In the early morning, the sun falls on String Moon Island, driving away the cold brought by the night.


Liu Yimeng pushed open the wooden door of the shelter and bent out, stood in the courtyard and stretched her waist, saying to herself: "The weather is not bad." "

She woke up first in the morning, the fireplace had been lit again, and water was boiling.

"It's a little sour." Liu Yimeng pouted and muttered.

She reached out and pressed I on the inner I side of Big I's thigh, which was the soreness left by last night's horse step and squat, and according to Qi Weiting's words, she would get used to it after a few more days.

Liu Yimeng moved around the yard, turned around and went to the cultivation room, skillfully lit the fireplace, and stuffed a few more sticks of wood into it.

"Huh? This wild vegetable grows really fast, all six leaves. "

She squatted in front of the breeding rack with wild vegetables, and was surprised to find that many wild vegetables had grown a sixth leaf and reached a height of five or six centimeters.

"It's only been two days since I saw it, and it has grown so fast?" Liu Yimeng was surprised.

She walked around the two breeding racks, and all the wild vegetables grew the same, looking green, which was very pleasing in the snow-white environment in winter.

"It looks like I'll be able to eat it in a few days." Wu Qingyue said to herself, no longer entangled in why wild vegetables grew so fast, thinking that it might be a problem in the cultivation room.

She pushed open the wooden door of the nursery and went out, turned around and went to the warehouse, feeding the rabbits and fawns.

The deer has grown a little longer than when it was captured, no longer the appearance of being weak and unrestrained, the wound on the leg has also been healed, and he is not afraid to see Liu Yimeng and others, and sometimes comes forward to ask for forage.

Liu Yimeng reached out and touched the deer's head, and muttered softly: "So well-behaved, I can't bear to kill you in the future." "

She returned to the shelter after feeding the hay, and the girl and Liu Yiqiu had also woken up and were brushing their teeth and washing in the toilet.

"Yun Xin, what breakfast did you make this morning?" Liu Yimeng took a toothbrush and a water cup and squeezed into the toilet I.

"There is still a little caramelized taro powder left, let's make dumplings." Yun Xin spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and said softly, and then rinsed her mouth with water.

There is not much caramelized taro powder left, only enough to make a meal of dumplings.

"Hmm~~" Liu Yimeng brushed her teeth and nodded, she hadn't eaten dumplings for a long time.

More than half an hour later, several people who were still sleeping got up one after another, and after washing, they sat around the earthen kang to help wrap the dumplings.

After Liu Yimeng brushed her teeth, she kneaded the dough, the girl was responsible for mixing the filling, and Liu Yiqiu rolled out the dumpling skin.

"Sister Qingyue, your hands are so flexible." Liu Yimeng pouted and muttered, the dumplings in her hand were still not well wrapped.

"Hee-hee, I'll teach you." Wu Qingyue chuckled.

She picked up a dumpling skin again, put the stuffing chopped from wild boar in it, then folded the dumpling skin on both sides, and then folded the edges on top of each other to form lace.

"Well, my eyes and brain will be gone, but my hands won't." Liu Yimeng smiled bitterly and said, this is the second time to make dumplings, or can't learn it.

"It's okay, it's delicious to make into buns." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose and he chuckled.

"It's really ... You don't pack it better than me. Liu Yimeng rolled her eyes angrily, looked down at the dumplings in her hand like buns, and couldn't help laughing.

"All I make is buns." Chu Feng said seriously, placing the half-fist-sized 'buns' in his hand in a clean bamboo basket.

"Sister Wei Ting is also well packed." Yun Xin praised with a smile.

Qi Weiting pursed her lips, and there was a wrapped dumpling in the palm of her hand, except for the lace that was a little crooked, the rest was much better than Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng.

Although she can cook at home on weekdays, she has not wrapped dumplings much.

"You guys go ahead and wrap it, I'll cook these first." Yun Xin carried a bamboo basket down the earthen kang, which was filled with wrapped dumplings.

The flames in the fireplace were roaring, the water in the steel pot began to boil, the girl put all the dumplings in, and after seven or eight minutes, she scooped up the spoons one by one and put them into the prepared clay pot.

After more than 20 minutes, all the remaining dumpling skins were wrapped and boiled into a large pot of dumplings.

"It's time to eat, grab the bowl and chopsticks." Yun Xin carefully carried the clay pot, which was filled with dumplings, carefully put it on the earthen kang, and placed it on the wooden table.

"Howler." Liu Yimeng rolled over and got off the earthen kang and took the bowl and chopsticks from the wooden shelf.

"It's the sauce." Liu Yiqiu carried a clay plate on the earthen kang, which contained many sauces, which were made with wild ginger.

"It's so fragrant, the ingredients are good." Wu Qingyue picked up the dumplings, dipped some sauce into her mouth and took a big bite, with a full look on her face.

Chu Feng chewed the dumplings, turned his head sideways and asked softly, "Is the caramelized taro powder running out?" "

Yun Xin's little I's mouth was full, and he responded vaguely: "Well, it's all used up." "

"I don't know where there are banana taro, or other starchy plants." Chu Feng muttered softly.

He pursed his lips, the weather is fine today, are you going to go out and find other resources? Sitting on the mountain is not his character.

Chu Feng hesitated, not long after encountering the wolf, if he went out, the girl would definitely block it.

Yun Xin swallowed the food in her mouth, turned her head sideways and whispered, "Chu Feng, let's go outside later, it's also boring to stay in the shelter all the time." "

"Huh??? Yunxin, aren't you afraid of wolves outside? Liu Yimeng asked in surprise.

The day before yesterday, the girl told Chu Feng that she couldn't go out anymore, why did she take the initiative to go out for a walk today?

"There are so many of us, we are not afraid of wolves, not to mention that we still have weapons." Yun Xin said with a smile.

"There are only five wolves left in the pack, and it will be fine if you are careful." Chu Feng said softly, the girl is really a considerate little cotton jacket.

"So where are we going?" Wu Qingyue asked enthusiastically, coming here for several days, and finally going out for the first time.

"Go to the west, there are places that have not yet been explored." Chu Feng thought for a moment and said softly.

Wolves are active around eucalyptus forests in the north, and in the other direction to the west, which is relatively safe.

"West, are you going to the hill?" Liu Yiqiu asked suspiciously, she remembered that there was a small hill, which was the direction she had landed before.

"No, we go sideways along the hill, not up the hill." Chu Feng said softly.

"Then bring plenty of food this time, just in case you have to bring your sleeping bag." Yun Xin muttered softly, put down her chopsticks and began to pack her things.

"Don't bother so much, if nothing else, you can come back before dark." Chu Feng said with a wry smile.

"No, I'm not afraid of 10,000 in case." Yun Xin said seriously, took out the bamboo basket and began to fill it with things, bacon, firewood knives, flint.......


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