The sun set to the west, and Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng sat next to the sleigh, chewing oil beans in their mouths.

More than ten minutes later.

Liu Yimeng stood up, patted the white snow stuck on her buttocks, and said in a loud voice: "Chu Feng, let's continue to hurry, if you don't go back, Yun Xin and her sister should worry." "

"Good. Chu Feng stood up and stretched his waist.

He reached out and pulled the rope of the sled, wrapped it around his wrist a few times, and then the terrifying force erupted, pulling the sled in the direction of the camp.

"Chu Feng, slow down. Liu Yimeng looked at the loose straddling rope in her hand a little confused.

She followed closely behind, the rope in her hand was not tightened, and the entire sled was pulled by Chu Feng.

"It's going to be dark any slower. Chu Feng shook his head, not only did not slow down, but also accelerated his speed and walked forward.

"It's really ... Metamorphosis. Liu Yimeng pouted and wrapped the rope in her hand a few more times, making the rope shorter and tighter again.

She followed for some distance, and the rope loosened again.

Liu Yimeng stopped and looked at Chu Feng's back, I don't know why, this moment was very relieved, this was an unprecedented feeling.

"Let's go, don't be in a daze. Chu Feng's urging voice sounded.

"Oooh... Here it comes. Liu Yimeng shook his head, suppressed his inexplicable emotions, and hurriedly caught up.

More than twenty minutes later, the two walked out of the sugar palm forest and walked in the direction of the eucalyptus forest.

"Huh?" Chu Feng stopped, his eyes scanned ahead, and he found a mess of footprints in front of the eucalyptus forest.

"Chu Feng, what's wrong?" asked Liu Yimeng suspiciously.

"There are situations. Chu Feng said in a deep voice, and the rope in his hand relaxed.

He untied the rope and walked towards the eucalyptus forest with a firewood knife in his hand, looking down at the footprints on the snow.

"What's the situation?" Liu Yimeng was a little nervous, took out a longbow and put on a sharp arrow, and followed Chu Feng with his fingers hooked on the bowstring.

"Don't be so nervous. Chu Feng said softly and squatted down in front of that footprint.

Liu Yimeng's eyes scanned the surroundings, and then leaned over to him and asked suspiciously, "What kind of animal footprint is this?"

"Footprints of wolves, there are wolves passing by here not long ago. Chu Feng's expression became solemn, and he reached out and pinched a few wolf hairs from the snow layer.

The wolf hair is not covered with snow, which proves that the wolves appeared after the snow stopped, otherwise the wolf hair would have been covered with snow.

"Wolves. Liu Yimeng exclaimed, and the longbow in his hand gripped tighter.

"Relax, the wolves have gone away, maybe just passing by. Chu Feng said softly.

He stood up and looked at the direction the footprints were facing, it was not the direction of the camp, and his heart slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time a sense of urgency welled up in his heart, this is a wilderness after all, and danger is really everywhere.

"Will the wolves turn back?" asked Liu Yimeng worriedly.

"I don't know. Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

He was more worried about whether the wolves would migrate here or include this area in their hunting territory.

The audience in the live broadcast room was confused, and the speed of the barrage refresh became faster.

"Lying groove, the wolves have appeared, Chu Feng still doesn't run quickly?"

"I think with Chu Feng's strength, it is still easy to deal with a few wolf cubs. "

Are you kidding me? Wolves are much scarier than tigers. "

"I don't want you to think, I want me to feel, kill wolves for skins and make hats." "

"This terrier is not finished?"


"Let's get out quickly. Liu Yimeng shrunk her neck, worried that the wolves would suddenly turn back, and the two would probably become 'box lunches'.

"Hmm. Chu Feng stood up, turned around and walked towards the sleigh, pulling up the sled and crossing the eucalyptus forest.

Liu Yimeng stood behind the sled, stretched out her hand to help push, but did not notice, under Chu Feng's force, she directly lay face down on the snow.

"..." She stood up, reached out to wipe the snow sticking to her face, looked at the face printed on the snow, and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

More than half an hour later, the two approached the camp.

Chu Feng saw Yun Xin and Liu Yiqiu standing at the gate of the fence from a distance, looking in their direction.

Yun Xin squinted slightly, padded his toes and asked in surprise, "Is that Chu Feng and Sister Meng?"

"It's a little hard to see, it should be them..." Liu Yiqiu frowned, the distance was too far away, and she couldn't see it very clearly.

Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng did not return for most of the day, and out of worry, the two had been standing outside the fence for more than half an hour.

"They came out to pick us up. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose and said softly.


Liu Yimeng's spirit was shocked, looked up, and then waved his hand and shouted: "Sister, we are back." "

"It's really Chu Feng and Sister Meng. "

Yun Xin's hanging heart relaxed, and he ran quickly towards Chu Feng with steps, while asking in a loud voice, "Are you all right?"

A few minutes later, the four met, and after seeing each other safe and sound, the worries in their hearts dissipated.

"It's okay, it's too good. Liu Yimeng said with a smile and ran over to give her sister a bear hug.

"Just come back. Liu Yiqiu patted her sister's back and reached out to sweep away the snowflakes stuck to her hair.

"Why did you come back so late?" Yun Xin's deep black and white eyes looked at Chu Feng's face.

"Finding something good is a lot of time. Chu Feng said softly, reaching out to help the girl tighten the collar of her clothes.

"Just come back. Yun Xinjiao said.

"Let's go, go back first. Chu Feng said softly, with a strong arm, he pulled the sled and walked forward.

Yun Xin helped pull the rope, turned his head and asked curiously, "This is a good thing?"

"Well, this is oil beans, which can be used to squeeze oil. Chu Feng chuckled, gradually slowing down his pace, otherwise the third girl would have to trot to keep up.

His current physical strength has reached a terrifying six hundred catties, and he will be able to break through seven hundred catties in two days.

So we don't have to worry about running out of gas in the future?" asked Yun Xin in amazement.

"Don't worry in a short time. Chu Feng chuckled, after all, that piece of snow is very large, and there should be a lot of oil and beans growing.

"It turns out that this is Yau Shadou, no wonder it feels a little familiar." Liu Yiqiu was surprised, reaching out to pick the tuber from the sled and look at it.

She had seen the oil salsa beans in the school's teaching courseware, but the leaves on the sled were cut off, and she couldn't tell the difference for a while.


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