Early in the morning, at eight o'clock in the morning, Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting appeared next to the studio, which was the conference room.

"Sister Wei Ting, I don't know if the director will let us bring a few tools. Wu Qingyue tilted her head and said softly.

"It should be the same as the contestants. Qi Weiting thought for a moment and said softly.

"Can this really survive two weeks?" Wu Qingyue shrunk her neck, it was snowing on String Moon Island now, if you really could only bring three tools per person, then I am afraid it would be impossible to spend fourteen days.

"We'll find out later. Qi Weiting said coldly, it is now eight o'clock, and the time agreed with the director has arrived.

"Why hasn't the director arrived yet?" muttered Wu Qingyue softly.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked in, he was the chief director of the 365 Days of Wilderness Survival program, named Xu Zhibin, forty years old this year.

"Let the two of you wait a long time. Xu Zhibin chuckled apologetically.

"It's okay, we just arrived. Wu Qingyue sat up straight and said.

"Presumably the two of them have also seen the 'experience plan', let me confirm again, did the two of them consider it and decided to participate?" said Xu Zhibin with a serious face.

"Sure and sure. Wu Qingyue responded seriously.

"OK. Qi Weiting said lightly.

"Good, then I'll talk to you two about the rules. Xu Zhibin nodded and said with a gentle smile, took out two contracts from the briefcase he carried, and handed them to Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting.

Wu Qingyue took the contract, glanced at it, looked up and said suspiciously: "Confidentiality agreement?"

Qi Weiting raised her eyebrows slightly, and carefully looked at the confidentiality agreement.

"The identities of the two are quite special, and they need to be kept secret before going to String Moon Island, and the reason is that I believe you should also know. Xu Zhibin said calmly.

"I see. Wu Qingyue pursed her lips and nodded, looking down at the confidentiality agreement.

Now I don't know how many people are staring at the contestants on String Moon Island, wanting to sell the staff to contact them in order to get the land that the first place can get.

If they know that Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting will log on to Qianyue Island in the near future, it is estimated that the phone calls of the two will be burst, and even extreme things will happen.

More than ten minutes later, Qi Weiting and Wu Qingyue picked up the pen at the same time and signed their names on the last page.

"Good, there are some rules to tell you. Xu Zhibin took the two confidentiality agreements, checked them to make sure there was no problem, and put them away.

"What rules?" asked Wu Qingyue suspiciously.

"You guys went to String Moon Island this time just to experience, the final grand prize has nothing to do with you, fourteen days later, there will be a helicopter to pick you up. Xu Zhibin said with a serious face.

He didn't want the two to go to String Moon Island, which would affect the final outcome of the game.

"Understood. Wu Qingyue and Qi Weiting nodded at the same time, neither of them was very interested in the so-called grand prize, or it was useless to be interested.

"The rest of the rules are the same as those contestants, except that the tools you can bring are four pieces per person, which is the privilege of observers and compensation for going to String Moon Island in winter. A smile appeared on Xu Zhibin's cheeks.

He pulled out a list from his briefcase, and on it were written one item after another, including storm jackets, sabers, steel pots and other items.

"No..." Qi Weiting's brows frowned slightly, and just when she wanted to refuse, she was covered by Wu Qingyue.

"Okay, let's discuss. Wu Qingyue said with a smile.

She let go of her hand and said nervously on the side: "Sister Wei Ting, it is still snowing on Qianyue Island, and each of us has a set of storm jackets and a pair of shoes, which occupies four places, and then there may be sleeping bags, steel pots, and sabers..."

"...," Qi Weiting pursed her lips and thought for a while, but didn't say more.

"Whew~~" Wu Qingyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she knew Qi Weiting's nature, and she was unwilling to distinguish herself from those contestants.

"Have you decided what items to choose?" asked Xu Zhibin softly.

"Wait a minute, let's discuss. Wu Qingyue said with a smile, holding the list and discussing with Qi Weiting.

Xu Zhibin raised his eyebrows, leaned back in his chair and waited quietly.

"Sister Wei Ting, warm storm jackets and shoes are a must, otherwise they will freeze to death. Wu Qingyue counted with her fingers.

"Hmm. Qi Weiting nodded, what the other party said made sense.

"If you want another sleeping bag, let's use it together." Wu Qingyue calculated.

"Good. Qi Weiting nodded again.

"I see Chu Feng, they took the steel pot and the wood knife, let's take it too." Wu Qingyue's eyes scanned the items on the list, and she looked sideways to ask for advice.

"Yes. Qi Weiting thought about it and agreed.

"Two sets of storm jackets, two pairs of shoes, sleeping bags, wood knives, steel pots, there is one left, do you choose flint?" asked Wu Qingyue softly.

"No, I'll drill wood for fire. Qi Weiting shook her head.

"Hey, Sister Wei Ting, do you drill wood for fire?" said Wu Qingyue in surprise.

"I haven't practiced it, but it shouldn't be difficult. Qi Weiting said softly, when Chu Feng and them were not yet flinting before, they often watched him use the method of drilling wood to make fire, and it didn't seem to be difficult.

"Okay then, then what is the rest to choose?" Wu Qingyue thought for a moment and nodded.

Qi Weiting thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Choose a tarp, there are no leaves to build a shelter in winter." "

"Yes, Sister Wei Ting is still smart. Wu Qingyue patted her forehead and said fearfully, the current String Moon Island can be said to be the withering of everything, basically the leaves of many plants have fallen, which is not conducive to building shelters.

She took out a pen and ticked the list, ticking off all the items she had just selected.

"Okay, let's choose these. Wu Qingyue checked it again, found that there was no omission, and handed the list back.

Xu Zhibin glanced at the ticked items on the list, chuckled and praised: "Great match." "

"It's experience. Wu Qingyue said with a smile, watching the wilderness survival live broadcast for a month and a half, and he already had a full understanding of String Moon Island.

"Then where are you going to choose as the landing site?" raised Xu Zhibin's eyebrows.

He pulled out another document from his briefcase, which was a map of String Moon Island, which clearly marked the various terrains and the location of the current contestants.

Wu Qingyue took the map, scanned it quickly with her eyes, and quickly found her target.

She glanced sideways at Qi Weiting, stretched out her finger, and pointed to a certain area on the map.

"Interesting. Xu Zhibin chuckled, drew a five-pointed star with a pen in that area, and the landing site was determined.


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