The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he took his pants and put them on.

After a while, he said softly, "Okay, give me the clothes." "

"Good." Liu Yimeng looked down at the ground, slowly turned his head, and turned around reassuringly after seeing the fabric on Chu Feng's calf.

Chu Feng put on the animal skin suit and storm jacket, and straightened his collar.

He twisted his neck and did push-ups in place, allowing his body's body temperature to quickly return to normal levels.

"Drink some hot water." Liu Yimeng took out the bamboo tube from the bamboo basket, picked up the steel pot, poured some hot water and handed it to Chu Feng.

"Thanks." Chu Feng chuckled, panting to calm his heartbeat, and then took a sip of hot water.

Liu Yimeng looked at the burlap bag placed on the side and asked curiously, "Did you find something good?" "

"You can open it and take a look." With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Chu Feng sat by the fire and roasted the fire, letting his hair dry as soon as possible, otherwise on such a cold day, I am afraid that it will not take long to form a head full of ice slag.

"It's quite heavy." Liu Yimeng came to the fire with a burlap bag, squatted down and untied the burlap bag curiously.

The next moment, she was stunned, and the untied burlap bag contained abalone, sea cucumbers, pearl oysters, and conchs.

Liu Yimeng's expression was exaggerated, her eyes were round, and she exclaimed: "Oh my God, lobster." "

The most eye-catching is the colorful lobster.

In the live broadcast room, the audience's barrage quickly brushed.

"Groove, trough, such a big lobster?"

"Chu Feng's bull batch, this lobster is bigger than my head, such a big lobster, let alone a thousand dollars."

"Next time Chu Feng catches a shark, I won't feel strange."


Chu Feng held the bamboo tube and drank hot water, while admiring Liu Yimeng's surprised expression.

Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, and he asked curiously on the side: "Chu Feng, how did you catch this lobster?" "

The lobster in her hand is huge, similar to a normal washbasin.

Roughly calculated, the length of the lobster is fifty or sixty centimeters, the tentacles are straightened and nearly ninety centimeters long, and they weigh nearly five pounds, which is much larger than ordinary lobsters.

"I just glanced at it casually and saw it." Chu Feng chuckled.

".......," Liu Yimeng tugged at the corners of her mouth, and she could catch such a large lobster with a casual glance?

She rolled her eyes angrily and pouted, "Next time you go out, you glance around a few more times." "

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth grinned, unless the lucky light was running twenty-four hours a day.

"What kind of lobster is this, it's pretty good." Liu Yimeng reached out and played with the lobster's long whisker.

"Splendid lobster, the more expensive one of the lobsters." Chu Feng chuckled, he had seen this kind of lobster in many short videos.

Splendid lobster, also commonly known as flower lobster, mountain shrimp, etc., belongs to the world's precious economic shrimp, and is also a large shrimp caught and farmed by the current 'foodie country', but due to lack of resources, seedlings have not been successful.

And the general splendid lobster is twenty to thirty-five centimeters in length and weighs about two to three catties, which is not comparable to the splendid lobster that Chu Feng caught.

Liu Yimeng licked her red lips, and her eyes lit up: "The name is quite good, I don't know how it tastes." "

"Just try it tonight." Chu Feng pursed his lips.

He was also looking forward to what this lobster would taste like in his heart, and the first time he ate this kind of lobster when he was so old, he didn't expect it to be in the wild, and he caught it himself.

"Then let's go back quickly." Liu Yimeng laughed.

She poured out the contents of the bamboo basket, and then carried the sackcloth to put lobster, abalone, etc. into it.

"It's still early, since we're all coming to the beach, let's see if there's fresh kelp or the like." Chu Feng said softly, got up and threw the dried underwear into the bamboo basket, turned around and searched on the beach.

"Really, littering." Liu Yimeng blushed and muttered shyly.

She reached out and folded the underwear in the bamboo basket and stuffed them on the side of the basket to avoid being next to the wet sackcloth.

The two barefoot, searching on the beach, and soon picked up a lot of kelp and occasionally small conch.

Nearly an hour later, Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng sat back next to the fire and roasted the fire, waited for their feet to dry and shook off the sand stuck on them, put on rabbit skin shoes and carried the bamboo basket.

"Let's go, go back to lobster." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and today he was full of harvest.

The bamboo basket he was carrying contained a lot of kelp, and under it were pressed lobster, sea cucumbers and other seafood, so there was no need to worry about breaking in a short time on such a cold day.

"Go back Yunxin is going to talk about you again." Liu Yimeng said with a grin.

"Unavoidable." Chu Feng smiled bitterly, the girl knew that she had gone into the sea, and she would definitely be very worried.

"Don't worry, I'll defend you." Liu Yimeng stretched out her hand and patted her chest.

Chu Feng chuckled, glanced sideways, and couldn't help muttering: If you continue to shoot like this, it is estimated that 'physical therapy' will not be able to save the airport."

It took the two nearly an hour, near four o'clock in the afternoon, to get close to the camp.

Chu Feng's gaze scanned the traces around the camp, and there were no footprints of other animals except for the traces left by himself and Liu Yimeng.

His vigilant habit was developed after coming to the wilderness, and he was not afraid of ten thousand.

When Liu Yimeng approached the camp, she shouted loudly: "Sister, we are back." "


It wasn't long before the doors of the shelter were opened.

Liu Yiqiu poked her head out and said softly: "You guys are back, come in." "

"Hee-hee, this time is a big gain." Liu Yimeng smiled and stepped on the thick snow back to the yard.

"What big gain?" Liu Yiqiu asked curiously, and closed the door with his backhand after Chu Feng came in.

"I'll talk about it later, let's go first." Chu Feng chuckled, shook the snow off his rabbit skin shoes under the eaves, and then bent down into the shelter.

Yun Xin sat on the earthen kang, put down the loom in his hand, scanned Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng with his eyes, and asked with concern: "You guys are back, aren't you injured?" "

"Nope." Chu Feng responded softly, put down the bamboo basket and spun around in front of the girl.

"That's good."

Yun Xin breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at the bamboo basket that was full of bamboo baskets, and asked curiously, "What have you gained from going for so long?" "

She looked at the bamboo basket full of bamboo baskets, except for the kelp at the top, through the gap in the bamboo basket, it seemed that there was something else buried underneath.


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