Chu Feng pursed his lips, coughed twice and said softly: "This is not necessary, but most of the clothes have to be taken off." "

"Most of the clothes ... Which part is it referring to? Wu Qingyue asked with a blushing face.


Chu Feng grinned, raised his hand and gestured, and said softly: "Take off everything that should be taken off." "

"Chu Feng, I suspect that you are engaged in yellow color." Liu Yimeng said with a serious face.

Yun Xin and Liu Yiqiu both looked at Chu Feng suspiciously, with deep doubt in their eyes.

“...... All what a look, so I said not for her. The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he rolled his eyes angrily.

"There is no other way?" Qi Weiting asked softly with a slender brow.

For celebrities, reputation and innocence are important.

"No, I recommend resting for three or four days and waiting for the fever to subside naturally." Chu Feng said softly, got up with the empty bowl and got off the earthen kang.

"It's going to be boring to recuperate for three or four days." Wu Qingyue pouted, reached out and touched her forehead, although the temperature was not so hot, it was still very uncomfortable.

"Or go back to the city, you can lie in the hospital and play with your mobile phone." Chu Feng chuckled, even if the infusion is in the hospital, there is not necessarily a massage and medicated soup to get better quickly.

Wu Qingyue glanced at the camera mounted on the wooden frame, and then muttered in a low voice: "No, when I go to the hospital, there will be a bunch of reporters, it's very annoying." "

"Then you can rest well." Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, the news did often report that stars were surrounded by reporters, in order to dig up some fierce materials.

"How about a massage?" Wu Qingyue bit her lower lip and said softly.

"Huh??" Liu Yimeng glared at Meimeng and shouted strangely.

"Qingyue, stay awake, probably burn out your brain." Qi Weiting put her hand on Wu Qingyue's forehead.

Wu Qingyue's face was slightly red, and she said weakly: "Sister Wei Ting, I don't have it." "

"Hee-hee..." Yun Xin pursed her lips and sat aside, looking sideways at Chu Feng, who was a little speechless, and couldn't help but laugh.

She leaned over to Chu Feng's side and asked softly, "Why do you seem to be very willing?" That's a big star. "

"Celebrities are the most troublesome." Chu Feng said with a wry smile, holding the girl's cheeks with both hands and rubbing them.

"Really, it's almost peeling." Yun Xin pouted and slapped his hand away angrily.

"There are a few pearl oysters, and they can be used as masks when they are opened." Chu Feng chuckled, the girl looked very jealous.

"Uh-huh." Yun Xin pouted and nodded.

"Ahem... Chu Feng, help me massage." Wu Qingyue tried to put on a calm posture and coughed lightly to hide her embarrassment.

Chu Feng glanced at the camera and asked softly, "Are you sure?" "

"Well, it won't go away anyway." Wu Qingyue lowered her voice and whispered, for fear of being heard by the audience in the live broadcast room, and it would be troublesome to explain at that time.

"Qingyue, have you thought about it?" Qi Weiting repeatedly determined.

"Well, I'm not afraid to have you guys here." Wu Qingyue chuckled.

"It makes me feel like I'm going to mess around." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched.

"I'll go and move the camera away so you can do things." Liu Yimeng pursed her mouth and said softly.

She rolled over and got off the earthen kang, came to the wooden frame, gently removed the camera, moved to the support column, and aimed it at the dog's egg.

Chu Feng's live broadcast room was directly fried, and the barrage was quickly brushed, and there were many red and bold barrages.

"What is this going to do? How did I move the camera away? "

"Move the camera back, we want to see the goddess, it's too unsafe."

"There is a man in the shelter, Chu Feng, who can't hold it, let me come."


"Ahem, you see how cute the dog egg is, the furry tail, the fleshy little paws..." Liu Yimeng squatted next to the camera, teasing the dog egg.

"Squeaky ..."

The dog's furry tail flicked, curiously approached the camera, and saw his appearance through the lens.

The picture presented in the live broadcast room is a huge squirrel head.

"Take off your clothes." Chu Feng said softly.

"You turn around." Wu Qingyue's face turned slightly red.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, turned around and leaned on the earthen kang, his fingers tapping his thighs rhythmically.

Wu Qingyue blushed, her hands trembled a little, and she took off her storm jacket with difficulty, revealing the short black vest inside.

She hesitated, reached out and took off the short back heart, leaving only a flesh-colored bra.

Wu Qingyue was a little embarrassed, and wrapped her hands in front of her, covering the 'chasm'.

"It's a good figure." Yun Xin muttered to himself, looked down at the chest of 'Yima Pingchuan' in front of him, and suddenly felt a little discouraged.

"Chu Feng, pants... Do you need to take it off?. Wu Qingyue asked in a dumb voice.

Chu Feng's eyebrows trembled, and he quickly responded, "No need." "


Wu Qingyue suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said embarrassedly: "Okay, okay." "

Chu Feng slowly turned around and saw Wu Qingyue's fair skin and perfect body, and he was also a little surprised.

He pursed his lips and said, "Turn around and lie on your stomach." "

"Lying on your stomach? Kneeling or flat? Wu Qingyue subconsciously asked.

"Flat I on my stomach." Chu Feng rolled his eyes, what was he going to do when he knelt down?

"Good." Wu Qingyue obediently lay down, looked sideways at the side, and laid her hands flat at her side.

Qi Weiting sat on the side, squinting slightly and staring at Chu Feng's movements.

"Don't make some weird noises." Chu Feng rolled up his sleeves and instructed softly, not wanting to cause some misunderstanding.

"Good." Wu Qingyue blushed and nodded.

Chu Feng hesitated, his legs straddling Wu Qingyue's body, but did not touch her body.

Qi Weiting frowned, looked down slightly, and found that she had not crossed the line before she was relieved.

"Don't worry, Yun Xin is staring here." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he glanced sideways at the girl.

Yun Xin's face turned red suddenly, a kind of red to the root of her ears, and she stammered a little and responded: "Again, it's none of my business."

Chu Feng chuckled, moved his ten fingers, gently pressed I on Wu Qingyue's thin and slippery shoulders, and gradually rubbed I hard with his fingers to find acupuncture points.

"Huh~~" Wu Qingyue felt as if her body was electrified, and couldn't help but groan.


"One more,( ̄▽ ̄). Recommend an old book by the author: Become a city lord from today. "

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