Chu Feng shook the snow on the rabbit's leather shoes and moved the trunk under the eaves.


The doors of the shelter were pushed open.

Yun Xin probed out and said softly: "Chu Feng, come in for breakfast, I'll get it later." "

"Good. Chu Feng took off the cloak, threw off the snow on it, and scraped off the snow stuck to the soles of the rabbit skin shoes before entering the door.

Inside the shelter, Liu Yimeng was serving breakfast, and Liu Yiqiu was still grinding oil beans at the wooden table.

"Let's eat first. Chu Feng said softly.

"Okay, wait until I'm done grinding these ones. Liu Yiqiu said softly, and there were still a few oil beans pressed under the stick, which became shattered under the repeated rolling and squeezing of the stick.

A few minutes later, the four of them sat down on the earthen kang, picking up clay bowls and eating breakfast.

"The snow seems to be getting heavier. Yun Xin said softly, when he just opened the door, he looked outside, and there was a lot of snow on the ground of the yard.

Liu Yimeng chewed the meat in her mouth and said indistinctly: "On a snowy day, you can't go anywhere." "

"There's no way. Chu Feng said softly.

After eating breakfast for more than twenty minutes, Liu Yimeng took her sister's place and continued to grind oil beans.

"Chu Feng, what should I do with those polished oil beans?" asked Yun Xin softly, kneading the oil salsa beans that had been ground into pieces.

"Steam first. Chu Feng said softly.

"Okay, then I'll get it. Yun Xin chuckled, carrying the already milled oil beans to the fireplace to get busy.

Chu Feng pushed open the wooden door and walked out of the shelter, holding the trunk and moving it into the shelter, and then closed the wooden door.

He raised a firewood knife and began to process the trunk, first cutting the trunk in half, keeping the longer part, about one meter and five meters, and the other against the wall.

Chu Feng used a firewood knife to peel off all the bark, then got up and picked up a piece of charcoal next to the fireplace, and then along the middle of the trunk, drew a rectangle one meter long and twenty centimeters wide.

Following the line drawn by the charcoal, he used his saber to prepare to hollow out all the trunks inside the rectangle.

Chu Feng got up and found a stone, used the saber as a chisel, and the stone hit the handle of the saber, and it took more than twenty minutes to gradually dig a small pit.

Then gradually expand along the small pit until the rectangular part of the trunk is completely hollowed out, and finally a fifty centimeter-long and ten-centimeter-wide opening is dug at the bottom, which is the reserved oil outlet.

Just hollowing out this trunk took nearly two hours to complete with Chu Feng's strength.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do with these steamed oil beans?" Yun Xin pointed to the clay pot placed next to the fireplace, which contained two pots of steamed oil beans.

"How much sackcloth do we have?" asked Chu Feng as he put down his firewood knife and clapped his hands.

He got up and walked to the fireplace, inspected the oil beans in the clay pot, looked down and sniffed, and had reached the standard that could squeeze oil.

"Quite a lot, do you need sackcloth to squeeze oil?" asked Yun Xin curiously.

She stood up and rummaged through the wooden frame to find the sackcloth she had woven earlier.

"Well, I need some sackcloth to wrap the oily beans. Chu Feng said softly, turned around and found bamboo, and processed the bamboo into pieces according to the standard of twenty centimeters.

Every four pieces of bamboo are connected end to end and held in place with rope to make a square with a side length of 20 centimeters.

"What's next?" asked Yun Xin curiously.

"Spread the sackcloth inside the box, then put the steamed beans in, wrap the sackcloth and make a cake. Chu Feng said softly, busy in his hands.

He unfolded the rolled sackcloth, cut a large piece with a saber, spread it in the box, and then poured the steamed beans in the clay pot until the box was full.

Chu Feng pressed it with his hand, pressed the oil beans tightly, and then wrapped the oil beans with extra sackcloth.

Then remove the box and find a rope to make a few turns along the opening of the linen to prevent the linen from loosening and causing the tightly compacted oil beans inside to fall apart.

"I know, leave it to me. Yun Xin said with a smile, cut a large piece of sackcloth with a saber and spread it in the box, and then poured the oil beans into it and pressed it tightly.

"The tighter the press, the better. Chu Feng said softly.

"Good. Yun Xin nodded seriously, hammering the oil and beans with a small fist until it was pressed tightly.

"Chu Feng, do you have to grind it all?" Liu Yimeng sat on a wooden bench, and there were two clay pots next to it, which contained oil and beans that had not yet been crushed.

"Well, it's all grinded. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose and said softly.

"Okay. Liu Yimeng nodded, she and her sister have been grinding for more than two hours, and more than half of the oil and beans have not been polished.

"Hurry. Liu Yiqiu said softly, rolling the wooden stick in her hand, crushing the oil beans on the stone.

"Got it. Liu Yimeng twisted her neck, this is going to be boring work.

Chu Feng chuckled, got up and pushed open the door of the shelter, braved the snow to go to the warehouse, and moved a few pieces of wood back after a while.

He processed the wood with a wood knife, used it as a wooden frame, fixed it with rope, and made a support frame.

Chu Feng lifted the treated trunk and placed it on the support frame, the position of the oil outlet was facing down, and the two ends of the trunk were fixed to the support frame with ropes to prevent it from rolling.

He thought about it, found the thickest bamboo, cut off half of it, opened all the bamboo knots, and then fixed it with a rope under the oil outlet.

One of the ends of the bamboo is tilted, and then an empty clay pot is placed at the end of the end, which is ready to hold oil.

"You have to make a few wooden deeds. Chu Feng said softly, got up and left the shelter again, and picked out a few suitable pieces of wood from the warehouse and came back.

With a swing of his sword, he processed the wood into a wooden contract that was one wide and one narrow at a standard of twenty centimeters.

Like this wooden contract, Chu Feng spent nearly an hour and a half, and finally made three wooden deeds, all of which were controlled at twenty centimeters in height, all of which were narrow and one wide.

"Finally finished grinding. Liu Yimeng shook her hand, and the clay pot placed next to her was empty, and on the dried banana leaves, there were piles of ground oily beans.

"My oil press is also finished. Chu Feng chuckled, Muqi was the last part of the ancient oil press.


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