Chu Feng also put the bamboo basket on the sled, and said softly with his head sideways: "Yimeng, you also sit on it." "

"No, I'll walk back with you." Liu Yimeng quickly waved her hand.

"You have bad eyes, let's sit on it." Chu Feng persuaded softly.

"No, I'll pull your clothes and go, be careful." Liu Yimeng shook her head like a rattle.

"Then be careful yourself." Chu Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Uh-huh, let's go quickly, it's miserable if we can't go back before dark." Liu Yimeng urged with a smile.

"Yes." Chu Feng chuckled, calculating the time in his heart, at the current speed, it was no problem to rush back to the camp.

He reached out and pulled the rope of the sled and walked forward, the sled being dragged behind.

Liu Yimeng tugged on the hem of Chu Feng's clothes with her small hand, and helped pull the rope of the sled with the other hand, but she found that her speed still couldn't keep up with Chu Feng's speed.

She really wanted to slow Chu Feng down, but she was afraid that she would not be able to rush back to the camp, so she had to be half-pulled and half-walked and driven forward.

In the live broadcast room of the observers, He Ming and the others watched the live broadcast room of Chu Feng and the two.

"I say come and go, you can meet your prey as you walk." Wu Qingyue blinked her beautiful eyes, with an expression that I saw through.

"It's really lucky." He Ming smiled bitterly, a little doubtful that the program team deliberately buried deer and jackals halfway in order to burst the point.

Wang Lin's stiff face twitched, is this okay?

He was glad that he didn't pick up Wu Qingyue yesterday, otherwise he would probably be 'slapped in the face' in public again today.

"What's next?" Wu Qingyue held her chin with one hand.

Wang Lin's lips moved, choosing to remain silent.

"Since Chu Feng and the two are fine, let's take a look at the other contestants." He Ming said softly.


Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng were walking in the direction of the camp, the sun had gradually set in the west, and the sunlight had become much softer.

"Chu Feng, can I open my eyes?" Yun Xin asked softly.

"You try, if it stings, shut up." Chu Feng said softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled restlessly, and she tried to slowly open her eyes.

She resisted the urge to reach out and rub her eyes, and said softly: "It seems to be much better, but it doesn't look very clear." "

Chu Feng turned closer, checked Liu Yimeng's eyes, and said softly: This is a normal phenomenon, just go back and apply the medicine, don't look at it for too long."

"Uh-huh." Liu Yimeng's face was slightly red, and she was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Chu Feng.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised and he chuckled, "Let's go, it should be almost to the camp." "

He turned and put his hands hard, his muscles bulged, and he pulled the sled and continued to walk forward.

On the other side, inside the camp.

"Sister Qiu, you just stay in the shelter, your aunt hasn't left yet." Yun Xin was dressed neatly and prepared to go out to find Chu Feng and the two nearby.

"It's no big deal, I'll go with you." Liu Yiqiu wore linen pants and put on three pairs in succession before finally putting on the storm pants.

Since the blizzard stopped, the girl said that she was going to find Chu Feng, she persuaded several times, but finally failed to persuade, so she had to prepare to go with her.

"Are you really all right?" Yun Xin asked worriedly.

"It's okay, let's go." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

"Later, put your scarf on." Yun Xin put down the things in her hand, took out a sackcloth scarf made yesterday from the wooden frame, and wrapped it around Liu Yiqiu's neck.

The girl was wearing Liu Yiqiu's storm jacket, and she only had animal skin clothing, so it was easy to catch a cold when she went out, and it would be much better to put on a scarf.

Then the two pushed open the gate of the thorny fence and walked towards the jungle outside.

"Yunxin, do you know where they went?" Liu Yiqiu asked softly.

"It seems to be going to the southwest, let's look there." Yun Xin said softly.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu nodded and took the initiative to take the girl's hand.

The two looked in the direction and held hands and walked towards the jungle in the southwest direction.

More than twenty minutes later.

"Look, there is another mark left by Chu Feng here, it seems that there is no mistake." Yun Xin found the mark left by Chu Feng on the tree trunk along the way.


"Chu Feng, it seems that it is not far away, it looks a little familiar here."

Not far ahead, there was the voice of Liu Yimeng shouting.

"This is Sister Meng's voice." Yun Xin's eyes lit up, and the two looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief to each other.

She couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Chu Feng, Sister Meng, we are here." "


Liu Yimeng, who was on her way, was surprised: "It seems to have heard Yun Xin's voice." "

"It's them, I saw it." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, and two black dots appeared in his sight, which were the girl and Liu Yimeng.

"Sister, we're here." Liu Yimeng quickly waved her hand in response, and her face blossomed with a smile.

"Hurry over." Chu Feng's hands were stronger, and his speed was faster.

A few minutes later, the four officially met.

"Chu Feng, you scared me to death." Yun Xin pouted, her eyes were slightly red, and she stepped on the thick snow and rushed directly over.

"It's okay, isn't this coming back." Chu Feng chuckled, opened his hands, and gave the girl a bear hug.

He reached out and patted the girl's back and asked softly, "It's so cold outside, why don't you stay in the shelter." "

"It's not that I saw that you haven't come back for so long, and I came out to find you." Yun Xin muttered, holding Chu Feng's neck unwilling to let go.

"Okay, it's okay." Chu Feng put the girl down and reached out to gently wipe the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes.

Liu Yiqiu also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her sister, her eyes scanned and asked softly, "Are you okay?" "

"Except for the eye pain, everything is fine." Liu Yimeng waved his hand, with an expression that was not a big deal.

"Eye pain? What's going on? Liu Yiqiu's brows furrowed, and she leaned over to look into her sister's eyes.

"Chu Feng said that he had snow blindness, and he could go back to apply medicine." Liu Yimeng explained.

"Snow blind?" Liu Yiqiu was puzzled, she had never heard the word.

"It's just..." Liu Yimeng proudly gave her sister popular science, and in the past, it was her sister who gave herself knowledge of wild vegetables and herbs.

Liu Yiqiu rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Are you still happy with snow blindness?" "

"No, no, don't get snow blindness, I see you a little blurry now." Liu Yimeng said.


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