quickly got up and proposed.

"No, I'll put more wood and burn it later, enough to last until dawn." Chu Feng waved his hand.

"Okay then." Liu Yimeng thought for a moment before slowly lying down.

Time passes slowly, and the specific time is not known in the wilderness.


Chu Feng yawned, raised his hands high and stretched out a lazy waist.

He casually ordered again in his mind: "Sign in!" "

A virtual screen popped up in front of you, showing that the date on the 15th lit up, proving that it was the early morning of the next day.

Chu Feng looked at the screen stunned, and then reacted and said softly: "It's time to sleep." "

He carefully lay down next to Liu Yimeng, raised his right hand as a pillow, and his body was less than ten centimeters away from Liu Yimeng.

"Sister, I'll be back soon..." Liu Yimeng muttered, vaguely speaking in her dreams.

She was dreaming, her body turned over, and half of her body was pressed on Chu Feng's body, and her left hand just pressed I on his chest.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Recommend a book: Da Tang: Salted Fish Son-in-law. Ask for automatic subscriptions, ask for support. "

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